  • 总经理不在,副经理只好作这一职务的临时代理人。
    he acted as a caretaker until a new president could be elected.
  • 儿童享有在健康,满爱心的环境中成长的权利一句,该句中caring被用来修饰环境而不是人
    A child has the right to grow up in a healthful, caring environment, where caring is applied to circumstances rather than to persons.
  • 现在那位妻子承认:“我妈是一个满爱心、关心体贴可又让人讨厌令人头痛的人。”
    My mother is a loving, caring, pain in the neck, the wife now admitted.
  • 同时,他沉浸于旧金山满不同文化影响和音乐风格的多姿多彩的生活之中。
    At the same time Carlos was immersed in the colorful atmosphere of SanFrancisco, with its diverse cultural influencesand musical styles.
  • 我们进行了相当分的工作
    Enough work has been carried out.
  • 在布什任内,美国斥来自麦德林犯罪组织的可卡因。在他任内,哥伦比亚和古巴新暴徒进入我们的城市盘据不去。在他任内,最可怕的毒品——快克——来到美国所有城市。自然,我们就要选他做总统。
    On Bush's watch the country was flooded with cocaine form the Medellin cartel. On his watch, the New Mob of Colombians and Cubans moved into our cities to stay. On his watch, the most terrible drug of all—crack—arrived in all American cities. Naturally, we are about to elect him president.
  • 几个月来,我翻遍种种商品目录,去过数家特色商店、百货店,询问过饰品商店,甚至在因特网上搜寻过,但到头来只是觉得小饰物,小玩艺或贺卡怎么能抵得上一位母亲满感激的心和一位老师满爱意的奉献呢?
    For months,I have combed catalogs,browsed specialty shops and department stores,inquired of novelty shops,and even searched the Internet only to realize that no bauble6 or trinket or card could measure up to the feelings of a mother's grateful heart and a teacher's loving dedication.
  • 一定要为大病办理足的保险
    Be certain that you are not underinsured against catastrophic illness.
  • 焊料可延伸、拉长的金属线,尤指焊料或粘性添
    A line of continuously-applied ductile material, such as solder or caulking compound.
  • 相互联系建立或使…发生互为因果、相互补、平行或互惠的关系
    To put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relation.
  • 没有分的理由就不要抱怨。
    Don't complain without good cause.
  • 正当地有足理由地;正当地
    With good cause; justifiably.
  • 囊胚腔囊胚中满液体的中心的洞
    The fluid-filled, central cavity of a blastula.
  • 在精力沛的年轻时代他从未停止过追求自己的梦想。
    He never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth.
  • 这本应该是满乐趣的事情,但我国传统的英语教学基本是以讲授语法和语言知识为中心。
    It should be a fun and interesting process. However, traditional Chinese English teaching is basically grammar and knowledge centered.
  • 在党章草案的总纲和第二章中,对于党的民主集中制作了比较分的规定。
    The General Programme and Chapter Two of the draft Constitution specify more detailed provisions concerning democratic centralism in the Party.
  • 必须着重地指出,党是一个战斗的组织,没有集中统一的指挥,是不可能取得任何战斗胜利的,一切发展党内民主的措施都不是为了削弱党的必需的集中,而是为了给它以强大的生气勃勃的基础,这是我们大家都分明了的。
    It must be emphasized that the Party is a militant organization. Without centralized, unified command it would be impossible to win any battles. The measures taken for the development of inner-Party democracy are not meant to weaken necessary centralization in the Party, but to supply it with a powerful and vigorous base. This is perfectly clear to every one of us.
  • 公司债券的主要缺点,是投资者只能通过可信贷程度,间接分享公司的成果,而不能像股票持有者那样,从公司的扩中获益。
    The main disadvantage of corporate bonds is that an investor only indirectly participates in the company's success, through its credit-worthiness, but other- wise will not benefit from corporate ex-pansion in the way that equity holders will has no participation in the company's suc-cess.
  • 17.对於由某州让与而由国会承受,用以当合众国政府所在地的地区(不逾十哩见方),握有对其一切事务的全部立法权;对於经州议会同意,向州政府购得,用以建筑要塞、弹药库、兵工厂、船坞和其它必要建筑物的地方,也握有同样的权力;
    Clause 17:To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--And
  • 他需要上一所对他满挑战的学校。
    He needed to go to a school that challenged him.
  • "在挑战自我之前,蹦极的人都应该做好分的准备,重复试验,并且做精确的计算。
    "Before challenging oneself, people who bungee make full preparations, repeat experiments and work out calculations."
  • 在这样一个不断发展壮大的公司,本人可以干份具有挑战性的工作,分发挥我的潜能。
    With such a growing company, I can take a challenging job to exploit my potential.
  • 我喜欢不同工作带给我的不同的周期和不同的风景。这富于变化、满挑战性,同时令我满足。
    I quite enjoy the different wavelengths and different scenes of life, which makes quite a lot of changes, which is challenging, demanding, at the same time, satisfying.
  • 心脏各室的被动有节律的膨胀或扩张,在此期间为血液所满。
    the widening of the chambers of the heart between two contractions when the chambers fill with blood.
  • 鹦鹉螺一种鹦鹉螺属头足纲软体动物,尤其是蛛蜂鹦鹉螺,发现于印度洋和太平洋上,具有螺旋形珍珠线的壳,由一系列满空气的层构成
    A cephalopod mollusk of the genus Nautilus, especially N. pompilius, found in the Indian and Pacific oceans and having a spiral, pearly-lined shell with a series of air-filled chambers.
  • 因此,在亚洲其他城市斥乱象时,这个精心策划的小桃源,是让人难以舍弃的选择。
    This is why while many Asian cities are in chaos, Singapore stands out as an irresistible land of peace for many people.
  • 在俄罗斯nld这一项目的必要的分的条件是(a)喧嚣的政治体制(b)崩溃的经济(c)多达10万人的失业的核武器技术人员,数以百吨的超量的核武器物资以及大约30000个“loosenukes”。
    The necessary and sufficient conditions for NLD in Russia were the (a) chaotic political system, (b) collapsing economy, (c) as many as 100,000 unemployed nuclear weapons technologists, hundreds of tons of excess nuclear weapons materials, and about 30,000 fairly "loose nukes."
  • 由一个未婚妇人当这小孩的监护是违反常规的。
    It is out of rule for an unmarried woman to chaperon the little child.
  • 没有母亲,查理·卓别林其量也只是维多利亚时期伦敦城里又一位穷困潦倒的儿童。
    Without her, Charlie Chaplin would have become just one more child lost in the poverty of Victorian London.
  • 他通过做家教来补他的不高的工资;布拉克用木炭来。
    He eked out his meager pay by giving private lessons; Braque eked out his collages with charcoal.
  • 装炸药填充炸药
    To charge with dynamite.
  • 满情感和旺盛的精力。
    emotionally charged and vigorously energetic.