  • 经过剪而形成的作品或艺术品
    Topiary work or art.
  • 市议会投票决定关闭中心主干线以便全面
    The city council voted to close the central artery for extensive repairs.
  • 补冠状动脉的手术。
    an operation to repair a damaged blood vessel or unblock a coronary artery.
  • 油漆粉刷饰工阿瑟·琼斯
    Arthur Jones, painter and decorator
  • 运河,沟渠人工水道或人工缮的河流,用于旅行、航运或灌溉
    An artificial waterway or artificially improved river used for travel, shipping, or irrigation.
  • 那位画家在改他的画。
    The artist was perfecting his picture.
  • 她出身于很有艺术养的家庭。
    She comes from a very artistic family.
  • 层进法在不断增强的辞力度或强度中使用的一系列陈述和方法
    A series of statements or ideas in an ascending order of rhetorical force or intensity.
  • 旅行社广告:您是否梦想过登上为众神建的宏伟庙宇的台阶?
    Have you ever dreamed of ascending the steps of great temple built to the Gods?
  • (印度教)苦行道的神圣的人。
    (Hinduism) an ascetic holy man.
  • 早先居住在高柱子顶端的基督教苦行道者。
    an early Christian ascetic who lived on top of high pillars.
  • 苦行道的伊斯兰教僧侣;因专心于包括身体活动在内的训练而闻名的僧侣成员。
    an ascetic Muslim monk; a member of an order noted for devotional exercises involving bodily movements.
  • 派信徒公元前2世纪至公元2世纪间盛行于巴勒斯坦的一个犹太教派别
    A member of an ascetic Jewish sect that existed in ancient Palestine from the second century b.c. to the second century a.d.
  • 道院中实施的禁欲主义。
    asceticism practiced in a monastery.
  • 道者的独身观念含有禁欲兴宗教热情之意。
    The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.
  • 在他呆在行所期间他真是灵化了。
    During his stay at the ashram he was spiritualized.
  • 他给我确切保证,理将于明日完工。
    He gave me a definite assurance that the repairs would be finished tomorrow.
  • 更令人吃惊是,一幅w87分解图出现在订报告的第78页上,很有可能与秘书o'leasy在1995年告诉世界的是同一个。
    And what may be even more astonishing, is that a cut-away diagram of the W-87-which may well be the same one secretary O'Leary gave the world in 1995--appears on page 78 of the Redacted Report!
  • 为鞋粘帮通过给鞋面补新皮来
    To repair(a shoe) by attaching a new upper.
  • 政府亦积极鼓励专上教育院校多开办自资副学位或以上程度的课程,供高中毕业生读,以提高香港市民的整体教育水平。
    In parallel, the Government is encouraging post-secondary institutions to provide more self-financing programmes at or above sub-degree level for senior secondary school leavers to upgrade the overall educational attainment of Hong Kong people.
  • 出席是必须的,数学是一门必
    Attendance is obligatory. Mathematics is an obligatory course.
  • 服务员:这个,他们正在尽力呢,先生。
    Attendant: Well, they are trying to repair it, sir.
  • 阿提卡希腊中东部雅典周围的一古老地区。根据古希腊传说,四个阿提卡部落由雅典国王西斯统一为一个部
    An ancient region of east-central Greece around Athens. According to Greek legend, the four Attic tribes were unified into a single state by the Athenian king Theseus.
  • 任何为了掩饰身份而饰外表的衣服。
    any attire that modifies the appearance in order to conceal the wearer's identity.
  • 变更,改变制造或导致…的特征或性质上的改变;改或改变
    To make or cause changes in the characteristics or attributes of; modify or alter.
  • 属格名词用作饰成分。
    the genitive noun is used attributively.
  • 这个名词仅作饰形容词用。
    This noun is used only attributively.
  • 了解发展的最新情况;不断的改使这本书保持先进;总是通晓最新发生的事件;知道最新的新闻。
    kept abreast of the latest developments; constant revision keeps the book au courant; always au fait on the latest events; up on the news.
  • 环保署印制了一本经订的环境监察及审核手册,提供一般指引。
    The department has published a revised Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual to provide general guidance.
  • 年内,该处辖下的斜坡维审核组协助各有关政府部门改善斜坡维工作的表现,并于一九九八年六月展开了首次的表现审核工作。
    During the year, the slope maintenance audit section assisted maintenance departments to improve their performance in discharging their slope maintenance responsibilities, and the first audit of performance commenced in June 1998.
  • 自动正故障来排除危险。
    eliminating danger by compensating automatically for a failure or malfunction.
  • 我们给你检一下汽车。
    Let us service your automobile.