  • 我十愤慨地骂了一声,在他的身边擦过,冲到院子里,匆忙中正撞着恩萧。
    I uttered an expression of disgust, and pushed past him into the yard, running against Earnshaw in my haste.
  • 他指望断承祖父留下的一大桩地产。得知一大部遗产留给了他的一个远房表亲时,他感到憎恶。
    He expects to inherit a large estate left by his grandfather. To his disgust, he learns that the bulk of the estate has been left to his distant cousin.
  • 挑剔而且容易厌烦。
    excessively fastidious and easily disgusted.
  • 这种结果,将使民众不能充认识前线官兵的艰苦奋斗与国与家的关系,而热烈地拥护和慰劳军队,实现大革命时代军民一致的优良传统,来争取抗战的最后胜利,反会增加部民众厌恶军队不愿当兵的观念。
    People may fail to realize that the arduous struggle now being conducted by the officers and men at the front is closely related to the fate of the country and their families, they may fail to carry forward the fine tradition of unity between the army and the people during the days of the Great Revolution, and they may fail to warmly support the army and show gratitude in order to encourage it to win the war of resistance in the end;moreover, some people may become disgusted with the army and be loathed to join it.
  • 这也是十令人讨厌的。
    This is very disgusting, too.
  • 她要玛丽帮她把菜肴盛到盘子里。
    She asked Mary to help her dish up the dinner.
  • 女主人把牛排给大家。
    The hostess dished out the beefsteaks.
  • 李登辉悍然抛出所谓"两国论"的裂主张,台湾当局新领导人对一个中国原则采取回避和模糊的态度,台湾裂势力图谋以各种形式把台湾从中国割出去,严重破坏了海峡两岸和平统一的前提和基矗
    Lee Teng-hui flagrantly dished out his "two states" theory in an attempt to split the country. The new leaders of the Taiwan authorities have adopted an evasive and obscure attitude to the one-China principle. Separatist forces in Taiwan are scheming to split the island province from China, in one form or another. This has seriously undermined the preconditions and foundation for peaceful reunification across the Straits.
  • 老板很高兴,一边与大家握手,一边发奖金。
    The boss is delighted, he's been dishing out bonuses and handshakes.
  • 那位教授讲课大部是向学生照搬笔记。
    Most of the professor’s lessons consisted of dishing out notes to his students.
  • 他们清洗了政党中的不忠诚子。
    They purged disloyal members from the party.
  • 必须马上肃清党内不忠子。
    The party must be purged of disloyal members at once.
  • 清除党内不忠子对我们以后工作有利。
    To purge the party of disloyal members is helpful to our following business.
  • (2)在这种大量吸收政策之下,毫无疑义应该充注意拒绝敌人和资产阶级政党派遣进来的子,拒绝不忠实的子。
    In applying the policy of recruiting intellectuals in large numbers, we must undoubtedly take great care to prevent the infiltration of those elements sent in by the enemy and the bourgeois political parties and to keep out other disloyal elements.
  • 因为他们不忠,他十伤心.
    He was/felt deeply wounded by their disloyalty.
  • 去年庄稼歉收,令人十沮丧。
    Last year’s harvest was a dismal failure.
  • 他十清楚自己如何在爱丽丝身上败得这么惨,而汤姆又是如何轻而易举便得到了她。
    He could see quite clearly how he had failed so dismally with Alice and how Tom had taken over so easily.
  • 开一个新窗户就得拆除部房顶。
    Opening a new window just must dismantle on the part of roof.
  • 这些东西的解需要一个很长的阶段。
    Russia and the US discussed the dismantling of their nuclear weapons.
  • 总部和军区、军兵种机关撤并了部业务部门,业务部门下属的局(处)和编制员额均减少了20%左右。
    By dismantling and merging subdivisions in the PLA general headquarters/departments, military area commands and services and arms, both the subordinate sections of the specialized organs and personnel were reduced by about 20%.
  • 通过压缩陆军部队规模、调整海空军部队编组、撤销部装备老旧的部队,改革后勤保障、装备管理体制和院校、训练机构体制编制,撤并军以上机关内设机构等,裁减编制员额50万。目前,全军编制人数保持在250万以内。
    The PLA was reduced to less than 2.5 million by downsizing the Army, restructuring the naval and air units, deactivating some units with outdated equipment, restructuring logistical support and equipment management systems, military academies and schools and training establishments, and dismantling and merging internal organs of the units at and above the corps level to cut a total of 500,000 persons.
  • 通过压缩陆军部队规模、调整海空军部队编组、撤销部装备老旧的部队,改革后勤保障、装备管理体制和院校、训练机构体制编制,撤并军以上机关内设机构等,裁减编制员额50万。目前,全军编制人数保持在250万以内。其中,陆军精简18.6%,海军精简11.4%,空军精简12.6%,第二炮兵精简2.9%。
    The PLA was reduced to less than 2.5 million by downsizing the Army, restructuring the naval and air units, deactivating some units with outdated equipment, restructuring logistical support and equipment management systems, military academies and schools and training establishments, and dismantling and merging internal organs of the units at and above the corps level to cut a total of 500,000 persons. Of all the services, the Army was cut by 18.6%; the Navy, 11.4%; the Air Force, 12.6%; and the Second Artillery Force, 2.9%.
  • 他们听到这个消息,惊恐万
    They listened in/with dismay to the news.
  • 他得知自己失去了工作,十伤心
    He learned to his dismay that he had lost his job
  • 他得知自己失去了工作,十伤心。
    He learns to his dismay that he have lose his job.
  • 1942年5月,当苏军一位脾气暴烈的师长得知上级委派给他一个由254名妇女新组建的战斗机飞行团,而且她们大部还不足20岁时,他沮丧地垂下双手。
    In May 1942 a gruff Soviet division commander thew up his hands in dismay when he learned that a new regiment of combat pilots assigned to him consisted of 254 women, most of them less then 20 years old.
  • 将(人体)肢解成四
    To dismember(a human body) into four parts.
  • 老师提前5钟下课了。
    The teacher dismissed the class five minutes earlier.
  • 怎么能把几百万、上千万知识子一棍子打死呢?
    How can we dismiss nearly 10 million of China's intellectuals at one stroke?
  • 要在一钟内完成大回环、变换方向、换握、脱手再握、下法和着地真不可思议。
    It is quite incredible that one could perform giant swings, changes of direction, changes of grip, release and re-grasp the bar, dismount and landing all within a minute.
  • 因为年纪过小,最终spears还是被迪士尼频道的mickeymouseclub(mcc)拒绝了,但是其中的一个制作人看中她的天及潜能,便帮她在纽约找到了一个经纪人。
    She was ultimately deemed too young for the Disney Channel's Mickey Mouse Club (MMC),but one of the producers spotted her potential and helped her get an agent in New York.
  • 于是什么“一次革命论”呀,共产主义不适合中国国情呀,共产党在中国没有存在之必要呀,八路军新四军破坏抗日、游而不击呀,陕甘宁边区是封建割据呀,共产党不听话、不统一、有阴谋、要捣乱呀,来这么一套,骗那些不知世事的人,以便时机一到,资本家们就很有理由地去拿百之四十九或五十一,而把全民族的利益一概卖给敌人。
    Hence the whole bag of tricks for deceiving those who do not know what is going on in the world around them--the "theory of a single revolution", the tales that communism does not suit the national conditions of China, that there is no need for a Communist Party in China, that the Eighth Route and the New Fourth Armies are sabotaging the anti-Japanese war and are merely moving about without fighting, that the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region is a feudal separatist regime, that the Communist Party is disobedient, dissident, intriguing and disruptive--and all for the purpose of providing the capitalists with good grounds for getting their 49 or 51 per cent and selling out the nation's interests to the enemy at the opportune moment.