| - 现在,家庭、汽车和办公室都用可以互动的智能网络相联。
Even now, homes, autos, and offices are being wired into intelligent networks that interact with one another. - 社会公益服务机构和当地医生应该加强协作。
There should be a lot more interaction between the social services and local doctors. - 电子墨水具有交互的品性,虽然eink公司吃不准人们是否会用它写字——它们主要用来接收信息。
Electronic ink will have interactive qualities, although E Ink isn't sure people will be able to write with it for a while -- they will mainly receive messages. - 一九九八年五月,金管局把香港银行同业结算有限公司的交收系统与中央结算及交收系统连接,为股票交易提供货银两讫结算服务,以减低风险及提高结算效率。
A link between Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited and the Central Clearing and Settlement System was set up in May 1998 to provide Delivery versus Payment facility for shares in order to reduce risk and improve settlement efficiency. - 当局根据督导委员会的建议,于二零零一年三月成立工作小组,成员包括金管局、证监会、香港交易所及香港银行同业结算有限公司代表,研究改善在中央结算系统下股票交易的货银两讫结算交收程序。
As part of the SCEFI initiatives, a working group comprising representatives from the HKMA, SFC, HKEx and Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited (HKICL) was set up in March to explore the feasibility of improving the delivery versus payment (DvP) arrangements for settling payments in share transactions under the Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS). - 九十年代,进一步加大查禁过境贩毒的工作力度,“堵源截流”,在各地主要交通线及机场、车站、海港、码头公开查禁毒品,形成了统一布防、分工协作,对入境毒品围追堵截的态势。
In the 1990s, the work of banning transit drug trafficking was further intensified and attention was paid to "eradicating sources of drugs and obstructing their channels of trafficking." Checking was publicly done on key lines of communication, and at airports, railway stations, sea ports and harbors, so that a situation was created in which defense was organized in a unified way and actions were coordinated with due divisions of labor and incoming drug dealers were subject to encirclement, pursuit, obstruction and interception. - 我们应该在下一个立体交叉道驶离高速公路。
We should leave the motorway at the next interchange. - *连接屯门公路和荃锦交汇处的一段五号干线;
* the section of Route 5 connecting Tuen Mun Road and the Tsuen Kam Interchange; - 九广铁路公司拟建的西铁在屯门新市镇将设有两个车站,而每个车站会有公共交通接驳设施。
The proposed West Rail by the KCRC will have two stations in Tuen Mun New Town, each with its own public transport interchange facilities. - 行走落马洲公共交通交汇处与深圳皇岗之间的穿梭巴士,自一九九七年三月投入服务以来甚受欢迎,平均每日载客7970人次。
The shuttle bus service introduced in March 1997 between the Lok Ma Chau Public Transport Interchange and Huanggang in Shenzhen is well patronised and carries 7970 passengers daily. - (计算机科学上)美国信息交换的标准代码;为了在不同公司生产的电脑之间交换信息所用的信息代码;用一串7个二进制数来表示各自特征。
(computer science) American Standard Code for Information Interchange; a code for information exchange between computers made by different companies; a string of 7 binary digits represents each character; used in most microcomputers. - 在通信技术中,一部电话设备与电话网的连接以及公共载波网的互连。参阅interface。
In communications, the connection of a piece of telephone equipment to the tele- phone network, also applies to the interconnection of common carrier networks. - 各教派联合的援助;卫理公会教派和长老会教派的派系联合。
interchurch aid; interdenominational cooperation between Methodists and Presbyterians. - 他靠内阁中一部长的力量而谋得一公职。
He obtained a government position through interest with a cabinet minister. - 我们办公室的微机与伦敦总机相联接。
Our office microcomputers interface with the mainframe computer in London. - 办公室的微机与总部的中央处理器相互联结。
The office micro interface with the mainframe in the head office. - 任何此类干涉中国内政的做法,既背离了国际社会在人口领域确立的基本原则,又违背了公认的国际法准则,都是无益于中国计划生育事业的健康发展和世界人口的稳定的。
Any such practice of interfering in China's internal affairs has not only deviated from the basic principle set up in the field of population by the international community, but it has also violated the established principles of international law, which will neither help promote a healthy development of China's family planning programme nor the stability of the world's population. - *联合国人权委员会是就世界各地发生的侵犯人权行为举行公开会议的一个主要政府间机构。
* The UN Commission on Human Rights is one of the main intergovernmental bodies that holds public meetings on human rights violations wherever they occur in the world. - 中转房屋为基于种种原因而无家可归,但又不符合资格入住永久公屋的人士提供居所。
Interim housing provides accommodation for people who are rendered homeless for one reason or another but are not eligible for permanent public housing. - 基于种种原因而无家可归的人士,如果不符合资格入住永久公屋,可获编配中转房屋。
Interim housing provides accommodation to people who are rendered homeless for one reason or another, but are not eligible for permanent public housing. - 尽管pci-x性能有大的改进,它还是定位在一项中期的技术,这三家公司开发了更长期的输入/输出总线结构,称作futurei/o。
For all its performance gains, PCI-X is being positioned as an interim technology while the three vendors develop a more long-term I/O bus architecture called Future I/O. - 工作流软件包——设计用于管理一个单位内联锁任务信息流的程序,已成为那些成本意识强的公司的必不可少的工具。
Workflow packages -- programs designed to manage the flow of information among interlocking tasks in an organization -- have become vital tools for cost-conscious corporations. - 买方同意通过此处贵公司经理的调停,按下例条件代办此案。
Buyer consent through your manager intermediation here with following alternative term. - 第三十一条公民可以与扶养人签订遗赠扶养协议。按照协议,扶养人承担该公民生养死葬的义务,享有受遗赠的权利。
Article 31 A citizen may enter into a legacy-support agreement with a person who, in accordance with the agreement, assumes the duty to support the former in his or her lifetime and attends to his or her interment after death, in return for the right to legacy. - 公民可以与集体所有制组织签订遗赠扶养协议。按照协议,集体所有制组织承担该公民生养死葬的义务,享有受遗赠的权利。
A citizen may enter into a legacy-support greement with an organization under collective ownership which, in accordance with the agreement, assumes the duty to support the former in his or her lifetime and attends to his or her interment after death, in return for the right to legacy. - 你方4日电收悉。在我公司董事长三月底回来之前,估计交涉不会有结果。
Yours 4th negotiation outlook interminable before our president return here end march. - 公共汽车停停走走,让人们上车下车,然后不紧不慢地继续它那无休止的行程。
The bus stopped and started, picked people up, let them down, and pursued its interminable course again unhurriedly. - 果园和森林交插着延伸近200公里。
The orchards and forests run intermittently for nearly 200 km. - 果园和森林交叉着延伸近200公里。
The orchards and forests run intermittently for nearly 2 0 0 km. - ——天主教自公元七世纪起几度传入中国,1840年鸦片战争后大规模传入。
-Catholicism was introduced into China intermittently in the seventh century, but it had not spread widely until after the Opium War in 1840. - 到公司实习
serve as an intern for the company - 本人在腾飞进行管理实习时,曾帮助该公司设计安装了至今还在使用的系统。
As a management intern with Tengfei. I helped design and install the system now used at Tengfei.