  • 它是这座大楼中最大的房
    It is the maximal room in this multi-storied building.
  • 在满足比赛期国际奥委会技术要求的前提下,最大限度地发挥奥运场馆的社会效益,使之与广大市民日常健身的需要相结合,并便于赛后开展文化、体育、会展、商贸、旅游、娱乐等活动。
    While meeting the technical requirements of the IOC, we will maximize the social benefits of the Olympic venues, giving full consideration to the needs of the citizens for sports and the long-term functions of venues for hosting cultural, sport, commercial, tourist, and recreational activities, as well as meetings and exhibitions.
  • 高潮;潮水潭;潮水
    The tidal maximum; tidal pools; tidal waters.
  • 但是今天早上她在外的办公室停了下来,来到马克斯韦尔的办公桌旁。
    But this morning she stayed in the outside office.She walked over near Maxwell's desk.
  • 马克斯韦尔把椅子推到墙边,在打字机和电话之劲头十足地来回跑动,就像一个舞蹈演员一样不知疲倦。
    Maxwell pushed his chair against the wall.He ran energetically from ticker tape to telephone,jumping like a dancer.
  • 我们可以另找个时来。
    We may come at another time.
  • 我可以建议另找个时吗?
    Might I suggest another time?
  • 我父亲和我只在进餐时相聚。
    My father and I only meet at meals.
  • 正常的用餐时是什么时候?
    What is normal mealtime?
  • 这段时是非常富有成果的、非常有价值的、有创造性的脑力活动时期。
    This time can be an extremely productive and can be a period of very meaningful and creative mental activity.
  • 战术上的防御手段,离开直接或接协助进攻,则毫无意义。
    Measures of tactical defence are meaningless if they are divorced from their role of giving either direct or indirect support to an offensive.
  • 其时,时一分一分地过去。
    Meanwhile the minutes kept ticking away.
  • 小时是时的一个量度单位。
    An hour is a measure of time.
  • 他量了房间的长度。
    He measured the length of the room.
  • 那钢琴家的独奏演出会时长、节目多,还加奏了两支曲子。
    The pianist gave a long and varied recital, with a couple of encores for good measure.
  • 这房的面积是20英尺乘15英尺.
    The measurements of the room are 20 feet by 15 feet.
  • 这爱管闲事的女人就用这种手段挑起他们夫妻这的不和。
    By this means the meddlesome woman cast in a bone between the wife and the husband.
  • 居中介入中的性质或状态
    The state or quality of being mediate.
  • 调解的在人或事物之充当调解人或中介的
    Acting as a mediator or an agent between persons or things.
  • 州长们的处境确实困难,他们提出解决办法错了。国会规定每一贫穷儿童,经过一段时以后,全部包括在政府免费医疗计划之下的立场是不错的。
    The governors' plight is real, their proposed solution wrong. Congress wasn't off base when it required that every poor child, over time, be covered by Medicaid.
  • 世界是一个凡, 历来如此。
    The world is a republic of the -ies, and always was.
  • 每个人都应该找时独处,理出优先顺序和静思。
    Everyone shall take time to is alone , to prioritize and meditate.
  • 每个人都应该找时独处,理出优先顺序和静思
    Everyone should take time to be alone, to prioritize and meditate.
  • 花点时把这个问题认真想一想吧。
    Spend some time meditating on the problem.
  • 那个暑假,父亲似乎也在盘算同样的事儿——他在上夜校,也想有一屋子清清静静地学习,躲开一大家子人的喧闹。
    And during that summer, my father seemded to be meditating along the same lines. He was going to night school and wanted a room to study in quietly, apart fro m his noisy family.
  • 今天当她一边沉思一边用力咬动下颚时,她告诫自己(已经不是第一次了):做事要看时地点-办公室绝不是模仿老板娘的地方。
    Today, as she munched meditatively, she was telling herself, not for the first time, that there was a time and place for everything – and that the office was definitely not the place for imitations of the boss's wife.
  • 地中海位于欧州、非洲和亚洲之
    Mediterranean lies among Europe, Africa and Asia.
  • 地中海是在欧非两洲之
    The Mediterranean is between two continents Ou Feis.
  • 地中海在欧洲和非洲之
    The Mediterranean Sea is between Europe and Africa.
  • 状态介于好与坏之
    There has to be a medium between good and bad.
  • 他在墨哈斯学院读书,在大学期,他认识了许多杰出的人士。
    He studied at Morehouse College where he met many outstanding men.
  • 今天没有别的,同大家见见面,快两年时没有见面了,应该对你们道道辛苦嘛!
    I am here to meet with you today for just one purpose. It has been nearly two years since we last met, and I should like to thank you for all your hard work.