  • 工作记忆被有限的力约束,不然可以使更多的信息保持活跃。
    Working memory is constrained by a limited capacity to keep more than a few clusters of information active.
  • 我觉得我的脚跟和衣边尤其是攻击的目标,就一面尽可有效地用火钳来挡开较大的斗士,一面又不得不大声求援,请这家里的什么人来重建和平。
    I felt my heels and coat-laps peculiar subjects of assault; and parrying off the larger combatants as effectually as I could with the poker, I was constrained to demand, aloud, assistance from some of the household in re-establishing peace.
  • 这两种证书都类似于标准的ssl证书,只是定义了两种不同的证书格式——x.509证书(如ssl中的)和wtls小型证书。wtls小型证书与x.509证书的功类似,但比x.509证书要更小且更简单,便于在资源受限的听筒环境下进行简化处理。
    Both types of certificates are like standard SSL certificates except that two different certificate formats are defined - X.509 certificates (as in SSL) and WTLS mini-certificates which are functionally similar but are smaller and simpler than X.509 to facilitate processing in a resource constrained handset environment.
  • 压缩(某人)的喉部使不呼吸。
    constrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathing.
  • 即使在美军与塔利班交战期间,布什夫妇也尽可每周到戴维营休息。他们通常周五下午抵达那里,国家安全顾问赖斯总是陪同他们前往。
    Even constricted by wartime,the First Couple managed to spend nearly every weekend at Camp David, where they usually arrive by mid-afternoon Friday, often accompanied by National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice.
  • 缩瞳药导致瞳孔缩小的药物
    A substance that causes constriction of the pupil of the eye.
  • 结网毛虫多种常有危害性、结网的毛虫之一
    Any of various usually destructive caterpillars that construct webs.
  • 第十一条 建筑构件和建筑材料的防火性必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。
    Article 11 The fire proof performance of constructional elements and construction materials must conform to the state standards or industrial standards.
  • 每位雇主都希望并需要雇员发现问题所在,并以真诚积极的态度提出改进建议。
    Every employer wants and needs employees who can spot problem areas and suggests improvements in a sincere,constructive manner.
  • 首先,就原则面而言,大家都需要一个安和乐利的政治、经济、社会环境,让大家够生儿育女、养老送终,追求生存、发展、成功。
    To begin with, every society desires a peaceful and constructive political, economic and social environment where people can survive and thrive.
  • 美国鹻保持其经济活力,中美两国鹻建立具建设性的关系,均对香港极为重要。
    The continued economic vitality of the US and a constructive relationship between our sovereign and the US are both matters of great importance to Hong Kong.
  • 我认为,执政党的所谓影子内阁,或其他的制度,是无法取代有建设性反对党的存在的,也不刺激民主的进程。
    To me, the ruling party’s so-called shadow Cabinet or other schemes, can neither replace a constructive opposition nor help the growth of democracy.
  • 譬如接受本报访问的一些人士,就很本的认为政府与人民应该认真严肃的对待这个言论"角落",演说者应该言之有物和有建设性。
    For example, some of those interviewed believe that both the government and the people should treat the Corner seriously, and that speeches made there should be substantive and constructive.
  • 昆虫的幼虫,建造身体的保护壳。
    insect larva that constructs a protective case around its body.
  • 欧洲蜘蛛,建造带可活动盖子的丝线巢。
    American spider that constructs a silk-lined nest with a hinged lid.
  • 由于技术的新阶段基本上包含了旧阶段的功,如三层客户机/服务器和cbd,所以在理论上系统的移植是可的,虽然一般说来这种移植是困难的,因为以前的产品多为专有结构。
    Because newer phases such as 3-tier client/server and CBD essentially subsume the functionality of older ones, the migration of system is theoretically possible, although typically it is difficult due to the proprietary constructs of earlier products.
  • 这一段不能分析。
    This passage won't construe.
  • 凡是享有这种特权的国家在中国的侨民,如果成为民刑诉讼的被告时,中国法庭无权裁判,只由各该国的领事或者法庭裁判。
    It meant that, if a national of any country enjoying the privilege of consular jurisdiction in China became a defendant in a lawsuit, civil or criminal, he was not to be tried by a Chinese court but by the consul of his own country.
  • 我必须同我的委托人磋商后才就这个问题给你答复。
    I will have to consult my principals before I can give you an answer on that.
  • 我得同委托人商量後才接受你的建议。
    I must consult my prinicipals before agree to your proposal.
  • 年内,教育统筹局委托顾问对计划进行检讨,以确保基金应付当前及未来的需求。
    The Education and Manpower Bureau commissioned a consultancy review on the scheme during the year to ensure that its fund could meet current and future demands.
  • 香港生产力促进局致力提供多元化的顾问服务,以提升产品和服务的增值力,从而达到促进卓越生产力的目标。
    The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) promotes productivity excellence through its diverse range of consultancy services to enhance the value-added content of products and services.
  • 我们可得请教外面的咨询公司
    We may have to use an outside firm of consultant
  • 迄今,经顾问鉴辨而不确定维修责任谁属的斜坡约有5500个。
    The consultant identified about 5 500 man-made slopes, the maintenance responsibility of which could not be assigned to any parties.
  • 据internet学会理事兼哈佛大学信息技术办公室顾问scottbradner称,美国政府也可要干预。
    The U.S. government may also intervene, said Scott Bradner, an ISOC trustee and a consultant with Harvard University's Office of Information Technology.
  • 从这个比喻中,我们可以找出新加坡政府为什么够在经济危机中获得国人信任这个问题的正确答案。(作者是中国投资咨询机构顾问)
    From the metaphor one can see why the Singapore government has succeeded in winning the people's trust amid the economic crisis. (The writer is a consultant on investment in China.)
  • willwilgus是一名安全顾问,他说,像任何一种加密系统那样,信息技术(it)经理必须鉴定ipsec的技术优势,并确定它怎样才适应其组织。
    Will Wilgus, a security consultant, says that, as with any encryption system, information technology managers must evaluate IPsec on its technical strengths and determine how well it fits into their organizations.
  • 如果你向时装行业自荐当一名管理顾问,你应该从女式时装中了解现成服装,并且够列出一些对你满意的顾客名字。
    If you're marketing yourself as a management consultant for the fashion industry, you better know your prê tà porter from your couture and be able to give the names of some satisfied customers.
  • 下周就满23岁的切尔西在春季完成国际关系硕士课程之后就将离开牛津大学。她希望够成为一名健康护理方面的商业顾问。
    Miss Clinton, who is 23 next week and will leave University College, Oxford, in the spring after completing a postgraduate course in international relations, wants to train as a business consultant specialising in the healthcare sector.
  • 成立技术协商委员委,协助竞赛委员会处理比赛过程中可出现的有关竞赛和技术方面的问题。
    A technical Consultative Committee will be set up to assist the Competition Committee in handling technical and competition matters that may arise during the tournament.
  • 我的附信可不太适合这样的咨询公司。
    My cover letter may not be so suitable for this kind of consulting companies.
  • 展览期间还将组织农业科技讲座、咨询服务、女手现场操作表演等活动。
    During the exhibition, there are also lectures on agricultural science and technique, consulting service and demonstration of skills by the women pacesetters.