  • 这事他们来准会发现。
    They are sure to find it out sometime.
  • 他的新作在下个月某个时候出版。
    His new book is coming out sometime next month.
  • 他的新作在下个月某个时候出版。
    His new book will come out sometime next month.
  • 前面提到的《松尼?波诺法案》又期限延长至作者终身及其死后70年。
    The Sonny Bono Act, as noted above, brought the term to life-of-the-author plus 70.
  • 煤迟早被煤气来代替。
    Coal will be replaced by gas sooner of later.
  • 煤迟早被煤气来代替。
    Coal will be replaced by gas sooner or later.
  • 每天这些工厂会把千百万吨的烟灰排入空气中。
    Every day these factories pour millions upon millions of tons of smoke and soot into the air.
  • 汽车一旦出厂在街上行驶,会吸进空气,排出有毒的气体,再次增加空气中的烟尘。
    Once they are out on the street, the cars will take in air and replace it with poisonous gases. Again, more smoke and soot.
  • 这种药会减轻这种炎症的痛苦。
    the medicine soothes the pain of the inflammation.
  • 速记员:先进的语音识别软件会取代法庭上的书记员及许多秘书和行政助理。
    Stenographers: Sophisticated voice-recognition software will replace court reporters and lots of secretaries and executive assistants.
  • 对于想上大学的学生来说,倘若在本该高中毕业的时候已经上了两年大学,这意味着节约了两年时间。
    For college-bound students, graduating from high school after sophomore year would mean a two-year jump.
  • 按次序排,玛丽是第四个获准加入女生联谊会的人。
    Mary is fourth in the to be admired to the sorority.
  • 我不喜欢每条新闻广播都这个世界的悲惨局面推到我面前,让我不得不接受这一事实。
    I don't like having the sorrowful state of the world shoved at me in every news broadcast.
  • 用新闻作为对某些政客的探通术。
    I would use newspapermen as a sounding board for such policies.
  • 元朗发展计划会向南伸延,发展约12公顷土地,主要用作兴建公共房屋。
    Yuen Long development will be extended southward covering an area of about 12 hectares of land mainly for public housing development.
  • 为了招揽顾客,这家酒吧它店里的啤酒杯当纪念品送人。
    To attract customer, the bar give away its stein as souvenir.
  • 这些是作为纪念礼物送给即返回美国的朋友们的。
    These are to be given to my friend as souvenir who is shortly return to the U.S.A..
  • 这张照片的每个细节都完美无缺:祖父穿着朴素的工作服,阳光从后面照射着他的白发,孩子的躯体裹在白床单里,那个黑色的金属支锅架和挂着窗户两侧墙上的那些在世界博览会上买的装饰盘烘托出了这间简朴的房间里的气氛。
    Every element of the picture was perfect: the grandfather in his plain work clothes, his white hair backlighted by sunshine, the child's form wrapped in the sheet, the atmosphere of the simple home suggested by black iron trivets and World's Fair souvenir plates on the walls flanking the window.
  • 他们那些棉籽经过挑选之后才播种。
    They picked over the cotton seeds before sowing.
  • 我们把石头捣碎,制成合适的筑路材料。
    We will pound the rocks sown into suitable road-building material.
  • 它散布了许多种子在十一个省内,发芽、长叶、开花、结果,来是会有收获的。
    In the eleven provinces it has sown many seeds which will sprout, leaf, blossom, and bear fruit, and will yield a harvest in the future.
  • 阶梯是一种投资战略。按照这种战略,投资者存款或债券的到期时间逐步均匀递增,就像梯子上的横档那样。
    Laddering is an investment strategy where investors structure their CDs or bonds to mature at regular intervals which are evenly spaced, such as rungs on a ladder.
  • 刚刚离开地球的阿斯特拉号宇宙飞船飞行三百英里进入太空。
    The spaceship Astra which left the earth a short time ago, will be travelling three hundred miles into space.
  • 来,要求宇航员从停在太空中的宇宙飞船里出来,然后再回到船上。
    In future, astronauts will be required to descent from a spaceship while it is still in space and to return to it.
  • 这次演习中,宇宙飞船紧紧地靠上宇航站的另一边,这样宇航员就可以从一个飞行器走到另一个飞行器上了。
    During this exercise, the spaceship will be locked onto the other side of the space station, so that the men can move from one vehicle to the other.
  • 在肯定“所有夫妇和个人都享有负责地自由决定其子女人数和生育间隔以及为达此目的而获得资料、教育与方法的基本人权”的同时,明确指出“夫妇和个人在行使这种权利时,应考虑他们现有的子女和来的子女的需要,以及他们对社会的责任”。
    . All couples and individuals have the basic right to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to get the information, education and means to do so; the responsibility of couples and individuals in the exercise of this right takes into account the needs of their living and future children, and their responsibilities towards the community."
  • 在肯定“所有夫妇和个人都享有负责地自由决定其子女人数和生育间隔以及为达此目的而获得资料、教育与方法的基本人权”的同时,明确指出“夫妇和个人在行使这种权利时,应考虑他们现有的子女和来的子女的需要,以及他们对社会的责任”。
    All couples and individuals have the basic right to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have the information, education and means to do so; the responsibility of couples and individuals in the exercise of this right takes into account the needs of their living and future children, and their responsibilities towards the community."
  • 市长铁锹铲进土里以表示奠基。
    the mayor inaugurally drove the spade into the ground.
  • 由大型电子邮件行销公司组成的团体,周一公布一份隐私权标准提案,并表示这份新的标准,可有效减少垃圾邮件和网络诈欺的数量。
    A group of large e-mail marketing companies proposed a detailed set of privacy standards Monday, saying the standards will cut down on the number of unwanted e-mails, or spam, that Internet users receive.
  • 每次离开医院之前,我总是先把儿子抱上床,听着他喃喃祈祷,他抱在怀里等他入睡。因为返回车站的时间还比较宽余,所以我经常在横跨泰晤士河的大桥上小想片刻,凝视着那宽阔的、奔腾不息的河流。
    After putting my little son to bed in the ward, hearing his prayers and holding him in my arms while he fell asleep, I usually had plenty of time to make my way to the station. I frequently paused on the bridge spanning the River Thames to watch the broad river flowing along on its never-ending journey to the sea.
  • 当您在oracle9i、oraclespatial和oracle9iaswireless之上进行构建时,就已经确保基于位置的服务解决方案是可伸缩的、可靠的和安全的。
    When you build on Oracle9i, Oracle Spatial, and Oracle9iAS Wireless, you have the assurance that your location-based services solution will be scalable, reliable, and secure.
  • 当汽车急驰而过时,它烂泥溅在我衣服上。
    As the car race past, it spatter mud on my clothes.