  • [纽约]州参议院的共和党人士昨天提出了他们自已的方案,去救助财务困难的纽约蓝十字/蓝盾牌[医疗保险司],以便将该州最大保险司所争取的提高保费维持在平均百分之十到百分之十五。
    State Senate Republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and hold rate hikes the state's largest insurer seeks to an average of10% to15%.
  • 按揭证券司向按揭保险司购买相等于担保额的保险,把担保涉及的风险转移至按揭保险司。
    The HKMC fully hedges the exposure of the guarantee by taking out an insurance of equal amount with a mortgage insurer.
  • 例如分析从一根头发上所提取的基因样品的基因排列足以使未来的雇主和保险司推断出此人可能得的遗传病从而对是否录用他或接受其投保持审慎或保留态度。
    The DNA from a single human hair, for example, may be sufficient to alert a prospective employer or health insurer to a person's genetic predisposition to disease.
  • 由几家保险司分担风险;由其他司估算出的保险风险的一部分作为保险对象交纳的保险费的部分偿付。
    sharing the risk by insurance companies; part or all of the insurer's risk is assumed by other companies in return for part of the premium paid by the insured.
  • [纽约]州参议院的共和党人士昨天提出了他们自已的方案,去救助财务困难的纽约蓝十字/蓝盾牌[医疗保险司],以便将该州最大保险司所争取的提高保费维持在平均百分之十到百分之十五。
    State Senate Republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and hold rate hikes the state's largest insurer seeks to an average of 10 % to 15 %.
  • 新泽西州最大汽车保险司allstate保险司说:由于政府规定太多无法营利,现从该州撤出;州长和他的幕僚说该州正被要胁提高保险费。
    The Allstate Insurance Company, New Jersey's biggest automobile insurer, says it is pulling out of the state because over-regulation makes profitable business impossible; the Governor and his aides say the state is being blackmailed for higher rates.
  • 暴动队始于永新,原是秘密的,夺取全县以后,开了。
    The insurrectionary detachments started in Yunghsin as an underground force, but they have come into the open since we captured the entire county.
  • 很遗憾,虽然包装原封不动,但短重1605斤。
    We are sorry to find that there is a shortage of 1, 605 kilos, though the packing remains intact.
  • 入口开地提供入场的方式或入口
    An opening providing a means of entrance or intake.
  • 商誉是一种无形资产,因为它不作为资产显示在司的帐目中,除非收购另一司时将它作为所付购买价格的一部分用数字来表示。
    It is an intangible asset, and so be not show as an asset in a company's account, unless it figured as part of the purchase price paid when acquiring another company.
  • 商誉是一种无形资产,因为它不作为资产显示在司的帐目中,除非收购另一司时将它作为所付购买价格的一部分用数字来表示。
    It is an intangible asset, and so is not show as an asset in a company's account, unless it figures as part of the purchase price pay when acquire another company.
  • 商誉是一种无形资产,因为它不作为资产显示在司的帐目中,除非收购另一司时将它作为所付购买价格的一部分用数字来表示
    It is an intangible asset, and so is not shown as an asset in a company 's account, unless it figures as a part of the purchase price paid when acquiring another company
  • 一个整数是两个或两个以上分数分母的倍数。
    an integer that is a common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions.
  • 这个城市将把所有的共场所对各族人民开放。
    The city will integrate all public services.
  • 你最好把你的司与我的司合并在一起。
    You'd better integrate your company with mine.
  • 一九九七年九月,教育署推行校本支援计划,发放整笔津贴给录取内地新来港儿童的营学校。
    A school-based support scheme was introduced in September 1997 to help these children integrate into the local education system.
  • 目前,各司提供的系统只能与他们自己的硬件一起工作,但他们正在努力使其设备与其他司的硬件集成在一起。
    Vendors now offer systems that work only with their hardware, but they are trying to make their equipment integrate with others' hardware.
  • 司品牌如同一个伞状形象,它可以让众多产品在其麾下受益——创出司品牌相对来说是一个新兴的凝聚司股东的途径。
    Creating a corporate brand -- an umbrella image that casts one glow over an array of products -- is a relatively new approach to integrating a company's stakeholders.
  • 通过简化系统集成和支持多种操作系统和i/o的组合之任务,i2o将能让供应商和各司信息系统部门更快、更成本有效地实现这些技术。
    And by simplifying the task of integrating systems and supporting multiple operating system and I/O combinations, I2O will enable vendors and corporate information systems departments to implement these technologies more rapidly and cost-effectively.
  • 例如,i2o应使各司更容易采纳复杂的新i/o技术,如atm、快速以太网和fibrechannel,这是通过把这些技术与已建立的网络计算环境相结合的技术和管理成本而实现的。
    For example, I2O should make it easier for corporations to adopt sophisticated new I/O technology such as ATM, fast Ethernet and Fibre Channel by bringing down the technical and management costs of integrating these technologies into an established network computing environment.
  • ·软件,如在司通信环境中用的专用交换机(pbx)应用程序,电话局环境中用的自动通话分配,以及控制通话路由和数据集成的计算机电话集成(cti)。
    ·Software such as a PBX application for the corporate communications environment;Automatic Call Distribution for the call center environment;and Computer Telephony Integration, which controls call routing and data integration.
  • 史:很多商界人士对贵司的商业信誉评价极高。
    Many business people speak highly of your commercial integrity.
  • 你打算继续为伦敦运输司工作吗?
    Do you intend to stay with London Transport?
  • 他们司的董事长每次许诺必然会遵守诺言。
    The president of their company never makes a promise without intending to keep it.
  • 很多大司在很大程度上依赖于定期向本地和远地雇员分发数据密集的材料。
    Many large corporates rely heavily on the regular distribution of data-intensive material to local and remote employees.
  • 增加税收是他们开宣称的意图。
    It's their declared intention to increase taxes.
  • 提高帐面价值对司资产的有意提高价值
    An intentional overevaluation of a corporation's assets.
  • 除非你能以正的态度对待他人,否则即无法培养出吸引入的个性,而且也无法达到明确目标,正义感的一项不可或缺的根本要素,就是“有意的诚实”。
    Unless you deal justly with others you cannot hope either to cultivate an attractive personality or to succeed in your definite major purpose.The essential component of a keen sense of justice is a dedication to intentional honesty.
  • 我们办室的微机与伦敦总计相联接。
    Our office micro inter face with the mainframe computer in London.
  • 计算机之间通讯的一种局部的网络;尤其是连接电脑和字处理器和其他电子办用具组成一个内部办系统。
    a local network for inter-computer communication; especially a network connecting computers and word processors and other electronic office equipment to create an inter-office system.
  • 推进跨行业、跨地区的资源重组和股份制改造,加强与国际著名体育司的合作与交流。
    Promote inter-industry and inter-regional reorganization of resources and the reorganization of sports enterprises into join stock companies, and strengthen the cooperation and exchange with famous international sports companies.
  • 人们坐在家里或办室里,就可以看到逼真的人物影像,处理数据和文本。
    They will interact with life? sized images of people data, and text in homes and offices.