| - 马赛耀眼的阳光从开着门的房间走来,把他们照射在光波里面。
The burning Marseilles sun, which shot into the room through the open door, covered them with a flood of light. - “我在元帅房间里的时候,他进来了。”
"He entered the marshal's apartment while I was there." - 我驱车前往汉普郡的奥尔顿,去陆军元帅蒙哥马利勋爵在艾辛顿米尔的乡间小宅探望他。
I drove to Alton in Hampshire to see Field Marshal Lord Montgomery at Isington Mill,his little country home. - 如果你只需要1万美金来实现你的明确目标,可能在很短的时间内就筹得;
If you need ten thousand dollars for your definite major purpose,you may be able to marshal it in a few days or even hours by impressing others with the quality of your enthusiasm and vision. - 夜间闪烁于沼泽地上的微弱的磷光。
a pale light sometimes seen at night over marshy ground. - 在实现数据集市之前,公司应该知道信息技术部门与用户群之间的关系。
Before implementing a data mart, a company should be aware of the relationship between its IT and user groups. - 沃尔玛的成就还标志着一个更重要的经济转变——从生产商品向提供服务的转变。1953年美国制造业的就业人数占总就业人数的比例达到最高点——35%,从此就开始逐年下降。根据劳工统计局的数字,到2010年底的未来10年间,制造业将创造130万个就业机会,而服务业创造的就业机会将高达2000万个。换一个角度看,今天在服务业中工作的人数大约是其他行业的4倍。即使在制造业中,服务在业务经营中所占的比例也越来越大。
Wal-Mart’s achievement caps a bigger economic shift -- from producing goods to providing services.Manufacturing’s share of U.S.employment peaked in 1953,at 35%.It has been declining steadily since.In the decade that will end in 2010,the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures that goods-producing industries will create 1.3 million new jobs,compared to 20 million for service industries.To look at it another way,today there are about four times as many people working in service jobs as in other kinds of jobs.And even within manufacturing,services are an increasingly large share of operations. - 起初汤姆和马莎对彼此间的关系并不很认真,但现在他俩关系已定,是一对情侣了。
At first Tom and Martha were not serious about each other, but now they are going steady. - 这个国家实行军事管制现在已有八年多的时间了。
The country has now spent more than eight years under martial law. - 你的房间出奇地整洁。
Your room is a marvel of neatness and order. - 我们感到惊讶的是,他在短时间里学会了六种语言
We marvel that he has learnt six languages in a short time - 我们感到惊讶的是,他在短时间里学会了六种语言。
We marvel that he have learn six languages in a short time. - 即使是最聪明的人也会对小孩在如此之短的时间里学会其母语的能力感到惊异。
Even the cleverest people marvel at a child's ability to learn his native languagee in such a short time. - 即使最聪明的人对孩子在如此短的时间里学会他的母语的能力也会感到惊讶。
Even the cleverest people marvel at a child 's ability to learn his native language in such a short time. - 打麻将是消磨时间的一种很棒的方法。
Playing Majiang is a marvelous way to pass the time. - (在节日中)化装游玩尤指在节日期间戴面具或化装出游
To go merrymaking in a mask or disguise especially during a festival. - 这个女人回到房间时戴面具的人快把她给吓死了。
The masked man startled the woman out of her wits when she went to her room. - 一天,我躺在按摩台上等待按摩师,房间光线阴暗,寂静无声,对父亲的思念突然涌上心头,我开始问自己:是否过于执著非要寻得父亲的一个信号不可?我发现自己的大脑处于一种高度敏锐状态,有着少有的清晰,完全可以把一长串数字加起来。
One day,while I was lying on a massage table in a dark quiet room waiting for my appointment,a wave of longing for my father swept over me,and I began to wonder if I had been too demanding in asking for a sign from him.I noticed that my mind was in a hyper acute state.I experienced an unfamiliar clarity in which I could have added long columns of figures in my head. - 掌握日语要花几年时间。
It takes years to gain a mastery of Japanese. - 她离开了房间,但她的一只脚被地席绊住了。
She left the room but caught her foot in the mat. - 蛛网膜包围脊髓或脑的精细膜,位于软脑脊膜及硬膜之间
A delicate membrane that encloses the spinal cord and brain, and lies between the pia mater and dura mater. - 家庭健康服务部辖下有50间母婴健康院及三间妇女健康中心。
The service operates through 50 Maternal and Child Health Centres and three Woman Health Centres. - 她在大学期间主修数学和物理。
She majored in maths and physics at university. - 与随机交配相比具有更多相同特征的个体之间发生的交配。
mating of individuals having more traits in common than likely in random mating. - 族外婚分属不同群体的人之间的婚姻,常由不准族内通婚的禁忌导致
The mating of persons from different groups, often as a consequence of taboos against marriage within the group. - 近亲繁殖近亲之间连续不断的交配繁殖,尤指为保存种族的优良品质而进行的
To breed by the continued mating of closely related individuals, especially to preserve desirable traits in a stock. - (婚姻法)婚姻双方婚姻期间拥有或获得的财产的分配。
(matrimonial law) the division of property owned or acquired by marriage partners during their marriage. - 要准备好可能得数月时间。
It may be a matter of months before it's ready. - 我们再一次回家时,我偷偷地把黄衬衫放在爸妈床上床单与弹簧垫间。
On our next visit home, I secretly placed the shirt between the mattress and box springs of Mom and Dad's bed. - 青春期处于儿童和成年之间的生命时期
The time of life between childhood and maturity. - 处于青春期和成熟期之间的发育时期。
in the state of development between puberty and maturity. - 当然可以,您得决定存多长时间。
Yeah, certainly.You must decide what maturity you wish again.