  • 所有的这些问题把我搞糊涂了。
    All these problems have really spun me out.
  • 予好作品的精神荣誉
    Spiritual credit granted for good works.
  • 唇枪舌剑中,让小市民听了痛快,也吐吐怨气,更提供机会那些“政治人物”打拼和曝光。
    Their battle of words and wits allow the masses to happily vent their spleen, and enable the political figures to propagate their views and win personal publicity.
  • 我接毛线,好吗?
    Show me how to splice together knitting wool, will you?
  • 在曲棍球比赛中他断了腿,他们就用他的球棒他作绑腿的木板条用,这真是需要是发明之母啊。
    They used his hockey stick as a splint when he broke his leg during the game. Talk about necessity being the mother of invention.
  • 他决定送妻子一份礼物,大大方方花点钱买件新衣服。
    He decided to give his wife a present, and really splurge on some new dress.
  • 加上第四个人,画面就弄毁了。
    The picturesque would be spoilt by admitting a fourth.
  • 下着雨你要是出去,你的帽子就会淋坏了。
    If you go out in the rain, your hat will be spoilt.
  • 班上学生讲了吸烟的危害性。
    He spoke to the class about the dangers of smoking.
  • 请带我们两块海绵蛋糕。
    Bring us two sponge cakes.
  • 用海绵孩子好好洗洗脸
    give a child's face a good sponging
  • 请给我一个汤勺。
    Please give me a spoon.
  • 服务生,请我把干净的汤匙。
    Waiter, please bring me a clean spoon.
  • 这把勺不太干净,请我换一把。
    This spoon was not properly cleaned. Bring another one, please.
  • 你想把果酱罐刮干净吗?你把勺子。
    Would you like to scrape out a jam-jar? Herds a spoon.
  • 我再你一调羹青豆虾仁好吗?
    Can I get you another spoonful of fried shrimps with green beans?
  • 第五十四条 违反本法第十九条的规定,未经当地公安机关批准,进行产生偶发性强烈噪声活动的,由公安机关根据不同情节予警告或者处以罚款。
    Article 54 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 19 of this Law and without approval of the local public security organ, conducts activities that emit sporadic strong noise shall be given a disciplinary warning or fined by the said organ in light of the seriousness of the violation.
  • 新加坡体育促进委员会属下的改善运动员支援体制小组,日前提出了在2003年成立体育学校的建议,目的就是要让有可能在体坛绽放光芒的年轻选手,获得最好的照顾和训练,在他们的运动员生涯中予扶持。
    The recent proposal to set up a sports school in 2003 by a sub-committee of the Committee on Sporting Singapore, aims to provide young and talented athletes who are likely to shine in the sporting arena, the best care, training and support.
  • 法院判定的在双方离异后一方付另一方的生活费用。
    court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after they are separated.
  • 法院判定的在父母离异后一方付抚养孩子一方的费用。
    court-ordered support paid by one spouse to the other who has custody of the children after the parents are separated.
  • 这可能是单纯的扭伤。不过我看为保险起见我们应该它透视一下。
    It could be a simple sprain. But I think to be on the safe side we ought to have it X-rayed.
  • 噢,这可能是单纯的扭伤。我看为保险起见我们应该它透视一下。
    Well, it can be simple sprain. But I think to be on the safe side we ought to have it X-Ray.
  • 他们把那工作了我, 我颇感意外.
    They sprang quite a surprise on me when they offered me that job.
  • 如果他捐一畿尼这个团体,他就指望人家他大量的特权,他是要求一本万利的。
    If he pays a guinea to that society, the will expect them to grant him considerable privileges; he's throwing a sprat to catch a whale.
  • 请给花洒些水。
    Please spray some water on the flower.
  • 喷洒用细小的水雾来(例如,植物或干燥的空气)增加水分
    To moisturize(plants or dry air, for example) with a fine spray of water.
  • 掠地飞行,跳栏飞行靠地面很近地飞行,遇物体出现则上升,如庄稼喷药
    To fly an airplane close to the ground, rising above objects as they appear, as in spraying crops.
  • 他的汽车新喷了漆。
    He sprayed his car with fresh paint.
  • 木头涂上了一层漆。
    He spread varnish on the wood.
  • 我想买些特殊的东西作为生日礼物送玛丽,但可惜没能想出买什么东西。
    I want to buy Mary something unusual for her birthday, but nothing springs to mind.
  • 她正在满地灰尘的小路上洒水。
    She is sprinkling water on the dusty path.
  • 牧师赐婴儿名字时,往它身上撒了圣水。
    Sprinklers are sprinkling water on the street each day.