  • 基层民主进一步扩大,村民自治、城市居民自治和村务开、厂务开、政务开逐步推行。
    Grass-roots democracy expanded as steps were taken to institutionalize self-government by villagers and urban residents and promote the practice of making public affairs in villages, managerial affairs in enterprises and government work increasingly transparent.
  • 美国总统办室已经成为一个机构。
    The office of us president have become institutionalized.
  • 以建立健全选拔任用和管理监督机制为重点,以科学化、民主化和制度化为目标,改革和完善干部人事制度,健全务员制度。
    In reforming and perfecting the cadre and personnel system and improving the system of public servants, we should focus on establishing a sound mechanism of selection, appointment, management and supervision, with a view to making it scientific, democratic and institutionalized.
  • 在两个或多个共机构之间。
    between two or more institutions etc.
  • 使政府或共机构社会化。
    make socialist, as of governments or institutions.
  • 处于世俗的位置;一般指共机构或建筑物。
    reduce to lay status; of institutions and buildings.
  • 二是实行医疗机构分类管理,鼓励社会办医,促进医疗机构围绕质量和效率平竞争;
    Secondly, classified regulation is to be carried out for medical institutions; social sectors are encouraged to run medical institutions; and fair competition for quality and efficiency is promoted among medical institutions.
  • 已按照指示和买方交涉,但贵司价格高于其他司,恐怕无法达成。
    Negotiating with buyer as instruct however afraid unconvincing as your price compare unfavorably faith others.
  • 公司让我给您退款。
    I have been instructed by the company to offer you a refund.
  • 一个家庭教师教王子和主。
    A private tutor instructed the prince and princess.
  • 映的电影预告、教育影片和文化影片也须送检,但无须分级。
    Film trailers, instructional films and cultural films intended for public exhibition also require censorship but do not need to be classified into any categories.
  • calcompus是纽约州的一家在线培训司,该司利用internet交付学习材料,但同时通过'net(internet的简写,译注)提供实况教学。
    CalCampus, an online training company in N.Y., uses the Internet to deliver instructional materials but combines that with live instruction given over the 'net.
  • 如果一个司的营业额利润不够,那它是无法在商场上立足的。
    No organization can stay in business if its operations are based on an insufficient margin of profit.
  • 共汽车和其他车辆通过其橡胶轮胎与地面保持绝缘,但遇到暴风雨时它们身上可能会聚集一层静电荷。
    Buses and other vehicles that are insulated from the earth by their rubber lyres may collect a static charge during a thunderstorm.
  • ibm长久以来一直是科研领域中的领先者,最近它宣布了处理器制造技术中的两项重大改进:该司已开始在构成处理器的晶体管之间用铜线代替铝线连接,它还将用硅作为这些晶体管的绝缘器。
    IBM, long a leader in the research and development area, recently announced two major changes in processor manufacturing technology: The company has begun using copper rather than aluminum wiring between the transistors that make up the processor, and it will use silicon as an insulator for those transistors.
  • 开侮辱有意地,特指开地侮辱
    To insult intentionally, especially openly.
  • 以不平的、侮辱人的方式。
    in an unfair and insulting manner.
  • 他在保险公司工作。
    He worked in insurance.
  • 千代田寿险司(日本)
    Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance Co.
  • 保险司可以给你保寿险。
    An insurance company will insure your life.
  • 你通常向哪家司投保?
    Which firm do you usually insure with?
  • 通常保险司愿意保险的事情包罗万象。
    Insurance companies are normally willing to insure anything.
  • 你更愿意向哪家司投保?
    Which company do you prefer to insure with?
  • 琼斯先生的房子向这家司保了15000美元的火险。
    Mr Jones insured house against fire for fifteen thousand dollars with the company.
  • 这家司给他的财产保了险。
    The company insured his property.
  • 这家司给他的财产保险1万英镑。
    The company insured his property for 1O,O00.
  • 琼斯先生的房子向这家司保了火险。
    Jones insured house against fire with this firm.
  • 根据你方要求,我司已将你方货物投保至国境为止(包括海关/至目的地)。
    According to your request, we have insured your shipment to the border( including customs/to the final destination).
  • 全国数千个汽车保险代理司,都将随时提供服务。
    Thousands of auto insurance agents all over the country are at the insured person's call, wherever he may travel.
  • 按照您方指示,本司已照附寄保单上的低廉保费费率,承保了您方的棉制品船货。
    Pursuant to your instructions, we have insured your shipment of cotton products, at the low rate of..., as per policy enclosed.
  • 他的保险司承认有赔偿责任,但对损害陪偿金的数额还未达成协议。
    His insurer has admitted liability but the amount of damages has not yet been agreed.
  • 他向保险司提出索赔。
    He submitted a claim to the insurer.