  • 玛格丽特的生活是完全按照时表来安排的;没有手表她就会茫然若失,不知所措。
    Margaret’s life worked to schedule; she would have been lost without her watch.
  • 但只有时能够,并且会象我所经历的那样,一定能够做到这一点。
    But only time can do that, Margaret-- and it will, as surely as it did for me.
  • 要在你的汽车和另一辆车之留出一段足够的安全距离。
    Leave a good safety margin between your car and the next.
  • 他很早动身,有充裕的时赶上火车。
    He left early and caught the train by a good margin.
  • 在这种情况下使用租用线是因为分公司与总公司之的数据需求要比远程工作人员的数据需求高得多,从而使边际成本大大降低。
    Leased lines are used in this instance as the data requirements between branch offices and the headquarters tend to be much higher than that of teleworkers, making the marginal cost substantially lower.
  • (印刷)调整词之隔使所有的行都具有整齐的空白。
    (printing) having words so spaced that lines have straight even margins.
  • 空白页;填满空白的空;空白页;宽阔的空白。
    blank pages; fill in the blank spaces; a clean page; wide white margins.
  • 两页的空白书中左右两页的空白形成的一块大空处
    The white space formed by the inner margins of two facing pages, as of a book.
  • 然而,我非常渴望知道一些关于玛格丽特和阿尔芒之的事。
    But I would have been interested to learn a little about the affair between Marguerite and Armand.
  • 但是,据记录这位巨星短暂一生的个人生活录和录像表明,玛丽莲·梦露完全是另外一种人。
    But now a remarkably different picture of Marilyn Monroe has emerged from private tape recordings and amateur film footage of the star's short life.
  • 海洋沉积物间隙水
    interstitial water of marine sediment
  • 东北偏东航海罗盘上的一个方向或点,位于正东与东北的中点,或正北以东67=30""
    The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due east and northeast, or67=30 east of due north.
  • 东南偏东航海罗盘上一指示方向或点,位于正东和东南方向的中点,或正北以东112=30""
    The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due east and southeast, or112=30 east of due north.
  • 东北偏北水手罗盘上的方向或点,正北和东北中,或正北偏东22=30?
    The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and northeast, or22=30 east of due north.
  • 西北偏北水手罗盘上的方向或点,正北和西北中,或正北偏西22=30?
    The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and northwest, or22=30 west of due north.
  • 东北水手罗盘上的方向或点,在正北与正东中,或正北偏东45度
    The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and due east, or45= east of due north.
  • 西偏北水手罗盘上的方向或点,在正北和正西中,或正北偏西45度
    The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and due west, or45= west of due north.
  • 我做了25年的婚姻问题治疗师。这期,我看到过成百上千的人因为各种不尽人意的关系而感到失望;
    During my 25 years as a marital therapist, I have seen hundreds of people disappointed over unfulfilling relationships.
  • 我们两人之形成了一种婚姻观,这种婚姻观完全不同于我们两人各自的婚姻观。”
    We make a marital point of view between the two of us that is totally different from either one of us.
  • 令人不解的是,一些极小的委屈常常会成为最能妨碍夫妻幸福的因素——诸如一些微不足道的争执和失意、几个未回的电话、胡乱摆放物品,以及意见上的某些分歧和家庭的责任等。
    Surprisingly, the smallest girevances are often the ones that interfere most with marital happiness the minor hassles and frustrations, unredturned phone calls, messes, disagreements,responsibilities.
  • 司法部从1999年起计划用三年时开展监狱人民警察基本素质教育,监狱人民警察的执法水平有了明显提高。
    In 1999, the Ministry of Justice began to carry out a three-year education program to improve the basic qualities of the prison police. As a result, their level of law enforcement has been markedly improved.
  • 一种记号(或是一张纸或是丝带)放在书页之用来标记读者读到的位置。
    a marker (a piece of paper or ribbon) placed between the pages of a book to mark the reader's place.
  • 最保守的估计是,到世纪之交(距今仅有500天的时),它将发展成为交易额达两千亿美元的市场,其中大部分是企业与企业之进行的交易。
    Even the most conservative estimates say that it will be at least a $200 billion marketplace by the turn of the century (which is only 500 days away) -- most of that volume is business to business transaction.
  • 他对自己的工作不感兴趣,干起活来只不过是在混时
    He's bored with his job, and merely marking time at it.
  • 水砣绳距标示通过测深锤上连续的标记估计出来的以英寸计量的距离
    A distance estimated in fathoms between successive marks on a sounding line.
  • 海岸(高潮线与低潮线之的地带)
    Area between high and low-water marks
  • 射击运动员的个人基本素质包括射击的精确性,平衡,注意力集中,协调,心理稳定和时感觉。
    Basic individual qualities include shooting accuracy (marksmanship), balance, concentration, coordination, good nerves and a sense of timing.
  • 该创议最近采纳了基于网站的扩展标记语言作为构造显示用cim数据的标准化手段,以及采纳了超文本传递协议在系统发送这些数据。
    The initiative recently adopted the Web-based Extensible Markup Language as a standardized means of structuring CIM data for presentation, and Hypertext Transfer Protocol for sending it from system to system.
  • 什么时间结婚?
    When are you getting married?
  • 艾丽西娅:10月9日,我住进了医院,卡洛在另一病房进行手术抽取骨髓,那时我一直在为她担心。
    Alicia: When I checked in on October 9, I couldn't help worrying about Kara, who was in another part of the hospital having surgery to remove her bone marrow.
  • 让味道在一夜之醇和
    Let the flavors marry overnight.
  • 什么时间结婚?
    When do you get marry?