  • 無將的一手牌沒有指定任何花為王牌的一手牌
    A hand played without a trump suit.
  • 叫無將牌橋牌和其它牌戲的叫牌,不提任何花當王
    A declaration to play a hand without a trump suit in bridge and other card games.
  • 墊出另一花牌張出不同於先前牌的一張合適牌(除了王牌的其他一張牌)
    To play(a card other than a trump) from a suit different from that of the card led.
  • 百合一種百合屬植物,開各,通常為喇叭狀花朵
    Any of various plants of the genus Lilium, having variously colored, often trumpet-shaped flowers.
  • 常青的木質纏繞植物,葉子大而有光澤,有香的白喇叭狀花組成的美麗的傘房花序。
    evergreen woody twiner with large glossy leaves and showy corymbs of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers.
  • 具有多種變體的水仙植物的任何一種,具有豔麗的、通常是黃的花,其花具有喇叭形狀的中央花冠。
    any of numerous varieties of Narcissus plants having showy often yellow flowers with a trumpet-shaped central crown.
  • 不要貪戀女色。
    Do not trust after a woman.
  • 大而褐的眼睛,真實而充滿了信任-諾德霍&霍爾。
    great brown eye, true and trustful- Nordhoff & Hall.
  • 我也不會等他回來共浴在熱氣騰騰的粉紅泡沫的浴缸裏。
    And I'm not awaiting his arrival in a hot tub full of pink bubbles.
  • 在黑白攝像機的單攝像管的地方,彩攝像機有三根管——一根對一種顔——它們産生的信號與每種顔的數量一致。
    In place of the single camera tube of the black and white camera, it has three tubes -- one for each of these colours -- and the signals produced by them correspond to the amount of each colour.
  • 熱帶美洲塊莖多年生植物的一個小屬,葉大,顔不同。
    small genus of tropical South American tuberous perennials with large variously colored leaves.
  • 美國西南部和墨西哥北部的長有粘質樹枝的多年生植物,具有塊狀根莖和深紅花朵。
    viscid branched perennial of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having tuberous roots and deep red flowers.
  • 墨西哥的一種有塊莖的草本植物,葉是草質的,花極香、蠟白、類似小百合花,栽培以供觀賞。
    a tuberous Mexican herb having grasslike leaves and cultivated for its spikes of highly fragrant lilylike waxy white flowers.
  • 具有塊莖的根和長的、窄的的葉子,通常具有黃的百合狀的花,其花期僅有一天。
    any of numerous perennials having tuberous roots and long narrow bladelike leaves and usually yellow lilylike flowers that bloom for only a day.
  • 墨西哥刺木,蔓仙人掌似仙人掌的樹(奧寇梯羅)生長在墨西哥及美國東南部,有管形深紅花簇
    A cactuslike tree(Fouquieria splendens) of Mexico and the southwest United States, having clusters of scarlet tubular flowers.
  • 這衹鳥的頭頂上有一小簇紅的羽毛。
    The bird has a tuft of red feathers on top of its head.
  • 北美叢生的堅硬紫菀,鬆散的白串狀花冠。
    tufted rigid North American perennial with loose clusters of white flowers.
  • 美國東部綫形叢生多年紫菀,堅硬的立莖,綫形葉片,紫大花。
    wiry tufted perennial of the eastern United States with stiff erect rough stems, linear leaves and large violet flowers.
  • 鬱金香在春天開出顔鮮亮的杯狀的花朵。
    Tulip grows large brightly-colored cup-shaped flower in spring.
  • 一種産於歐亞的鬱金香,花小,有帶有白邊的紅花被。
    Eurasian tulip with small flowers blotched at the base.
  • 飼草屬的多種鱗莖植物的任何一種,開有各的鬱金香狀的花朵,其花具有三個萼片和三個花瓣;産於北美洲西部和墨西哥。
    any of several plants of the genus Calochortus having tulip-shaped flowers with 3 sepals and 3 petals; southwestern United States and Mexico.
  • 北美大型的每年落葉木材,開大型鬱金香形略帶緑的黃花,果實呈球果狀;木質白且柔軟,可作櫥櫃用木。
    tall North American deciduous timber tree having large tulip-shaped greenish yellow flowers and conelike fruit; yields soft white woods used especially for cabinet work.
  • 從桐樹種子中榨取的一種黃的油。
    a yellow oil obtained from the seeds of the tung tree.
  • 鎢華一種黃或黃緑的礦物。主要是wo3,通常存在鎢礦石中
    A yellow or yellowish-green mineral, essentially WO3, often occurring with tungsten ores.
  • 西洋式長袍西洋樣式的這種長袍,多有一寬鬆的、有光亮彩的長及腰部或踝部的外袍
    A westernized version of this garment consisting of a loose, usually brightly colored waist-length or ankle-length tunic.
  • 其次是顔,而顔和濁度不同。
    Then there is colour, and colour is not the same as turbidity.
  • 土耳其長煙管一種有長桿和紅的黏土做的煙斗的土耳其的煙管
    A Turkish tobacco pipe with a long stem and a red clay bowl.
  • 對我來說,男的要穿翻領上衣、短褲、女的要穿短裙,不論男女,都潔白一
    For me, men wear turndown collar shirts and pants and women wear short skirts. No matter it is a man or a woman they all dress in white.
  • 王平:我來說,男的要穿翻領上衣、短褲,女的要穿短裙,不論男女,都潔白一
    Wang Ping: For me, men wear turndown dollar shirts and pants and women wear short skirts. No matter it is a man or a woman, they all dress in white.
  • 他臉色發白。
    He has turned white.
  • 樹葉在紛紛變色。
    The leaves are turning color.
  • 北美洲大西洋和海灣沿岸的灰海龜。
    gray sea turtle of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America.