  • 最后不不提一下喀拉喀托火山岛。
    Finally consider the island of Krakatoa.
  • 我也可以后再考虑考虑。
    I might well consider it later.
  • 往往需要许多时间,才达此目的。
    This often takes a considerable time.
  • 在水下潜泳很长一段距离。
    She can swim for considerable distance under water.
  • 你很体谅别人的感受。
    You are considerate of others' feelings.
  • 体谅别人的感情。
    He is considerate of other people's feelings.
  • 非常合作的病人;父母希望孩子变成体谅他人、与人合作的人。
    a helpful cooperative patient; parents hope to raise children who are considerate and helpful to others.
  • 在所考虑到的之中尺寸最大的。
    greatest in size of those under consideration.
  • 不值得被看作是可发生。
    not worth considering as a possibility.
  • 这两家公司在考虑合并的可性。
    The two companies are considering merger as a possibility.
  • 他一直在考虑他怎样完成他的任务。
    He is considering how he can complete his task continuously.
  • 我们通常只订购寄售的货物。
    We usually only order goods on consignment.
  • 请告知该批寄售货卖多少钱?
    Please advise how much we can realize on this consignment.
  • 交付的货物质量不令人满意。
    The quality of this consignment is far from being satisfactory.
  • 新到的这批货质量远不使人满意。
    The quality of the new consignment is far from being satisfactory.
  • 贵公司为我的这批货保哪些险呢?
    What kind of insurance are you able to provide for my consignment?
  • 健康与纵欲[无节制]不相容。
    Health does not consist with intemperance.
  • 一个链路群可由16条链路组成。
    A link set may consist of up to 16 links.
  • 油灰状粘性材料具有相当的坚固性或功的某种物
    A substance with a similar consistency or function.
  • 植物脂在常温下几乎保持接近固态的植物脂肪
    A vegetable fat having a nearly solid consistency at ordinary temperatures.
  • 不能自圆其说的理论
    A theory which is not internally consistent
  • 指生物体的正常机或与正常机相一致。
    of or consistent with an organism's normal functioning.
  • 多数人认为各军种的基本功应当继续保持。
    It seems to most people that those are fairly consistent functions.
  • 也符合这个方程的另一个系统可会被发现。
    Another system may be found which is also consistent with the equation.
  • 够清楚连贯的思考和表达自己。
    capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner.
  • 彼得希望通过安慰使玛丽不再伤心。
    Peter hoped that consolation could bind up Mary's broken heart.
  • 生活中,无论是我自己面临困境,还是看见他人遇到艰难,我都以此自慰;
    it has been a continual consolation in the face of life's hardships,my own and others,and an unfailing wellspring of tolerance.
  • 毕竟,天主已经赋予了她懦弱的性格,那么在她承受痛苦生活的重压的时候,为什么就不给她一点安慰呢?
    And after all why should God, who had made her weak and helpless, abandon her without consolation to struggle on beneath the oppressive burden of her life?
  • 他的爱犬死後,什麽事情也不使他宽慰.
    Nothing could console him when his pet dog died.
  • 今天获悉令堂逝世,使我为之震惊。遭此剧痛,自非言语所慰籍。
    I was shocked to learn of the death of your mother today. I have no words to console you.
  • 有工作的父母,特别是工作压力较大的父母和孩子在一起时,只靠时间的质量而不是数量来聊以自慰。
    Working parents,especially those in demanding careers, must console themselves by spending 'quality time' rather than quantity time with their children.
  • 我们不够用我们还可以马马虎虎过得去来安慰自己。我们要看到我们事业的前途。
    We should not console ourselves with the thought that we ourselves can still muddle along all right but should keep in mind the future of our cause.