  • 请你我点墨水可以吗?
    Can you spare me some ink, please?
  • 请你我点墨水可以吗?
    Could you spare me some ink, please?
  • 由于地租是支付自然要素的价格,由于在制造业活动中无需支付这种价格,这些著述家便认为,既然支付了价格,就是因为自然要素提供了较多的服务需要予报酬。然而,好好思考一下这个问题,就会看出,之所以要为使用土地付出代价,只是因为土地的数量是有限的,若空气、热力、电力、化学力及制造业所使用的其他自然力都供应量很少,并可以象土地那样被垄断和占有,则使用它们也得支付租金。
    The rent of land being a price paid for a natural agency, and no such price being paid in manufactures, these writers imagined that since a price was paid, it was because there was a greater amount of service to be paid for. whereas a better consideration of the subject would have shown that the reason why the use of land bears a price is simply the limitation of its quantity, and that if air, heat, electricity, chemical agencies, and the other powers of nature employed by manufacturers, were sparingly supplied, and could, like land, be engrossed and appropriated, a rent could he exacted for them also.
  • 能提供内燃机内火花塞以高电压的变压器。
    a transformer that supplies high voltage to spark plugs in a gasoline engine.
  • 粉饰…添加不真实的光彩
    To give a false sparkle to.
  • 祝福夫君生日快乐,你流逝的岁月增添了醉人的情意,你让平凡的事情发出耀眼的光芒,感谢你已成为我生命中特别重要的一部分。
    Happy birthday to my dear husband. You add a special happiness to days that come and go. You give an extra sparkle to the ordinary things. It's so nice to have you being a special part of my life.
  • “这很可能是他们你的那些香槟型的汽酒中的一种。”“不,这可是真货。”
    "It was probably one of those champagne-type sparkling wines they gave you." "No, it wasn't. It was the genuine article."
  • 一只麻雀缠在网/铁丝网里了。
    A sparrow became/ got entangled in the net/ wire.
  • 如果她看到一只麻雀,则她可能嫁一个穷人,但却非常快乐;
    If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy.
  • 他正给我们讲济慈。
    He was discoursing to us on Keats.
  • 比赛一开始,我们有两名队员就对方队员用冰球棍击伤了,不得不退出比赛。
    Tow of our players got speared up at the beginning of the game, and had to go off the ice.
  • 我们的客户都是经营专业产品,而不是那些大批出售批发商的产品的。
    Our client is all for speciality product, not the kind of thing to sell in bulk to wholesaler.
  • 我们做了非常明确的指示。
    He gave us very specific instructions.
  • 生乙:请你我们具体说说,好吗?
    Student B: Could you speakmore specifically?
  • 学生乙:请你我们具体说说,好吗?
    Student B: Could you speak more specifically?
  • 你能否我一份有规格说明的价目单吗?
    Can you give me a price list with specification?
  • 改革开放以来,中国一直致力于营造良好的外商投资环境,根据社会经济发展的具体情况,外商来华投资提供了一系列优惠政策。
    China has been committed to the cultivation of a favorable investment environment since the reform and opening up and in accordance with the specifics of China's social and economic development , provided foreign investors with a serious of preferential policies.
  • 伪善的人以诚实或真诚的假象;貌似有理的
    Giving a false impression of truth or authenticity; specious.
  • 一个观众把球掷还球员们。
    A spectator threw the ball back to the players.
  • 因下大雨垒球赛取消了,所以每位看球的人一张看明天球赛的免费票。
    The baseball game was canceled because of heavy rain, so every spectator was given a rain check for tomorrow's game.
  • 你们做了毕业演说? oration 指“正式演说”, 如:
    Who gave your commencement address?
  • 他要我们作关于公共卫生方面的报告。
    He's going to give us a lecture on public hygiene.
  • 她眉头一皱了他一个暗示。
    Her frown gave him a speechless message.
  • 那警察我讲了一大顿注意车速的道理之後才让我走.
    The policeman let me off with a lecture about speeding.
  • 警察我一张超速驾驶的罚单。
    The policeman gave me a ticket for speeding.
  • 可怜的孩子把我想他吃下的每样东西全吐了。
    The poor child has spewed up everything I tried to give him.
  • 蛋糕多加点香料。
    Please add more spices to the cake.
  • 该事实那一则故事添加了趣味。
    The fact gave spice to the story.
  • 本质上,xml的前途不在于它web页面增加趣味的潜力,而在于它能有助于以这样一种方法对文档和数据进行结构化处理,从而使它们能在部门、客户和供应商之间进行交换。
    In essence, XML's promise lies not in its potential to spice up Web pages, but in its capability to help structure both documents and data in such a way that they can be exchanged among departments, customers and suppliers.
  • 他想骑那匹马,让马重重摔了下来
    He had a bad spill trying to ride that horse
  • 他想骑那匹马,让马重重摔了下来。
    He have a bad spill trying to ride that horse.
  • 这是一个秘密,不要泄露任何人。
    This is a secret, Don't spill the beans to anybody.