  • 她将全身擦上肥皂,后进入热水浴盆。
    She soaped herself down and then got into the hot bath.
  • 喏,伸出你的手,闭上你的眼睛。后想像我们将来的价格会上升飞涨!
    Now then hold out your hand and close your eyes. and imagine our future price rising...soaring!
  • 近几十年,尽管人们的生活有了惊人的改变,但必须承认,由于学费和书费日益飞涨,资金短缺仍是学生们面临的最大问题之一。
    Although people’s lives have been dramatically changed over the last decades, it must be admitted that, shortage of funds is still the one of the biggest questions that students nowadays have to face because that tuition fees and prices of books are soaring by the day.
  • 那个叫花子先给我们讲了一个长而催人泪下的故事,后向我们讨钱。
    The beggar told us a long sob story before she asked for money.
  • 间她开始哽咽起来,尽量地克制着,好象哭泣是不光彩的。
    Now suddenly she began to sob, holding herself in as if weeping were a disgrace.
  • 谁知他在听完她的恳求以后,用一种矜持的眼神盯着她看了一会,后说:“那自是极其重要的,值得‘你’为其倾尽全力,但它却不是‘我’所关心的。”
    But after listening to her plea, he gazed at her soberly for a moment,then said, "That certainly is a vital concern, worthy of all your passion.But it is not my concern."
  • 中国政府清醒地认识到,中国人口与发展的矛盾依尖锐,面临诸多困难和挑战:人口数量将在较长时期内继续增长,预计未来十几年每年平均净增1000万人以上,给经济、社会、资源、环境和可持续发展带来巨大压力;
    The Chinese Government soberly understands that the contradiction between population and development in China has remained sharp, and that there still exist many difficulties and challenges: the population growth will continue for a prolonged period of time, with an annual net increase of over 10 million in the next decade or so, which will exert great pressure on economy, society, resources, environment and the sustained development as a whole;
  • 社会主义的资产者愿意要现代社会的生存条件,但是不要由这些条件必产生的斗争和危险。
    The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom.
  • 而,随着你在这个世界上慢慢地成长,逐渐融入社会生活,你可能就开始相信有种种极限妨碍你,使你不能达到精神、情感和思想上的最高层次。
    As you grew and became socialized in this world,however,you might have come to believe that there are boundaries that prevent you from reaching the highest levels of spiritual,emotional,or mental evolution.
  • 要照顾婴儿,自拴住了她,使她不能像以前那样积极参加社会活动。
    The care of the baby naturally tied her down so that she was not so active socially as before.
  • 自然科学与社会
    natural science and society
  • "而对991名家长进行的调查结果表明,几乎所有的美国人都这样做,不论他们的种族、年龄或社会经济地位如何。
    But nearly all Americans do,no matter their ethnicity,age,or socioeconomic group,the study of 991 parents concludes.
  • 对于去年下半年销售额下降了6%的厨房小用具行业来说,这些新发明也许是件好事。而,除此以外,从社会学家到汽车销售,几乎所有人都认为这个主意很糟糕。
    But while the new gizmos may be a bright spot for the struggling small-kitchen-appliance industry, which saw sales fall 6% in the second half of last year, everyone from sociologists to car detailers say they're a bad idea.
  • 美国密西西比州立大学的社会学家指出,六月是青少年初尝禁果的高峰期。这样的结果是出于偶的夏日冲动或者稳定的恋爱关系。而对于许多较严肃看待恋爱关系的青少年来说,他们更愿意在十二月尝试他们的"第一次"。
    While June is the most common month for teen-agers to have sex for the first time -- be it in a casual summer fling or steady relationship -- sociologists from Mississippi State University say many teen-agers who are dating seriously choose December as the time to have sex for the first time.
  • 老师要他加把劲儿, 不考试准不及格.
    His teachers told him to pull his socks up, or he'd undoubtedly fail his exam.
  • 把袜子配成双,后放到抽屉里。
    Pair the socks and put them in the drawer.
  • 来自溪流的天纯净水,通常区别于苏打水。
    pure natural water from a stream or brook; often distinguished from soda water.
  • 为了使他消气,詹姆斯给她送了一束花,后才去请她原谅。
    James sent a bunch of flowers to soften her up before asking her pardon.
  • 你进去先用好话软化父亲,后,我再去向他要钱。
    You go in and soften father up , and then I will ask him for the money.
  • 外围方面,虽形势非我们所能控制,但最近美元利息有下降趋势,美元币值有回软迹象,而部分对冲基金也出现了财务困难。
    As far as the external environment is concerned, although we cannot control global trends, the signs are that US interest rates are on a downward trend and the US currency is softening. Some global hedge funds are also facing financial difficulties.
  • 外围方面,虽形势非我们能够控制,未来变化难料,但最近美元利息有下降趋势,美元币值也有回软迹象,同时最近对冲基金出现财务困难,进一步促使全球各国纷纷要求加强监管这类基金和建立新的国际金融秩序,这也会对稳定香港金融市场产生正面的作用。
    As far as the external environment is concerned, although we cannot control global trends, nor predict the changes that may occur in the future, the signs are that US interest rates are on a downward trend and the US dollar is softening. The financial difficulties now being faced by global hedge funds have led to increased calls from the international community to impose tighter controls over the use of such funds and to establish a new international financial order. This development will have a positive effect on the stability of Hong Kong's financial markets.
  • 后,他轻轻地呼唤道:
    Then he called softly:
  • 老师轻轻地清了清嗓子后开始上课。
    The teacher softly cleared her throat and began her class.
  • 我们从他窗前走过时,仍象平时那样放轻了脚步。
    When we passed his window, we stepped softly as usual.
  • 每个人都只在这世界上作短暂的逗留,究竟为了什么却并不知道,虽偶尔觉得自己意识到这个问题。
    Each of us is here for a brief sojourn:for what purpose he knows not,though he sometimes thinks he senses it.
  • 中国青年人的现状不容乐观,但诚如陈独秀所言,“青年之于社会,犹新鲜活泼细胞之在人身。”
    While we have reason not to be too optimistic about the young, we can seek solace in well-known scholar Chen Duxiu's writing that "to society, the young are like fresh new cells to the human body."
  • 他平常虽显得严肃,但那次看戏时笑得比谁都多。
    Though usually solemn he outlaughed all the others at the play.
  • 七个唱名之一固定唱法表示c音或在自音阶唱法中表示do,的音节
    A syllable representing the tone C, otherwise represented by do, in the French system of solmization.
  • 关于外斯帕显他却说:“外斯帕显是唯一因为有了权力而人格增进的皇帝”——虽前一句话是关于统治底能力的,而后一句是关于仪容及感情的。
    solus imperantium Vespasianus mutatus in melius. Though the one was meant of sufficiency, the other of manners, and affection.
  • 现在各行各业都在建立自己的经常工作,当还是在党委领导下进行,党委不支持就搞不成,但你们管你们这一行,该解决的事情就解决。
    Now people in all trades and professions are routinizing their day-to-day work. Of course, they are acting under the leadership of the Party committees. They will accomplish nothing without the support of the Party committees. As you are in charge of women's affairs, you should solve all problems that must be solved.
  • 我突想起一个解决这个问题的办法。
    I've struck on a plan for solving the problem.
  • 我突想起一个解决这个问题的方法。
    I have struck on a plan for solving the problems.