  • 正在这时门打开了,猫跳了去,狗在后面追着。
    Just then the door opened and the cat whipped out, with the dog chasing it.
  • 保罗仍然在追求珀尔。难道他看不她并没有把他放在心上?
    Paul is still chasing after Pearl. Can't he see that she doesn't care for him?
  • 希望社会的价值观到那时候已经有所改变,再也没有人会感叹全职运动员或音乐家,为了实现他们的理想而作了太大的牺牲。
    Hopefully, by then no one would think sportsmen or musicians as making too big a sacrifice in chasing their dreams.
  • 这个巨大的地穴是由地下水通过岩石裂痕所冲的一条隧道而形成的。
    This immense chasm has been formed by an underground stream which has tunnelled a course through a flaw in the rocks.
  • 它修长的折式车篷和两种色调的内部装饰下,隐藏着是一个可对驾驶做灵敏反应的底盘,其中融合了一个完全独立的悬架和齿条齿轮式转向装置,它们可应付起伏不平的路面和高速公路转弯的各种情况。
    Its longish hood and two-tone interior cloak a responsive chassis that incorporates a fully independent suspension and rack-and-pinion steering, tuned to handle everything from rough pavement to highway curves.
  • 贞操是从丰富的爱情中生来的财富。《飞鸟集》-泰戈尔
    Chastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love. "Stray Bird"-Ranbindranath Tagore
  • 读者听其闲谈两小时,如与人一夕畅谈,谈后卷被而卧,明日起来,仍旧办公抄账,做校长通告,自觉精神百倍,昨晚谈话滋味犹在齿颊间。
    The readers listen to their chats, which last just about two hours. It is like having a good evening chat, and after that the reader goes to bed, and next morning when he gets up to attend to his duties as a bank clerk or accountant or a school principal posting notices to the students, he feels that the flavor of last night's chat still lingers around his cheeks.
  • 尽管在投资网络市场中赚大钱的公司已经很多,但往往还是一些小公司。如足风头的雅虎(yahoo)就是一例。
    Although there are many companies which made huge profits investing in the Internet market, they tend to be small companies,like Yahoo, which has been basking in the limelight for quite some time.
  • 尽管在投资网络市场中赚大钱的公司已经很多,但往往还是一些小公司。如足风头的雅虎(yahoo)就是一例。
    Although there are many companies which made huge profits investing in the Internet market, they tend to be small companies, like Yahoo, which has been basking in the limelight for quite some time.
  •  因此之故,网景、英特尔、思科、雅虎等类拔萃的公司里,包括秘书等后勤职工在内的许多雇员成了网络公司的股东,往往还在二十几、三十几岁时便一夜致富而身家百万。
    Those that have become high flyers, such as Netscape, Intel, Cisco and Yahoo, have turned many of their employees, including support staff like secretaries, into dot.com millionaires overnight, often at the relatively young age of 20s or 30s.
  • 口齿不清地说;猴子。
    chatter inarticulately; of monkeys.
  • 埋怨口怨言;喋喋不休
    To talk idly; chatter.
  • 鸟等发啁啾声或啾鸣
    To twitter or chatter, as a bird.
  • 但是我认为在呼啸山庄里,厨房是被迫撤退到另一个角落里去了;至少我辨别在顶里面有喋喋的说话声和厨房用具的磕碰声;
    but I believe at Wuthering Heights the kitchen is forced to retreat altogether into another quarter: at least I distinguished a chatter of tongues, and a clatter of culinary utensils, deep within;
  • 喋喋不休地发噪音。
    make noise as if chattering away.
  • 上酒吧的人如果有兴趣交谈的话,会用非言语方式表现来。
    Pub-goers will indicate in unspoken ways if they are interested in chatting.
  • 莱昂内尔很会与陌生姑娘搭讪,并邀她们一起外
    Lionel is very good at chatting up strange girls and getting them go out with him.
  • 克劳德很会与陌生姑娘闲聊亲近,并邀他们一起外
    Claud is very good at chatting up strange girls and getting then to go out with him.
  • 有几次,她试着和他闲聊,不提编织的事,然后未经检查就把编织的东西带了来。
    A few times, she tested him by being chatty, say nothing about the knitting, and then passing the knitting through without inspection.
  • 第一种意见是,这会导致华文(与其他种族)沙文主义的现(或复活)。
    The first is the concern that this may lead to the emergence (or re-emergence) of Chinese (or any ethnic) chauvinism.
  • 我们应该制定一些步骤与条件,确保提倡族群语言及培养文化精英不会导致种族沙文主义的现。
    Measures and conditions need to be set to ensure that the promotion of an ethnic language and cultivation of a cultural elite do not lead to ethnic chauvinism.
  • 为防止和杜绝意识形态领域的大民族主义和不平等现象的现,中国政府有关部门、机构专门就严禁在新闻版和文艺作品中现损害民族团结内容等事项作了规定。
    Besides, to prevent and eliminate big-ethnic-group chauvinism and inequality in the ideological field, the relevant departments and organs of the Chinese government have worked out special provisions to strictly prohibit contents damaging ethnic unity in the media, publications, and literary and art works.
  • 华文沙文主义者却很不一样,他对中华文化的一切表现狂热,坚信它是最优越的文化;
    A Chinese chauvinist, on the other hand, is someone who is frenzied about everything Chinese, believing it to be superior to all other cultures.
  • 对于学者们表示高兴看到会场没有人提具沙文色彩的问题,郭教授随意地在他面前的一叠字条上轻轻地敲了几下,并坦率地承认沙文主义的观点还是有的,只是被他“过滤”了。
    Contrary to the expert panelists' praises of a lack of chauvinistic views at the forum, he pointed out unreservedly that there were such views, but they had been "filtered" out.
  • 这个便宜闹钟刺耳地发滴答声。
    the cheap clock ticked stridently.
  • 小贩廉价出售货物。
    The peddler sold his wares cheap.
  • 身居要职却做的有损威信的错误行为
    Misconduct that cheapened a high office.
  • 以低于其它竞争者的价格售。
    sell cheaper than one's competition.
  • 到目前为止,关于安然公司的破产拍卖会已经举办了三场。这是在拍卖会上卖的第三个"e",被称为"弯曲的e"。同时它也是售价最低的一个。
    It is the third Enron logo sign, dubbed the "crooked E," to sell at Enron's three post-bankruptcy auctions, and by far the cheapest.
  • 这家公司廉价售略好一些的次品,但将大多数次品丢弃。
    The factory sells some of its better rejects cheaply, but it throws most of the rejects away.
  • 那花瓶因釉面有残已廉价售
    The vase was sold cheaply because of a fault in the glaze.
  • 那花瓶因釉面有残已廉价售
    The vase is sold cheaply because of a fault in the glaze.