| - 就在我转身的一瞬间,一切都陷入毁灭之境。
The moment my back is turned everything goes to rack and manger. - 我正在找在曼哈顿有房间能出租给我的人,从7月10日起租用十天。
I am looking for someone who has a room to rent in Manhattan for ten days, starting on the 10th of July. - 我正在找在曼哈顿有房间能出租给我的人,从7月10日起租用十天。
I am looking for someone who have a room to rent in Manhattan for ten days, starting on the 10th of July. - 空间站的物品清单中可以看出,佩吉为她的太空之行一共准备了40顿"虾餐"。
A quick check of the station's manifest showed that Whitson had planned more than 40 shrimp meals for her stay. - 拉欣认为这显示了母子之间神圣而原始的感情联系。
Rahim sees this as a manifestation of the Divine and primordial connection between mother and son. - 染色体交叉在减数分裂过程中成对的染色体之间的接触点产生一种交叉形状的构造,代表着基因互相交换的细胞表现形式
The point of contact between paired chromatids during meiosis, resulting in a cross-shaped configuration and representing the cytological manifestation of crossing over. - 我们高兴地看到,1996年11月,江泽民主席与克林顿总统在菲律宾马尼拉亚太经合组织非正式首脑会议期间举行会晤,就发展全面、健康、稳定的中美关系达成了广泛的共识。
We are happy to note that, when they met on the sideline of the summit meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) forum last November in Manila, the Philippines, Chinese President Jiang Zemin and US President Bill Clinton reached a wide range of consensus on the comprehensive, healthy and stable development in bilateral ties. - 在1995年间,语音识别和输入及管理声音和数据的功能也取得了大的发展。
Speech recognition and the capability to input and manipulate voice and data also have been big advancements during 1995. - 现在,这些类型的代理在几种internet协议中已可运行,用于对各种internet资源的直接和间接定位、管理、监视和传输。
Agents of such stripes are now operational for both direct and indirect location, manipulation, monitoring and transmission of a variety of Internet resources within several Internet protocols. - 外层空间属于全人类,应完全用于和平目的,造福于人类。
Outer space belongs to all mankind, and should be used exclusively for peaceful purposes to benefit mankind. - 和平利用外层空间,促进人类文明和社会发展,造福全人类;
to utilize outer space for peaceful purposes, promote mankind's civilization and social progress, and benefit the whole of mankind; - --建立中国的载人航天体系,开展一定规模的载人空间科学研究和技术试验。
- To establish China's own manned spaceflight system and carry out manned spaceflight scientific research and technological experiments on a certain scale; - 建立中国的载人航天体系,开展一定规模的载人空间科学研究和技术试验。
To establish China's own manned spaceflight system and carry out manned spaceflight scientific research and technological experiments on a certain scale; and - 在新闻及广播中心运作期间,政府新闻处在该中心设有一个询问处,全日24小时不停服务,处理超过9000宗查询。
ISD manned a central enquiries desk on an around the clock basis throughout the PBC's operating period and handled some 9 000 enquiries. - 在遥感卫星研制及其应用、通信卫星研制及其应用、载人飞船试验以及空间微重力实验等方面均取得重大成果。
Significant achievements have also been gained in the development and application of remote-sensing satellites and telecommunications satellites, and in manned spacecraft testing and space micro-gravity experiments,and so on. - 五角大楼设计的这种空间飞行器的版本,预计在2010年前后首次演示,军方希望到2014年能够拥有可操纵的无人驾驶飞行器。
The first demonstration of the Pen tagon's version of this space plane is expected to occur around the end of the decade,and by 2014 the military hopes to have an operational,un-manned vehicle. - 据国际间所协定,南中国海一带45万平方公里水域范围内的一切海上搜救行动,均由海事处负责协调。
The responsibility of co-ordinating all maritime search and rescue operations within a sea area of 450 000 square kilometres of the South China Sea, as agreed internationally, is undertaken by the Marine Department, whose Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre is manned 24hours a day by professionally-trained staff. - 我是752房间的杰克·曼宁。
This is Jack Manning in Room 752. - 处在四面或三面被敌包围的中间,要建立长期支持的根据地,山地当然是最好的条件,但主要是须有游击队回旋的余地,即广大地区。
In places surrounded by the enemy on all sides, or on three sides, the mountainous regions naturally offer the best conditions for setting up base areas which can hold out for a long time, but the main thing is that there must be enough room for the guerrillas to manoeuvre, namely, the areas have to be extensive. - 复折式屋顶顶层间由复折式屋顶中下面一层形成的顶层间
The upper story formed by the lower slope of a mansard roof. - 定期生产一定时间内生产或制造(某物)
To produce or manufacture(something) during a certain time. - 大部分的当代书籍给人的印象是:是刚从前一天阅读过的书籍里以一天时间赶制出来的。
Most contemporary books give the impression of having been manufactured in a day, out of books read the day before. - 有一段时间,锄草和追肥有所忽略。
For a time weeding and manuring were neglected. - 他把时间安排得很好。
He mapped out his time very well. - 变换一个空间与另一个空间或自身的一一对应
A mapping of one space onto another or onto itself. - 运动员们跑马拉松时教练记下了他们每跑一千米所用的时间。
The coach clocked his men for each one thousand metres while they ran Marathon. - 那位队长在今年的马拉松赛跑中大部分时间领先。
The captain set the pace for most of the course in this year's marathon. - 马可的画都存放在别墅的一间空屋子里。
Marcel 's paintings had been stored in the spare room of the villa. - 科学的前进;时间的前进。
the march of science; the march of time. - 时间的推移
The march of time. - 《考克斯报告》还把中国东方红三号卫星使用的由中国空间技术研究院自行研制的控制处理器,说成是玛特拉-玛可尼公司制造的。
The Cox Report also claims that the American company Matra Marconi Space produced the control processor on the Dongfanghong-III Satellite, developed independently by the Chinese Academy of Space Technology. - 心脏停止跳动不得超过四分钟——只有很少时间来修补心脏的毛病。
The heart could mot be taken out of action for mare than four minutes-very little time to repair a heart defect.