  • 欧洲的一种生命力很强的、落叶的乔木状灌木,通常沿路边生长;红的浆果可变成黑
    vigorous deciduous European treelike shrub common along waysides; red berries turn black.
  • 美国太平洋沿岸的一种观赏性常绿乔木状灌木,花大、白,果实红、类似浆果常归入石楠属。
    ornamental evergreen treelike shrub of United States Pacific coast having large white flowers and red berrylike fruits; often placed in genus Photinia.
  • 低级花梅花中的一张扑克牌(其上有一个或多个三叶型符号)。
    a playing card in the minor suit of clubs (having one or more black trefoils on it).
  • 施罗德在他的个人网页上说,"接着我们就守在电视机前开球赛了,就可以进入角了。作为球迷,我们会非常激动,并且忠心祝他们好运。
    "Then we will get into the mood in front of television. We'll tremble and cross our fingers," he said on his Internet site.
  • 施罗德在他的个人网页上说,"接着我们就守在电视机前开球赛了,就可以进入角了。作为球迷,我们会非常激动,并且忠心祝他们好运。
    "Then we will get into the mood in front of television. We'll tremble and cross our fingers," he said on his Internet site.
  • 珍妮站在他面前,脸苍白,略微有些颤动,一言不发。
    Jennie stood before him, pale, trembling a little, and silent.
  • 马丁自从有了那位紧随其后与他竞争的新助手之后,工作有了很大的起
    Martin's work has improved tremendously since he's has that new assistant treading on his heels.
  • 现在所有的美国妇女中有一半在染发,而其中40%的妇女选择最浅的颜
    Today, half of all American women color their hair with 40 percent of them opting for the lightest tresses.
  • 产于切萨皮克海湾的淡水龟,下面的壳上有红的斑点。
    freshwater turtle of Chesapeake bay tributaries having red markings on the lower shell.
  • 具有正常色觉的人
    A person who has trichromatic vision.
  • 堇任一种耐寒苣苔属或堇菜属的植物,尤指三堇或它的杂交种,有带各种颜的柔软花瓣的花
    Any of various plants of the genera Achimenes or Viola, especially V. tricolor or its hybrids, having flowers with velvety petals of various colors.
  • 他不十分出,却是个勤勤恳恳的人.
    He's not very good but he's a real trier.
  • 他不十分出,却是个勤勤恳恳的人.
    He's not very good but he's a real trier.
  • 欧洲产的一种矮生金雀花,叶具有三小叶,花带黄白
    low European broom having trifoliate leaves and yellowish-white flowers.
  • 睡菜一种一年生草本植物(睡菜睡菜属),原产于北半球,有三小叶复叶和白、粉红、紫花束
    A perennial herb(Menyanthes trifoliata) native to the Northern Hemisphere and having trifoliate leaves and clusters of white, pink, or purplish flowers.
  • 刺桐属各种灌木或灌木状乔木的任意一种,三叶叶片,猩红至珊瑚红的花成总状花序,结黑种子,;是一种观赏植物。
    any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds; cultivated as an ornamental.
  • 欧洲草,黄绿花类似并和延龄草关系密切;被认为有毒。
    European herb with yelow-green flowers resembling and closely related to the trilliums; reputed to be poisonous.
  • 中国种每年落叶灌木或小型树种,三裂片树叶,粉红到白花冠。
    deciduous Chinese shrub or small tree with often trilobed leaves grown for its pink-white flowers.
  • 氰铁酸盐任何用来制作蓝颜料的含有负三价铁原子团fe(cn)6的各种盐类
    Any of various salts containing the negative trivalent radical Fe(CN)6 and used in making blue pigments.
  • 氰铁酸盐任何用来制作蓝颜料的含有负三价铁原子团fe(cn)6的各种盐类
    Any of various salts containing the negative trivalent radical Fe(CN)6 and used in making blue pigments.
  • 经过数十年的发展建设和不断改革,中国军队在继承优良传统的基础上,形成了具有自身特的、比较完善的部队训练和院校教育体系。
    Through decades of development and continuous reforms and carrying forward its good traditions, a unique and relatively complete system of troop training and institutional education has taken shape.
  • 经过数十年的发展建设和不断改革,中国军队在继承优良传统的基础上,形成了具有自身特的、比较完善的部队训练和院校教育体系。
    Through decades of development and continuous reforms and carrying forward its good traditions, a unique and relatively complete system of troop training and institutional education has taken shape.
  • 这些热带花卉颜很艳丽。
    These tropical flowers have bright colors.
  • 主要为绿的美洲热带鹦鹉。
    mainly green tropical American parrots.
  • 东半球热带小鸟,颜艳丽,喙宽短。
    small birds of the Old World tropics having bright plumage and short wide bills.
  • 肯德尔的脸上露出了难
    Kendal's face was troubled.
  • 肯德尔的脸上露出了难
    Kendal's face was troubled.
  • 布制的裤子用这种布做的裤子
    Trousers made of this cloth.
  • 他穿着一条黑裤子。
    He was dressed in a pair of black trousers.
  • 一条小鳟鱼咬了钩,我抓住它,好让我的客户看清鱼身上桔斑点周围的蓝圈儿。
    A little brook trout took the fly, and I held it so my client could see the blue rings around the bright? orange spots.
  • 升起一块白的布表示投降或要求停战。
    a piece of white cloth that is hoisted to signal surrender or to ask for a truce.
  • 这张照片没有真实地反映出花园的丰富彩.
    The photograph does not do full justice to (ie does not truly reproduce) the rich colours of the gardens.