  • 我问妈妈我是否出去,她答应了。
    I asked my mother if I could go out, and she consented.
  • 你们不强迫他同意。
    You can't obtain his consent by force.
  • 很可能他不会同意。
    It is very likely that he will not consent.
  • 这样一种错误可导致灾难性的后果。
    Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences.
  • 他的工作人员提醒他可会出现的结果。
    His staff warn him of the possible consequence.
  • 由于中国政治经济的不平衡,以及由此而生的革命发展的不平衡,增大了这种破裂的可性。
    Their possibility is increased by China's uneven political and economic development, and the consequent uneven development of the revolution.
  • 党内许多干部对于策略问题上的片面观点和由此而来的过左过右的摇摆,必须使他们从历史上和目前党的政策的变化和发展,作全面的统一的了解,方克服。
    To correct the lop-sided views of many Party cadres on the question of tactics and their consequent vacillations between "Left" and Right, we must help them to acquire an all-round and integrated understanding of the changes and developments in the Party's policy, past and present.
  • 所谓自己的力量太弱,有军事、政治、经济、文化各方面表现的弱点,但是主要的是因为占全国人口百分之九十的工农劳动群众还没有动员起来,所以表现了弱,所以不完成反帝反封建的任务。
    In saying that our own forces have been too weak, we mean weak in the military, political, economic and cultural fields;but our weaknesses and our consequent failure to fulfil the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal task are chiefly due to the fact that the labouring people, the workers and peasants, constituting 90 per cent of the population, have not yet been mobilized.
  • 因此,只有经济力负担得起及受过教育的人,才编制一个宗谱。
    Consequently, only those with financial resources and education could sustain such a venture.
  • 这种货物供应不足,因此下周市场行情可看涨。
    The goods are in short supply, consequently the market will probably rise next week.
  • 这种货物供应不足,因此下周市场行情可看涨。
    The goods is in short supply, consequently the market will probably rise next week.
  • 因此,就知识的总体说来,无论何种知识都是不离开直接经验的。
    Consequently, considered as a whole, knowledge of any kind is inseparable from direct experience.
  • 因此独立评审委员会了解的也只是中方故障调查阶段性的结果。
    Consequently, what the IRC learned was only the periodical result of the failure investigation made by the Chinese side.
  •  (三)国家重点扶持的源、交通、水利等基础设施用地;
    3. Land for building energy, communications and water conservancy and other infrastructure projects supported by the State.
  • 谁发现了能量守恒?
    Who discovered the conservation of energy?
  • 能量守恒定律
    conservation law of energy
  • 机械能守恒定律
    law of conservation of mechanical energy
  • 量守恒;功效;强权的沙皇
    Energy conservation; energy efficiency; an energy czar.
  • 他们对自己的工作心中无数,常常“左右”摇摆,有时表现为右倾保守,思想落后于实际,有时又表现为急躁冒进,贪多求快,超过实际的可
    They have no definite ideas about their work, so they constantly vacillate between "Left and Right" thinking, sometimes falling victim to Right conservatism, their ideas lagging behind reality, sometimes rushing ahead impetuously and placing undue emphasis on quantity and speed, in an attempt to go beyond what is actually possible.
  • 革命和革命战争从发生到发展,从小到大,从没有政权到夺取政权,从没有红军到创造红军,从没有革命根据地到创造革命根据地,总是要进攻的,是不保守的,保守主义的倾向是应该反对的。
    A revolution or a revolutionary war in its emergence and growth from a small force to a big force, from the absence of political power to the seizure of political power, from the absence of a Red Army to the creation of a Red Army, and from the absence of revolutionary base areas to their establishment, must be on the offensive and cannot be conservative; and tendencies towards conservatism must be opposed.
  • 民意测验预示保守党有获得压倒性多数票的可
    Opinionpolls forecast a Conservative landslide.
  • 节省能源十分重要.
    It is important to conserve energy.
  • 节省劳力的设计用来在工作时保持人体量或减轻劳动强度的
    Designed to conserve human energy in performing work or to decrease the amount of human labor needed.
  • 减少自动调温机的使用以节约
    Kept the thermostat lower to conserve energy.
  • 这个装置小得正好带在你的手腕上;储存水的装置。
    the device is small enough to wear on your wrist; a device intended to conserve water.
  • 那么,如果你一天节省1小时,一年下来,你就不仅节约了价值几千美元的时间,而且还给自己提供了许多机会去学习和做那些使你的时间更有价值的事情。
    And if you can save just one hour a day,you'll not only conserve thousands of dollars'worth of time each year but also give yourself opportunities to learn and do things that make your time even more valuable.
  • 政府帮助农民改变千百年来传统的撂荒式的“白色休耕”等不利于保持水土的耕种习惯,实行粮草轮作等生物手段,提高土壤的肥力和水分涵养力。
    The government is helping farmers change their traditional cultivation habits of letting land lie idle after harvest — a centuries-old practice known as “white fallow,” which is detrimental to water and soil conservation. Rotation of grain and grass is adopted to increase the fertility of the soil and its ability to conserve water.
  • 我认为被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。
    I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.
  • 他会被认为是个软弱无的领导人。
    He will be considered a weak leader.
  • 在心里盘算或认为……有可性。
    consider as a possibility.
  • 研究一下移动的可性。
    consider the possibility of moving.
  • 认为某事情不可或对某事物有所怀疑。
    consider unlikely or have doubts about.