  • 我想家里的朋友买点纪念品带回去。
    I'd like to get some souvenir to take back to my friend at home.
  • 这些是作为纪念礼物送即将返回美国的朋友们的。
    These are to be given to my friend as souvenir who is shortly return to the U.S.A..
  • 中国的吧,我想买一瓶作纪念礼物送我的女朋友,请我拿一种高质量的看看。
    Chinese, please. I want to get I bottle for my girlfriend as a souvenir. Please show me something of good quality.
  • 我想朋友买些纪念品。
    I have to get some souvenirs for my friends.
  • 他出售纪念品旅游者,从中赚了不少钱。
    He's made a good thing of selling souvenirs to tourists.
  • 各国把主权交联合国吗?
    Do countries surrender their sovereignty at the UN?
  • 一只肥母猪在大门口拱来拱去,不肯我们让路。
    A fat sow was grubbing about near the gate and refused to move out of our way.
  • 马上把化肥我们送来,要不,我们小麦播种就要耽误了。
    Send us the fertilizer at once, or our wheat sowing will be held up.
  • 人们不用耕种,一切生活必需全可仰于大地。
    The earth brought forth all things necessary for man, without his labor in plowing or sowing.
  • 卖枪吉姆的人一直在欺骗他—当吉姆要用这些枪的时候,他发现没几支能打得响。
    The person who had sold Jim the guns had been sowing tares among his wheat—when the time came to use them, he found that very few of them worked.
  • 妈妈用旧衣我改了件外套。
    Mother cut sown an old dress and made a suit out of it for me.
  • 可以给我酱油吗?
    May I have the soy?
  • 我的牛排来点酱油。
    Please bring me steak with soy sauce.
  • 你不介意递我酱油吧?
    Would you mind passing the soy sauce?
  • 请把酱油递我,好吗?
    Will you pass me the soya sauce?
  • 与渴望得到的方向性特征的天线排列。
    an arrangement of aerials spaced to give desired directional characteristics.
  • 我本应该和她见面的,但我昏昏沉沉地以致把事忘了
    I was supposed to meet her, but I spaced out and forgot.
  • 排与排之间留服务人员的间隔。
    the spaces are the notes F-A-C-E.
  • 可能的话,我们一间稍宽敞一些的。
    We would like a spacious room, if possible.
  • 大窗户人一种空旷感
    Large windows that gave an effect of spaciousness.
  • 把锹递给我。
    Please pass me the spade.
  • 谁要给约翰找把铲子?
    Who is go to find john a spade?
  • 谁要约翰找把铲子?
    Who is going to find john a spade?
  • 约翰要谁找把铲子?
    Who is John go to find a spade for?
  • ……拍击;使遭受打击。
    give a spanking to; subject to a spanking.
  • 这个男孩一顿好打;裁判了我十年刑。
    She gave the boy a good spanking; The judge gave me 10 years.
  • 请递我个扳手,快!
    Please fetch me a spanner, and in short order.
  • 请递我板手,我得拧紧这个玩意儿。
    Please hand me the spanner; I've got to tighten up the what's -its-name.
  • 要不是你我提供错误的材料阻挠了我的工作,我早就把它做完了。
    The job would have been finished sometime ago if you hadn't thrown a spanner in the works by supplying me with the wrong materials.
  • 如果不是因为你捣乱我提供的原材料不对,这活已做完好些时了。
    The job would have been finished some time ago if you hadn't thrown a spanner in the works by supplying me with wrong materials.
  • 你可先把扳手还我!
    You can give me back my spanners for a kick off!
  • 食物供储备;备用轮胎;机器备件。
    a reserve supply of food; a spare tire; spare parts.