  • 还要向众服务委员会提出申诉。这客人,对电话司有数起的诉讼。
    He filed innumerable complaints with the Public Service Commission, and he started several suits against the telephone company.
  • 组织向计算机输入的用程序。
    a utility program that organizes the input to a computer.
  • 验尸官主要职责是对被认为是死于非命的死者的死因作验尸调查的职人员
    A public officer whose primary function is to investigate by inquest any death thought to be of other than natural causes.
  • 调查不是因自然原因而死人的共官员。
    a public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes.
  • 感谢你方1992年5月10日来函,询问我司对出口商品的保证问题。
    Thank you for your letter of May10,1992 inquiring about the warranty on our products exported.
  • 有一个人在办室想见你。
    A man has been inquiring for you at the office.
  • 有人在办室想见你。
    A man have is inquiring for you at the office.
  • 感激您三月二十一日来函询问本司81型产品。
    We are obliged for your letter of March 21 inquiring about our model No.81.
  • 感谢你方1992年5月10日来函,询问我司对出口商品的保证问题。
    Thank you for your letter of May 10, 1992 inquiring about the warranty on our products exported.
  • 我们已向该司提出询价(询盘)。
    We addressed our inquiry to the firm.
  • 要求开调查安全情况
    Call for a public inquiry into safety standards
  • 这个农场的面积约为50 或60 平方里。
    The farm is about 50 or 60 square kilometers in the area.
  • 但实际的情况是十次入侵中九次是来自机构内部——这一事实在多数司设计内特网安全方案时往往被忽视。
    But the truth is that nine out of ten break-ins come from inside the organization -- a fact that most firms ignore when it comes to designing intranet security solutions.
  • 涂鸦在墙或其他表面上创作的画或铭刻,通常为了让众观看,常用复数形式
    A drawing or an inscription made on a wall or other surface, usually so as to be seen by the public. Often used in the plural.
  • 证券一词是关行业早期用词的一个典范,因为除了极少数例外情况,不安全是证券的共同特征,只是其中有些比其余的更不安全而已。
    The word securities is an early example of public relations newspeak since, with rare exceptions, insecurity is their common characteristic. But some are less secure than others.
  • 现在我们还有一个开发表了论点来谴责我们那迟钝的社会良心。
    We now have another published rod with which to beat the insensitive back of our social consciences.
  • 新疆自古以来就是一个多民族聚居和多种宗教并存的地区,从西汉(元前206年—元24年)开始成为中国统一的多民族国家不可分割的组成部分。
    Since ancient times, Xinjiang has been inhabited by many ethnic groups believing in a number of religions. Since the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-24 A.D.), it has been an inseparable part of the unitary multi-ethnic Chinese nation.
  • 希拉里的一个内部人士称:"她(希拉里)很不高兴看到小报上的消息,但她在众场合还是面带笑容。
    Says one insider of Hillary:"She's not happy[about the stories], but she's putting on a good face in public."
  • 他是一个微不足道的男人,再说从办室跟踪他到火车站没有任何意义。
    He was an insignificant man, and there was no point in anyone’s following him from his office to station.
  • 由于工会的坚决要求,司继雇用一部分已宣布解雇的员工。
    Some of the men who were under notice were kept on by the firm at the insistence of the Union.
  • 然而,今天美国显然对她的有色民拖欠着这张期票。
    It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.
  • 特别是开地受到故意的、傲慢粗鲁的语言攻击。
    treated with insolent and rude language especially openly and intentionally.
  • 公司处于破产状态。
    The company is in a state of insolvency.
  • 根据该项计划,这些破产从业员的酬金由帑资助,但设有订明限额。
    Under the scheme, these insolvency practitioners' remuneration would be subsidised by the government funds up to a prescribed limit.
  • 根据外判计划,这些清盘从业员由破产管理署署长委任,以代替署长本人出任临时清盘人;他们的酬金由帑资助,但资助款额不超过他们投标时提出的限额。
    Under the scheme, these insolvency practitioners are appointed by the Official Receiver as provisional liquidators in place of the Official Receiver and their remuneration is subsidised by government funds up to the limits submitted in their tenders.
  • 检查公司帐目。
    To inspect the account of a company.
  • 出口商在向船运司托运前有权检验商品。
    The exporters have the right to inspect the export goods before delivery to the shipping line.
  • 明天我们司要来一位税务稽查员。
    An inspector of Taxes will come to our company tomorrow.
  • 要吸引更多的客户,你就必须首先吸引司的员工。
    If you want to inspire your customers, you must first inspire your employees.
  • 为了鼓励人们去保护世界上这最美丽的自然奇观之一,黄石国家园在我们的排名中位居第六。
    For inspiring the vision to preserve one of the world's most beautiful natural wonders,Yellowstone lands at number six on our list.
  • 司本月5日来函收悉,特回复如下。我们从各方面收集到的情报如下:
    Replying to yours of the5th inst, the information I have obtained from various sources is stated below:
  • 本月5日函已收到。得知贵司可以供应丝织品,每件10,000元。
    We are in receipt of your favour of the 5th inst., offering a parcel of silk at $10,000 per piece.