  • 他们乘晚航班飞往马德里。
    They took an evening flight to Madrid.
  • 在南欧旅行期,他将把马德里的办事处作为总部。
    He has an office in Madrid which he uses as a base while he is travelling in southern Europe.
  •  目前,陈美已发行7张专辑,并计划在很短时内再推出2张专辑--第一张古典乐专辑,然后2004年推出摇滚乐专辑。
    Vanessa-Mae has released seven albums and plans two more in the near future--first a classical album, then a pop recording in 2004.
  • ”这一医疗问题会引起一场纸张和表格的大混乱,常常要用几个月的时,打许多电话才能解释清楚。
    ." sets into motion a maelstrom of paperwork and forms, often requiring months and many tele-phone calls to unravel.
  • 宿务岛菲律宾中部一岛屿,位于雷特和尼古拉斯之的米沙鄢群岛。麦哲伦于1521年登上该岛。宿务市是东海岸的重要港口。人口490,281
    An island of the central Philippines in the Visayan Islands between Leyte and Negros. Magellan landed on the island in1521. The city of Cebu is an important harbor on the eastern coast. Its population is490, 281.
  • 玛吉在证人席上声言他们之是精神上的恋爱。
    Maggie maintained on the witness stand that theirs had been a case of platonic love.
  • 如果此刻我能回到那儿,我会在这些门穿行,身上就穿着那件奇妙的、带有魔力的大衣。
    And if I were there right now, I would picture myself walking through those doors wearing my wonderful, magical coat.
  • 要掂量一个总统顾问的地位,最主要的就是看他呆在“圈子”里的时的多少。在这个奇妙的、不断变化着的权力和影响力的圈子里,人们讨论的问题是最具敏感性的,作出的决定是影响最深远的。
    The key measure of stature for any presidential adviser is time spent " in the loop" the magical, shifting circle of power and influence in which the most sensitive issues are debated, the most profound decisions made.
  • 楼上的女仆;楼上的房
    the upstairs maid; an upstairs room.
  • 在越战期,疟疾拖垮了许多士兵。
    In Vietnam, malaria sapped many troops' strength.
  • 关于隔一天出现的症状的(尤指日疟疾引起的发烧)。
    relating to symptoms (especially malarial fever) that appear every other day.
  • 总的来说,掌握马来文不但可以促进国内各族群之的交流和了解,也能为我们带来经济利益。
    In conclusion, not only can learning Malay enhance cultural exchanges between the different races in Singapore, but it can also benefit us economically.
  • 为成年男犯而设的监狱共有13,其中高度设防监狱和中度设防监狱各占4,低度设防监狱则有5
    There are 13 prisons for adult males, consisting of four maximum, four medium and five minimum security institutions.
  • 停工期某事物,如工厂或机器等,不能正常运作的期,尤指由发生故障造成的
    The period of time when something, such as a factory or a piece of machinery, is not in operation, especially as the result of a malfunction.
  • 皮瘤通常指皮组织的恶性肿瘤,尤指胸膜瘤和腹膜瘤
    A usually malignant tumor of mesothelial tissue, especially that of the pleura or peritoneum.
  • 不仅有一种受正道指挥的为善的习惯,并且在有些人,即在本性之中,也是有一种向善的心理趋向的,如同在另一方面是有一种天生的恶性一样。
    but mere is, in some men, even in nature, a disposition towards it: as on the other side, there is a natural malignity.
  • 加利福尼亚一种有恶臭味的草本植物,花钟状;田一种普通的杂草。
    a malodorous California herb with bell-shaped flowers; a common weed in grainfields.
  • 鸡貂,臭鼬鼬鼠科中的一种主要在夜活动的欧洲肉食性哺乳动物(鼬属欧洲艾鼬),能排出一种有臭味的液体以划分其所占区域并驱走敌人
    A chiefly nocturnal European carnivorous mammal(Mustela putorius) of the weasel family that ejects a malodorous fluid to mark its territory and ward off enemies.
  • 马兜铃一种马兜铃属的草本植物或木本蔓生植物,开有鲜艳、有恶臭味、紫褐色到黄色的,形状怪异的花朵。欧洲种h。铁线莲属在民医药学中用于助产
    Any of several herbs or woody vines of the genus Aristolochia having showy, malodorous, purplish-brown to yellowish flowers with peculiar or unusual shapes. The European species A. clematitis was used as a folk medicine to aid childbirth.
  • 已经直接或接地请求政府给予帮助。
    The government had been called upon for assistance in meal or malt.
  • 日本帝国主义侵华期,仅东北地区就有不下200万劳工被折磨致死。
    During the Japanese occupation, no less than 2 million laborers perished from maltreatment and exhaustion in Northeast China.
  • 原产于北美和中美夜活动的杂食性哺乳动物。
    omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North and Central America.
  • 两性之作出响应,用于驯养的雌性哺乳动物。
    be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal.
  • 初乳分娩期在真正的乳液产生之前,由乳腺分泌的一种稀的黄色的富含抗生素和矿物质的液体
    The thin, yellowish fluid secreted by the mammary glands at the time of parturition that is rich in antibodies and minerals, and precedes the production of true milk.
  • 经理神态自若地走进房
    The manager sailed into the room.
  • 有一架晚班飞机来往于曼彻斯特和巴黎之
    There is an evening plane running between Manchester and Paris.
  • 今天早上我发现在我的脚趾有一张尼尔头顶的照片碎片,背面写着曼彻斯特。
    This morning I found the top of Neil's head with Manchester written on the back of it in between my toes.
  • 依据国会的安排,nld合作计划的初衷是防止俄罗斯核武器、核材料、核技术和核专家的扩散。与中国的计划目标也与之类似——尽管官方并未声明——旨在打开中国封闭的武器领域,参与其中,建立相互之的对话。
    The NLD lab-institute cooperative programs have as their Congressionally mandated"mission"the prevention of the proliferation of Russian nuclear weapon's materials, technologies and technologists.
  • 昨天我预定了一双人房。我的名字叫卡尔·乔伊。
    I reserved a double room yesterday. My mane is Karl joy.
  • 我现在得付帐了。姓名是杰克·伦敦,254房
    I have to pay my bill now. The mane is Jack London. Room 254.
  • 额发,前发,额毛由额头生出或披在额头上的毛发,尤指垂在马耳之的那部分马鬃
    A lock of hair that grows from or falls on the forehead, especially the part of a horse's mane that falls forward between the ears.
  • 同样,信息战可用于攻击一个火炮旅的指挥控制基础设施及其与机动部队之的通讯联系,从而降低或剥夺高炮的作战能力。
    Likewise, IW can be applied to attack the command and control infrastructure of an artillery brigade and its communications links to maneuver units, thereb reducing or negating th ecombat power of artillery.