  • 相对于别的事情来说某事确定一个更晚的时间。
    establish something as being later relative to something else.
  • 小心他什么时候把你也掷出去了。
    then mind that he throws you out sometime.
  • 请下周什么时候我挂个电话好吗?
    Would you mind calling me up sometime next week?
  • 那你下个星期什么时候再我打个电话.
    You can give me a call sometime next week.
  • 他间或给我写写信.
    He sometimes writes to me.
  • 他写了一首十四行诗, 献他心爱的人.
    He wrote a sonnet to his beloved.
  • 她与他生有二子;她他生了两个儿子。
    She gave him two sons.
  • 老师正在男孩子们讲一个有趣的故事。
    Teacher is telling an interesting story for sons boy.
  • 约翰的财产分他两个儿子一人一半。
    John's property was divided half and half between his two sons.
  • 他死後这土地就平分了他的几个儿子。
    On his death the land was divided equally among his sons.
  • 他的大部分财产授了3个儿子。
    The greater part of his fortune was settled on his 3 sons.
  • 我没有及早你写信,真对不起。
    I must apologize for not writing to you sooner.
  • 那孩子一个奖品是为了安慰她父母的失望心情。
    The child is given a prize as a sop to her disappointed parents.
  • 那孩子一个奖品是为了安慰她父母的失望心情。
    The child is give a prize as a sop to her disappointed parents.
  • 那孩子一个奖品是为了安慰她父母的失望心情.
    The child was given a prize as a sop to her disappointed parents.
  • 你的演出我们留下了深刻的印象。我们不知道你竟有一副这么美妙的女高音噪子!
    We were both quite impressed. We had no idea you had such a beautiful soprano voice!
  • 他疼痛的背按摩。
    She massaged his sore back.
  • 你们有什么嘴唇肿痛的药吗?
    Have you also got something suitable for sore lips?
  • 我把有那种动物的一幅画他们看,他们对着画直摇头,遗憾地说从来没有看到过这种动物。我的心不由直往下沉。
    I show them a drawing of the animal, and everyone shook their heads, over it and said sorrowfully that they had never seen it. My heart sank.
  • "对不起打扰你,请把货架上的那件衬衫拿我看看好吗?"
    I'm sorry to disturb you but could you show me that shirt on the shelf?
  • 对不起,你添麻烦了。
    Sorry for the trouble.
  • 我把这个问题交你来处理。
    I'll leave you to sort this problem out.
  • 依照地址邮件分类的机器。
    a machine for sorting mail according to the address.
  • 各种各样动听的计划提了出来。
    All sorts of fine-sounding schemes were brought forward.
  • 他找机会大家服务。
    He sought opportunities of doing people services.
  • 把自己的灵魂托付上帝
    Commend one's soul to God
  • 杰克他儿子灌输了许多有关生活的思想都是唱高调。
    Jack filled his son with many high-sounding ideas about life.
  • 给它添加少许蒜味。
    Give it a soupcon of garlic.
  • 比尔叔叔出国时把表留我作为纪念品。
    When Uncle Bill went abroad to live, he left me his watch as a souvenir.
  • 你一件小小的纪念品,好吗?
    Can I give you a small souvenir?
  • 我想买一个好的纪念品我的儿子。
    I want to buy a good souvenir for my son.
  • 好了,谢谢你,下次我来会带纪念品你的。
    Well, thank you. I'll bring you a souvenir the next time I visit.