  • 我觉得他那新戏中所有的人物都很真实。
    I find all the characters in his new play very real.
  • 汉字情报输出设备
    Chinese character output device
  • 工作出色、可靠的人
    A woman of solid character
  • 汉字输入输出
    Chinese character input and output
  • 她最为突的特点是诚实.
    Her predominant characteristic is honesty.
  • 一种有特点的声音。
    utter a characteristic sound.
  • 虫网由线状的丝构成的精致组织,最典型的是蜘蛛或某些昆虫的幼体吐的组织
    A structure of delicate, threadlike filaments characteristically spun by spiders or certain insect larvae.
  • 有孔虫一种有孔虫目的大多为海洋的原生动物,以具有带孔的钙质壳为特征,通过该孔有许多虚足突
    Any of the chiefly marine protozoans of the order Foraminifera, characteristically having a calcareous shell with perforations through which numerous pseudopods protrude.
  • 水螅虫许多典型的移居的腔肠动物中水螅虫类的任何一种,在生命循环中最重要阶段以水螅的形状而不是水母的形状
    Any of numerous characteristically colonial hydrozoan coelenterates having a polyp rather than a medusoid form as the dominant stage of the life cycle.
  • 一种夸张的喜剧,其中行动比人物塑造更显突
    an extravagant comedy in which action is more salient than characterization.
  • 这种疾病的特征是疹子和发高烧;以堤坝和运河为特色的一个地区
    The rash and high fever that characterize this disease; a region that is characterized by its dikes and canals.
  • 直到最近之前,人类还无法将有缺陷基因从正常基因里分离来,也不能对其做精细的描绘,只有当人们发病时才能得知它们的存在。
    Until recently, there was no way to isolate and characterize bad genes. They were known only by their consequences: disease.
  • 印花粉撒于镂花模板上以便在其表面上印图案的细粉末,如磨碎的木炭粉
    A fine powder, such as pulverized charcoal, dusted over a stencil to transfer a design to an underlying surface.
  • 火药一种爆炸性粉末,用来把发射物从枪枝中推射来,尤其是硝石,炭和硫磺的黑色混合物
    Any of various explosive powders used to propel projectiles from guns, especially a black mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur.
  • (对某人)提出控告
    Prefer a charge against sb.
  • 我用身体挡住了他踢的球。
    I charged down his kick.
  • 孩子们冲出了校门。
    The children charged out of school.
  • 对某人提批评或责怪。
    level criticism or charges at somebody.
  • 狗被训练来攻击闯入者;孩子们冲房间
    Dogs trained to charge at intruders; children charging through the house.
  • 临时市政局更计划进一步加强电脑系统,推自助借书终端机及透过互联网预订图书馆资料的服务。
    Plans are in hand to further enhance the system by introducing self-charging terminals and reservation of library material through the Internet.
  • 比尔提了与馆长截然相反的看法,他说向参观者收取入场费会吸引更多人来参观,而不是减少。
    Bill stood the curator's argument on its head, saying that charging admission to museums would attract more, not fewer, people to them.
  • 起诉书一种旨在指控某一当事人犯有某项罪行或过失的书面文本,由起诉方律师提而由大陪审团判决
    A written statement charging a party with the commission of a crime or other offense, drawn up by a prosecuting attorney and found and presented by a grand jury.
  • (1997年)1月,墨西哥和美国的环保组织对加拿大未能保护他们的濒危物种向北美自由贸易协定环境委员会提了诉讼。
    Environmental groups in Mexico and the United States filed a complaint in January with the environmental commission of the North American Free Trade Agreement charging Canada with failing to protect its endangered species.
  • 一言既,驷马难追。
    Once words have left a man's mouth, he can't catch them even in a chariot.
  • 舍此而求统一,无论何花样,弄何玄虚,均为南辕北辙,实属未敢苟同。
    To seek unification on any other basis, whatever intrigues or tricks are used, is like "going south by driving the chariot north" with that we beg to disagree.
  • 导游:1980年秦始皇墓以西上了两架铜战车,每架战车都有四匹铜马和一个铜制车夫,完美的艺术造型和精细的铸造造技术犹如梦幻一般。
    And in 1980, two bronze chariots were unearthed from the western side of the Qin Shi Huang's tomb. Each chariot has four bronze and a bronze figure driver. The beautiful artistic design and exquisite casting skills are fantastic.
  • 为慈善事业募捐的演
    a performance to raise money for a charitable cause.
  • 义卖,义卖市场售各种各样物品的一个义卖或拍卖(活动),常常是为了慈善目的
    A fair or sale at which miscellaneous articles are sold, often for charitable purposes.
  • 他对其他人的看法很仁慈;和善的批评;慈善演;仁慈的话语。
    was charitable in his opinions of others; kindly criticism; a kindly act; sympathetic words.
  • 帕里什,塞莱斯蒂娅·苏姗娜1853-1918美国教育家,因其对增加妇女受大学教育的机会和提高质量所作的努力而闻名
    American philanthropist who founded(1795) the Philadelphia House of Industry, the first charitable institution for women in the United States.
  • 这项善举正好代表了我们对未来的社会栋梁的投资,在新纪元刚开始时便作这项善举,实在令今晚的盛会更具特别意义。
    The charitable contribution has added special meaning to this occasion : marking the beginning of a new era with an investment in our young people, a stake in the future of Hong Kong.
  • 慈善的,行善的具有仁慈或宽容的特征的或表现仁慈或宽容的
    Characterized by or performing acts of kindness or charity.