  • 司重新注入资金即可复苏。
    The firm would be revitalized by an injection of new funds.
  • 他获得阻止司出售他汽车的禁令。
    He get an injunction prevent the company from selling his car.
  • 司提出申请要求获得阻止他们竞争者出售类似产品的禁令。
    The company applied for an injunction to stop their competitor from marketing a similar product.
  • 冤枉不正或不道地对待
    To treat unjustly or injuriously.
  • 凡有不正的地方,我们都竭力相助匡正。
    Wherever there is injustice, we try to help.
  • 爱护主义,对大部分人来说,只不过是害怕不正所苦罢了。
    The love of justice be, in most men, nothing more than the fear of suffering injustice.
  • 他们因受到不平的待遇而痛苦呻吟。
    They groaned under injustice.
  • 一个反对不正的激昂的演讲
    A passionate speech against injustice.
  • 他们对不正呜不平。
    They murmured at the injustice.
  • 人民受尽了不正的压迫。
    The people groaned under injustice.
  • 他是不平的牺牲者。
    He was the victim of injustice.
  • 你这样对他们是不正的。
    You're doing them an injustice.
  • 贫困和不的社会弊端
    The social evils of poverty and injustice.
  • 我和你一样憎恨不正。
    I hate injustice as much as you do.
  • 他一生都在同不正作斗争。
    All his life he has striven against injustice.
  • 我和你一样憎恨不正。
    I hate injustice as much as you doing.
  • 人们对这种不正表示出强烈不满。
    The people are crying out against this injustice.
  • 他抱怨判决不公。
    He popped off about the injustice d the verdict.
  • 她的社会主义信念来自她对社会上不平现象的痛恨。
    Her socialist belief is born of a hatred of injustice.
  • 现在该为蒙受不正对待的人们大声疾呼了.
    It's time to speak up for those who are suffering injustice.
  • 决心要让事情得到正处理
    Determined to see fair play, ie to see that no injustice is done
  • 学生们憎恶战争和不正的社会现象,值得赞许。
    It is to the students' credit that they hate war and social injustice.
  • 我朋友暗示他有意离开这家司。
    My friend gave an inkling of his intention to leave the company.
  • 我们沿着河向上游走了20里。
    We went twenty kilometers inland, up the river.
  • 元五世纪左右,中国内地盛行的道教随着汉人的不断到来传入新疆。
    Around the fifth century, Taoism was introduced into Xinjiang from inland China by Han migrants.
  • 阿帕拉契科拉河美国佛罗里达州西北部的一条河流,从乔治亚洲边界向南注入墨西哥湾的海口阿伯拉契科拉海湾,流程约180里(112英里)
    A river of northwest Florida flowing about180 km(112 mi) southward from the Georgia border to Apalachicola Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • 犯人已经做了六年的苦工。她在花了八小时办
    The inmate had put in six years at hard labor. She put in eight hours behind a desk.
  • 假日酒店第一次开发行的股票是120,000股,每股9.75美元。
    Holiday Inn's first public offering was 120,000 shares at $9.75.
  • 我在一家非常富有创新精神的司工作。
    I worked in a very innovative company.
  • 该计划具有几项创新的特点,应有助按揭证券司更有效地吸引机构投资者。
    The Programme contains a number of innovative features which should help the HKMC to reach out effectively to the institutional investors.
  • 通过有效的市场推广活动和引进创新的产品,该司在二零零一年年底的按揭贷款组合未偿还本金余额达198亿元。
    Through effective marketing and the introduction of innovative products, the outstanding principal balance of the HKMC's mortgage portfolio reached $19.8 billion as at the end of 2001.
  • 我在一家非常富有创新精神的司工作。
    I worked in a very innovatory company.