  • 鬼火,磷火夜在旷野或沼泽出现的闪光;鬼火
    A luminosity that appears over swamps or marshes at night; ignis fatuus.
  • 发光的夜发光的,尤用于指一定高度的云的
    Luminous at night. Used especially of certain high clouds.
  • 电弧,弧光当强电流在回路裂缝或两电极跃升时形成的辉光放电
    A luminous discharge of current that is formed when a strong current jumps a gap in a circuit or between two electrodes.
  • 朔望月相继两次新月的时期周期,平均二十九天十二小时四十四分;一个朔望月
    The time that elapses between successive new moons, averaging29 days,12 hours,44 minutes; a lunar month.
  • 值得一提的个案是在农历新年期发现瓜子样本含有过量矿物油(用来令人觉得瓜子外观更好看)。
    A notable case concerned melon seeds sold during Lunar New Year that contained an excessive amount of mineral oil, which was intended to improve the appearance of the commodity.
  • 午餐午吃的饭;午餐
    A meal at midday; a luncheon.
  • 我确实希望你呆在午餐时
    I do hope you'll stay to luncheon.
  • 这样我们就有足够时吃午饭,还可以在开赛前到校园里看看。
    That will allow us plenty of time for luncheon and to take a look at the Academy before the kick-off.
  • 我于十月十六日在贵饭店的雅座为客人预定了十月十九日中午12点20人就午餐的四张包桌。
    On Oct.16 I reserved four tables for20 people for luncheon at 12 at noon on Oct.19 for our guests in the inner room.
  • 从午饭时到现在我什麽都没吃.
    I've had nothing to eat since lunchtime.
  • 来参加午餐时音乐会的人比平日多了几个。
    Several more people than usual come to the lunchtime concert.
  • 这个星期任何一天的午餐时我都无法和你见面,因我工作忙不过来,将只得每天午餐休息时加班干活。
    I can't meet you at any lunchtime this week because I'm snowed under and will have to work through my lunch break on every day.
  • 吸烟和肺部疾患之有关系吗?
    Is there a link between smoking and lung diseases?
  • 每个房都充满朦胧的艺术美
    Lush atmospheric touches in every room.
  • 月亮的银光流泻于山水
    The moon shed a silver luster over the landscape.
  • 幸亏厨房里有人快步走来:一个健壮的女人,她卷着衣裙,光着胳臂,两颊火红,挥舞着一个煎锅冲到我们中——而且运用那个武器和她的舌头颇为见效,很奇妙地平息了这场风暴。等她的主人上场时,她已如大风过后却还在起伏的海洋一般,喘息着。
    Happily, an inhabitant of the kitchen made more dispatch: a lusty dame, with tucked-up gown, bare arms, and fire-flushed cheeks, rushed into the midst of us flourishing a frying-pan: and used that weapon, and her tongue, to such purpose, that the storm subsided magically, and she only remained, heaving like a sea after a high wind, when her master entered on the scene.
  • 琵琶早在2000年前就有了它的雏形。东汉年(公元前25--220年)一位学者刘熙在《释名》一书中这样写到:"枇杷,推手前曰枇,引手却曰杷,像其鼓时,因此为名"。
    The pipa is a four-stringed Lute, one of the oldest Chinese musical instruments which appeared in Chinese written texts of the second century BC. Xi Liu of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD) described in his book, The definition of Terms -- On Musical Instruments, that the name of the instrument pipa originally refers to two finger techniques.
  • 在马丁·路德·金的梦想中,不仅人与人之和平共处,而且白人也要成为黑人的兄弟。
    In Martin Luther King’s dream, not only was the lion going to lie down with the lamb, but white was going to be brother to black.
  • 以往圣诞期通常爆满的五星级度假胜地,如今已没什么人来晒日光浴,豪华的泳池里空无一人,高尔夫球场也关闭了。
    At a five-star resort normally packed during Christmas, few people were sunbathing, no one was cooling off in the luxurious pool and the golf course was empty.
  • 放在牙齿之当改变口腔形状时金属嘴发出声音的小竖琴状乐器。
    a small lyre-shaped instrument that is placed between the teeth and played by twanging a wire tongue while changing the shape of the mouth cavity.
  • 长短句相的抒情诗体一种抒情诗体,其特征为长短相的对偶句
    A lyric poem characterized by couplets formed by a long line followed by a shorter one.
  • 扬抑抑扬格一种应用于抒情诗诗体中的音步,由两个轻音节夹在两个有节奏的重音之构成,用于表示该音步的第一个和最后一个音节
    A foot of verse used in lyric poetry having two unstressed syllables flanked by the two rhythmic stresses marking the first and last syllables of the foot.
  • 卡明斯,爱德华·埃斯特林1894-1962美国作家。以其抒情的而又印刷怪异的诗歌著称,他还写了巨大的房(1922年),这是关于他在第一次世界大战期被囚禁在法国的记述
    American writer. Best known for his lyrical and typographically eccentric poetry, he also wrote The Enormous Room(1922), an account of his imprisonment in France during World War I.
  • 马志尼,朱森珀1805-1872意大利爱国者,以其政治性文章和秘密策划推行独立、统一的意大利的运动,大部分是在伦敦流亡期实施的
    Italian patriot who spurred the movement for an independent, unified Italy with his political writings and machinations, conducted mostly from exile in London.
  • 一种处理过程,其一条宏指令由它所表示的指令原码序列替代。
    A procedure in which a macro is replaced with the source-code sequence of instructions that it represents.
  • 这是改进宏观调控的重大举措,也是从直接调控转向接调控为主的重要标志。
    This is a major measure for improving macro-control and also marks the transfer from direct control to indirect control.
  • 第三十三条 国家采取宏观调控措施,使化肥、农药、农用薄膜、农业机械和农用柴油等主要农业生产资料和农产品之保持合理的比价。
    Article 33 The State shall take measures of macro-regulation and control to maintain a reasonable price ratio between agricultural products and the principal means of agricultural production such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural plastic films, agricultural machinery and diesel oil for agricultural use.
  • 莫桑比克和马达加斯加之的位于印度洋中的三个主要群岛和多个小岛。
    three main islands and numerous islets in the Indian Ocean between Mozambique and Madagascar.
  • 狐猴一种体形较小、栖于树木的灵长目动物,常在夜出来活动,主要是产于马达加斯加及其毗连岛屿的狐猴科动物,长有大眼睛、细长的鼻口和长尾巴
    Any of several small arboreal, mostly nocturnal primates chiefly of the family Lemuridae of Madagascar and adjacent islands, having large eyes, a long slim muzzle, and a long tail.
  • 但是,后来的几年中,马格洛大娘在巴狄斯丁姑娘房的裱墙纸下面(我们在下面还会谈到),发现了一些壁画。
    However, in their latter years, Madame Magloire discovered beneath the paper which had been washed over, paintings, ornamenting the apartment of Mademoiselle Baptistine, as we shall see further on.
  • 她把塑像放在一边,把我领到梳妆,指着挂在那里的两张细密肖像画对我说,“这就是g伯爵,他以前非常爱玛格丽特,是他把她捧出来的。
    She put her shepherd boy to one side, and led me into the dressing-room where she showed me two miniatures which made a pair and said:'That's Count de G who was madly in love with Marguerite. He's the one who made her name.
  • 他们乘晚航班飞往马德里。
    They take an evening flight to Madrid.