  • 扬谷,簸谷谷物从谷壳中分
    To separate grain from chaff.
  • 金属箔片为迷惑敌人雷达而从飞机上扔的金属薄片;金属箔片
    Strips of foil dropped from an aircraft to confuse enemy radar; chaff.
  • 男孩子们取笑那个法国孩子讲英语时的错。
    The boy chaff the french boy about his mistake in speaking English.
  • 我的学生在课堂上好像都一样聪明敏捷,但看一看他们的作业,就很容易看好坏。
    My students seem equally quick and bright in class but when I look at their written work it's easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.
  • 那个胖子坐下时,旧椅子发嘎吱的响声。
    The old chair gave a groan when the fat man sat down on it.
  • 要他把椅子搬出去。
    Have him move the chair out.
  • 董事长因公出国。
    The chairman is abroad on business.
  • 有那么多比我强的人在争取议长的位置,我觉得自己应该退竞争。
    I feel that when there are so many better people for the chairmanship, I should stand aside.
  • 有那么多优秀的主席人选,我觉得我应该退
    There are so many better people for the chairmanship, I feel I should step aside.
  • 当他意识到自己不能胜任主席职位的时候他退了。
    He bowed out when he realized he could no longer handle the demands of the chairmanship.
  • 香港委员会于十月任议会主席,为期两年,以尽香港对议会的责任和承担。
    In order to demonstrate Hong Kong's commitment and contribution to PECC, HKCPEC assumed the PECC chairmanship in October for a term of two years.
  • 另一方面,在乡郊小工程计划和市区小工程计划之下设立的两个中央督导委员会和18个地区工作小组的主席一职,将改由区议会主席或区议员任。
    The chairmanship of the two Central Steering Committees and the 18 District Working Groups under the Rural Public Works and the Urban Minor Works Programmes will be devolved to the council chairmen or members in due course.
  • 我们的副总理差不多都去过,副委员长好多都去过。
    Almost all the vice-premiers and most vice-chairmen of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress have made trips abroad.
  • 七届人大一次会议选的19位副委员长中,民主党派成员占7位。
    Of the 19 vice-chairmen elected by the Seventh National People's Congress at its First Session, seven are members of democratic parties.
  • 政府亦会委任区议会主席和副主席加入地区管理委员会,与政府各部门代表合力就地区问题商讨解决办法,以及协调各部门在区内的运作和服务,就地区的需要积极做回应。
    The chairmen and vice chairmen will become members of the District Management Committees where they will join representatives of government departments to discuss and resolve district problems as well as to co-ordinate departmental operations and services in the district and respond positively to district needs.
  • 各区的主席/副主席及/或区议会的代表亦席根据乡郊小工程计划和市区小工程计划而成立的中央督导委员会和地区工作小组的会议,就如何运用工程计划的拨款提供意见,务求改善各区的环境。
    The Chairmen/Vice-Chairmen and/or representatives of District Councils also sit on the Central Steering Committees and District Working Groups, which were established under the Rural Public Works and the Urban Minor Works Programmes, to advise on the use of funds allocated to these programmes which aim to improve the environment in the districts.
  • 各区的主席或副主席亦席根据乡郊小工程计划和新的市区小工程计划(由二零零零年开始推行,初次拨款为3,500万元)而成立的中央督导委员会和地区工作小组的会议,就如何运用计划的拨款提供意见,以便改善各区的环境。
    The chairmen or vice-chairmen also sit on the Central Steering Committees and District Working Groups, which were established under the Rural Public Works Programme and the new Urban Minor Works Programme (introduced in 2000 with initial funding of $35 million), to advise on the use of funds allocated to these programmes which aim to improve the environment in the districts.
  • 除了390名民选议员外,还有27名当然议员(由新界乡事委员会主席任)和102名委任议员。
    In addition to the 390 elected members, there are 27 ex officio members (i.e. Rural Committee chairmen in the New Territories) and 102 appointed members, making a total of 519 District Council members.
  • 警监会是一个由行政长官委任的独立组织,成员包括一名主席、3名副主席和不少于8名其他委员,并且由申诉专员或其代表任当然委员。
    The IPCC is an independent committee whose members are appointed by the Chief Executive. It comprises a chairman, three vice-chairmen and not fewer than eight other members, with the Ombudsman, or his representative, serving as an ex-officio member.
  • 近几年来经常现新的世界田径纪录。
    New world records in the track and field events are chalked up from time to time in the past few years.
  • 用粉笔写自己得的分数(如玩投镖游戏时)
    Chalk up one's score, eg when playing darts
  • 如果你们不守规矩,我将把你们赶去。
    If you don't walk the chalk, I'll put you out.
  • 让我们今天把第一部分工作的计划订来。
    Let's chalk out the first part of the work today.
  • 让我们今天把最后部分工作的计划制订来。
    Let's chalk out the last part of the work today.
  • 我们厂每年现新的生产记录。
    New production records are chalked up every year in our factory.
  • 一种用在建筑业上的在垂面画直线的粉线。
    a chalked string used in the building trades to make a straight line on a vertical surface.
  • 现在没有人会对地球是圆的这一事实提异议。
    Nowadays no one will challenge the fact that the earth is round.
  • 时机已经成熟,可以向政府权力提挑战了。
    The time was ripe for a challenge to the power of the government.
  • 我认为他是不对的,因此向他提质询。
    I did not think he was right, so I challenged him.
  • 我对那一解释提质疑。
    I challenge that interpretation.
  • 我要求你出示证据。
    I challenge you to show your proof.
  • 我对他所说的事提异议。
    I challenged his statement.