  • 有些无耻的伪君子假济私。
    There are infamous hypocrites who promote their own advantage under color of the public good.
  • 于是天龙闻而下之,窥头于牖,施尾于堂。叶见之,弃而还走,失其魂魄,五色无主。
    But when a real dragon heard of his infatuation and paid him a visit, he was frightened out of his wits.
  • 墨水少的显得不够认的语言文字水平的
    Marked by inferiority to an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature.
  • 近年来,随着经济的发展和社会的进步,妇女的生育自主权进一步得到保障,因不育或生育女婴而被婆歧视、被丈夫遗弃的现象越来越少。
    In recent years, as the economy has developed and society progressed, more and more women are making their own decisions about giving birth. Cases of women being discriminated against by their fathers- or mothers-in-law or estranged by their husbands because they are infertile or give birth to girls have declined steadily.
  • 公畜不育症
    infertility in male animal
  • 这家司设法将两三个自己人渗入到他们对手的研究发展部位。
    The company man aged to infiltrate two or three men their rival's Research and Development Unit.
  • 禁止非法携带易燃易爆危险物品进入共场所或者乘坐共交通工具。
    It is prohibited to illegally carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods into public places or on public transportation means.
  • 元前60年西域都护府设立以后,或为官、或从军、或经商,进入新疆的汉人连续不断。
    Since the Western Regions Frontier Command was established in 60 B.C., the inflow of the Han people to Xinjiang, including officials, soldiers and merchants, had never stopped.
  • 他们决定立即报告安局。
    They decided to inform the police immediately.
  • 香港总商会于一八六一年成立,是本港历史最悠久的商界组织,拥有约4000名司会员,主要工作包括组织外访的贸易考察团、接待到港的海外访问团、举办资讯活动,以及处理贸易查询。
    The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce is the oldest business association in Hong Kong. Founded in 1861, it has around 4 000 corporate members. It organises and receives trade missions to and from overseas, provides informational programmes and handles trade enquiries.
  • 请告知在订购500吨的基础上贵司能给多少特价优待。
    Please inform us what special offer you can make us based on a quantity of500 tons.
  • 请告知我司办地点,自89年11月29日起迁至下述地点……
  • 谢谢你告诉我那家司信誉不好的情况。
    Thank you for informing me of the bad credit of the company.
  • 在任何共场所闹事都是有失身份的。
    To make a scene in any public place is infra dig.
  • 而konami司研制的手机,则是同日本电器巨头nec司共同合作的结晶。只要下载相应的软件到手机上,就可以通过红外线变送器遥控玩具汽车了。
    Consumers using Konami's offering, developed with electronics giant NEC Corp, download software that enables certain handsets to control the cars using infra-red transmitters.
  • 提供共基础设施和社会服务
    Providing public infrastructure and Social Services
  •  (二)城市基础设施用地和益事业用地;
    2. Land for building urban infrastructure and for public welfare undertakings;
  • 真实故事:与aol通信方面的负责人琼o菲兰路娃(jeanvillanueva)即现在的凯斯夫人的交往也许可以解释他较少时间停留在办室和aol如何将人们团结起来的原因。
    True story: Affair with Jean Villanueva, then AOL communications chief, now the new Mrs. Case, could be a sign either of how infrequently he strays from the office or of how AOL brings people together.
  •    第五十一条中华人民共和国民在行使自由和权利的时候,不得损害国家的、社会的、集体的利益和其他民的合法的自由和权利。
    Article 51. The exercise by citizens of the People's Republic of China of their freedoms and rights may not infringe upon the interests of the state, of society and of the collective, or upon the lawful freedoms and rights of other citizens.
  • 除因共安全和追查刑事犯罪的需要,由有关机关依照法律程序对通讯进行检查外,任何部门或个人不得以任何理由侵犯居民的通讯自由和通讯秘密。
    No department or individual may, on any grounds, infringe upon the freedom and privacy of communication of residents except that the relevant authorities may inspect communication in accordance with legal procedures to meet the needs of public security or of investigation into criminal offences.
  • 除因国家安全或者追查刑事犯罪的需要,由安机关或者检察机关依照法律规定的程序对通信进行检查外,任何组织或者个人不得以任何理由侵犯民的通信自由和通信秘密。
    No organization or individual may, on any ground, infringe upon the freedom and privacy of citizens' correspondence except in cases where, to meet the needs of state security or of investigation into criminal offences, public security or procuratorial organs are permitted to censor correspondence in accordance with procedures prescribed by law.
  • 如《刑法》第二百五十一条规定:“国家机关工作人员非法剥夺民的宗教信仰自由和侵犯少数民族风俗习惯,情节严重的,处二年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。”
    For instance, Article 251 of the Criminal Law states: ``State personnel who unlawfully deprive citizens of their freedom of religious belief and infringe upon the customs and habits of minority ethnic groups, when the circumstances are serious, are to be sentenced to not more than two years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention.''
  • 中华人民共和国宪法规定,任何民享有宪法和法律规定的权利,同时必须履行宪法和法律规定的义务;民在行使自由和权利的时候,不得损害国家、社会的、集体的利益和其他民的合法的自由和权利。
    The Constitution stipulates that every citizen is entitled to the rights prescribed by the Constitution and the law and at the same time must perform the duties prescribed by the Constitution and the law, and that in exercising their freedoms and rights, citizens may not infringe upon the interests of the state, of society or of the collective, or upon the lawful freedoms and rights of other citizens.
  • (那项法令完全侵犯了我们的民权。)
    That law is an out-and-out infringement of our civil rights.
  • 违反路法、侵犯版权、侵犯某人的隐私权
    An infringement of the highway code, of copyright, of sb's privacy
  • 如果证据充分,我们将采取适当的法律手段对这种侵权行为提出诉。
    We take suitable legal action against such infringement if sufficient provided.
  • 如果证据充分,我们将采取适当的法律手段对这种侵权行为提出诉。
    We'll take suitable legal actions against such infringement if sufficient evidence is provided
  • 在司法保障方面,中国对侵犯民宗教信仰自由权利的行为有明确的惩处规定。
    With respect to judicial guarantee, China stipulates clearly the penalties for the infringement of citizens' right to freedom of religious belief.
  • 中国依法惩治犯罪,保障民的生命财产安全和其他各项人权不受侵犯。
    China punishes criminal offenses in accordance with the law, and protects the safety of citizens' lives and property and other human rights from infringement.
  • 由于国家机关和国家工作人员侵犯民权利而受到损失的人,有依照法律规定取得赔偿的权利。
    Citizens who have suffered losses through infringement of their civil rights by any state organ or functionary have the right to compensation in accordance with the law.
  • 又如,香港山顿国际有限司诉深圳华达电子有限司侵犯商标专用权纠纷案。
    In another example, Hong Kong's Sendon International Co., Ltd. brought suit against Shenzhen's Huada Electronics Co. Ltd. for trademark infringement.
  • 被告立即停止侵权行为,开向原告赔礼道歉,赔偿其经济损失13万元。
    The defendant promptly stopped its acts of infringement, offered public apology to the plaintiff, and handed over 130,000 yuan as a compensation for the plaintiff's economic loss.