  • 问:你认为在亚洲可发生的最恶劣情形会是怎样?
    Q: What's your worst-case scenario for Asia?
  • 只要你谨言慎行,主管还是很好相处的。
    The supervisor is all right as long as you watch your p's and q's.
  • 问:今年固定资产投资增长率否达到百分之十以上?
    Q: Will the growth rate of investment in fixed assets top 10 percent this year?
  • 不顺从的不一致的;不适合的,不服从的
    Incapable of conformity; not conforming.
  • 事情没有达到被认可的标准,不让人感到满意。
    unsatisfactoriness by virtue of not conforming to approved standards.
  • 混淆两件事物的意思是说没把它们区分开来。
    To confound two things means not to be able to tell them apart.
  • 我真希望从这讨厌的疾病中解脱出来。
    I wish I could shake off this confounded disease.
  • 与经验相对照的结论
    conclusions that can be confronted with experience
  • 转弯抹角,旁敲侧击不直接切入主题
    To fail to confront a subject directly.
  • 打击恐怖活动、有组织的犯罪活动、经济间谍活动以及反对武器扩散等,可是整个21世纪我们都必须面对的永久性冲突。
    The fights against terrorism,organized crime,economic espionage and weapons proliferation are permanent conflicts that are likely to confront us through the next century.
  • 这种谨慎是必要的,因为洞穴勘探家将要面临的困难的性质,是不可预见的。
    Precautions of this sort are necessary, for it is impossible to foretell the exact nature of the difficulties which will confront the potholer.
  • 对教育工作者提出的要求,就是要调整学校的课程来最大限度地使用新的技术,以便学生够学得更好,并为他们现在所面临的信息丰富的世界而早作准备。
    The challenge for educators is to restructure the curriculum to make maximum use of the new technologies so that students can learn better and prepare themselves for the information-rich world they now confront.
  • 即使是局部的对抗也可扩大成一场大战。
    Even a limited confrontation can escalate into a major war.
  • 我们不再次冒险对抗政府了。
    We cannot risk another confrontation with the government.
  • 采用建设性的对抗方式你的老板可比你所想象的更乐于改变其态度。
    USE CONSTRUCTIVE CONFRONTATION Your boss may be more willing to change his behavior than you think.
  • 了解了这样的历史背景,也就不难理解重视子女教育的父母,纷纷依赖补习,希望孩子取得更好的成绩的心态。
    Against this historical background, the reliance on private tuition would not appear strange to East Asian parents, most of whom passionately share the Confucianist emphasis on education.
  • 这里不把孔子和孟子思想的所有要点,都加以叙述。
    It is impossible to go into all the key thoughts of Confucius and Mencius here.
  • 孔子在《论语》中的训言的冲淡温和的味道,以及他的成熟的智慧,非到读者自己成熟的时候是不欣赏的。
    The extremely mild flavor of Confucius' own sayings in the Analects and his mature wisdom cannot be appreciated until one becomes mature himself.
  • 孔子要我们的一切人类本都得到满足,因为我们唯有这样才够由一种满足的生活而得到道德上的和平,而且也因为唯有道德上的和平才是真正的和平。
    Confucius wanted to be pretty sure that all our human instincts are satisfied, because only thus can we have moral peace through a satisfying life, and because only moral peace is truly peace.
  • 例如指战术;很有可或者意在混淆、欺骗。
    of tactics e.g.; likely or designed to confuse or deceive.
  • 我们应该停止指责和找借口,那只制造混乱和令人忿怒,而不团结我们的社区。
    We should stop pointing fingers and making excuses that seem to confuse and anger more than unite our community.
  • 现在她转过身来,面对着他,脑子里自卫的意识和女性调情的本乱哄哄地混杂在一起。
    She now turned and looked upon him in full, the instincts of self-protection and coquetry mingling confusedly in her brain.
  • 使糊涂或者令人困惑;使不清晰地思考。
    be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly.
  • 用搞乱或欺骗的物体把电子量精密地插入到传送道。
    the deliberate insertion of electromagnetic energy into transmission paths with the objective of confusing or deceiving operators.
  • 所以c和c++将一个变量“隐藏”在一个更大的作用域里。但这种做法在java里是不允许的,因为java的设计者认为这样做使程序产生了混淆。
    Thus the C and C++ ability to “hide” a variable in a larger scope is not allowed because the Java designers thought that it led to confusing programs.
  • 因为掌握母语,将让我们在瞬息万变而且通常令人迷惑的新经济中,懂得从本身的文化底殿挖掘出它所蕴育的智慧和资源,增进我们的优势。
    They provide us with anchors in a world of change - change that will be rapid and often confusing. They allow us to tap the deep reservoirs of wisdom that each of our cultures possesses.
  • 天气冷时齿轮润滑油可凝结而形成凹槽。
    Gear lubricants may congeal and channel in cold weather.
  • 在我那个时代,如果一个新作家从一个老作家的作品中摘取了他用的合适材料,并不受到反对。
    No fuss was made in my day if a new writer took from an old one whatever material he found congenial.
  • 和谐地结合在一起工作。
    the quality of being unable to exist or work in congenial combination.
  • 您将与许多志趣相投的同行一道工作。我相信,您会发现他们很干,而且很合作。
    You'll be working with many congenial people, and I'm sure you'll find them capable and cooperative.
  • 委员会会研究增强妇女个人力的各种方法,帮助她们面对生活的挑战,以及缔造更有利的社会环境,让妇女得以发挥所长。
    The commission will look into ways to better equip women for life's challenges and to create a more congenial societal environment for women to develop themselves.
  • 天生耳聋导致不说话。
    congenital deafness that results in inability to speak.