  • 关于这一点,苏联过去二十二年的历史已经证明了,今后的历史还继续证明。
    The history of the Soviet Union in the last twenty-two years has already proved this, and history will prove it again in the future.
  • 该构件在使用中被证明是不牢固的。
    The structure will prove weak in service.
  • 160.香港向来以行政为主导,这种安排一直行之有效,而《基本法》亦已这原则保留下来。
    160. Rule by an executive-led Government is a proven formula in Hong Kong, and is a principle enshrined in the Basic Law.
  • 这本书为我们提供所需要的全部信息。
    These books will provide us with all the information we need.
  • "积蓄点钱,为来使用作些准备是明智的。"
    It's wise to save some money and provide for the future.
  • 如果司机们不罢工的话,下星期可交货。
    The goods will be delivered next week provided or providing the drivers were not on strike.
  • 如果司机们不罢工的话,下星期可交货。
    The goods will is deliver next week provided or providing the driver is not on strike.
  • 来慎重地做好计划的品质。
    providence by virtue of planning prudently for the future.
  • 没有远见;不为来做准备。
    not provident; not providing for the future.
  • 顾及来的为来需要或事件作准备的
    Providing for future needs or events.
  • 不顾来的,不经济的不为来作准备的;不节俭的
    Not providing for the future; thriftless.
  • 在辛亥革命后的护国护法战争中,他就是“手执青锋卫共和”的一员猛
    After the Revolution of 1911 he participated in the campaigns to protect the Republic and uphold the Provisional Constitution, proving himself a valiant soldier.
  • 现在她的教师工作团——名为教师报国团——已迅速展开工作。经过一番激烈竞争之后,2500名申请人中,500名刚从大学毕业的被录取。证明了柯普女士的理论:工作团从严录取可在大学生中增加号召力。
    Now her teachers corps, called Teach for American is off and running. After a rigorous competition, 500 recent college graduates won places out of a field of 2,500 applicants, proving Ms.Kopp's theory that making the corps selective would enhance its appeal to college students.
  • 我们签署这个合同,附加条件是六个月后其中的条款重新讨论。
    We sign the contract with the proviso that the term can be discussed again after six month.
  • 你们的军舰现在正从冰岛以东通过,很快就进入可以威胁我们通往欧洲的贸易航线的位置。这一形势至少是令人不安的,极而言之,则是一场严重的全然无端的挑衅。
    This situation is at the least unsettling,and at the most a grave and wholly unwarranted provocation.
  • 他们不得不承担这种挑衅引起的后果。
    They will have to bear the consequences resulting from such provocations.
  • 为了挑拨达西厌恶这位客人,她常常闲言闲语,说他跟伊丽莎白终结成美满良缘,而且估料着这一门良缘会给达西带来多大幸福。
    She often tried to provoke Darcy into disliking her guest, by talking of their supposed marriage, and planning his happiness in such an alliance.
  • 他即来到的消息;关注近期目标胜于终极目标。
    news of his proximate arrival; interest in proximate rather than ultimate goals.
  • 明暗对比在一件艺术品中相对的要素(如颜色、形状、线条等)放在一起使用以产生强烈的对比效果
    The use of opposing elements, such as colors, forms, or lines, in proximity to produce an intensified effect in a work of art.
  • 具体而言,它能够控制位置查询所固有的独特存储器和cpu密集型处理(例如,街区路由、模糊查找和地图显示等)。
    In particular, it will be able to handle the unique storage and CPU-intensive processing inherent in location queries (e.g. street routing, proximity searches, and map rendering).
  • 今天,多数商品化的路由器都不具备代理功能,但我相信,来代理技术融合进路由器的程序代码中。
    Most commercial routers do not have proxy capabilities today, although I believe that proxy technology will be integrated with router code in the future.
  • 这一模块处理由第三方发出(通过html或wml表格)的个人和支付手段信息请求(通过代理),然后这些信息呈现给用户,由用户确定哪些信息发回给请求的应用程序。
    It processes requests (via proxies) for personal and payment instrument information issued (through HTML or WML forms) by third-parties, and presents them to users, who decide explicitly what information gets sent back to the requesting application.
  • 你应该演讲删掉一些。
    You should prune the speech down.
  • 我认为你该文章修改一下,删掉部分形容词。
    I think you should prune some of the adjectives from your writing, so as to improve it.
  • 我已灌木丛边上不整齐的部分修剪掉了。
    I have pruned away the rugged edges of the bush.
  • 在北楼的86层和89层,至少有28人在救援人员门撬开后获救,而这些自愿参加救援行动的人却没能生还。
    In the north tower, at least 28 people were freed on the 86th and 89th floors by rescue workers who pried open jammed doors. Those self-assigned rescuers died.
  • 于是全家人波西卡带到附近的一座山峰上,含着眼泪把她留在了那儿。
    So the family brought Psyche to the top of a nearby mountain,and with tears in their eyes,they left her there.
  • 第二天,波西卡的两个妹妹正在边走边摘花,一阵清风吹来,她们带到了波西卡的宫殿,她正在那儿等着呢。
    The next day,as Psyche's two sisters were walking,picking up some flowers,the gentle wind rose again and lifted the two of them and flew them off to Psyche's palace,where their sister was awaiting them.
  • 研讨会开头和结尾分别增加了基督置于上帝的对立面,病人置于精神分析家对立面的虚构情况的讨论。
    The symposium is topped and tailed by a story which puts Christ's case against God, and one which puts a patient's case against his psychoanalyst.
  • 研讨会开头和结尾分别增加了基督置于上帝的对立面,病人置于精神分析家对立面的虚构情况的讨论。
    The symposium is topped and tailed by a story which puts Christ's case against God,and one which puts a patient's case against his psychoanalyst.
  • 在下个月出版他的书。
    The publication of his book will be next month.
  • 出版社把事实真相公诸于世。
    The press will give publicity to the fact.