我愿意消除一下我们之间的分歧。 I'd like to-repair our differences.
他们已经解决了他们的分岐。 They've fixed up their differences.
我愿意消除一下我们之间的分歧。 I'd like to repair our differences.
雇主和工人间的分歧很大。 Differences between employers and workers go deep.
他没有提到他们的分歧。 He made no mention of their differences.
你们消除分歧,言归於好罢 Settle your differences and be friends again.
你们消除分歧,言归於好罢. Settle your differences and is friends again.
那次长谈消除了许多分歧。 That long talk healed many of differences.
他们的意见分歧只是表面的。 Their differences of opinion are only skin-deep.
该党因存在严重的意见分歧而四分五裂。 The party was divided by serious differences.
人以群分。 Different kinds of people form different groups.
用声调的高低来区分不同含义的一种语言。 a language in which different tones distinguish different meanings.
分配一项困难的任务。 assignment to a different duty.
微积分学 differential and integral calculus
一般空间微分几何学 differential geometries of generalized spaces
流形上的偏微分算子 partial differential operator on manifold
偏微分算子的特征值与特征函数 eigenvalue and eigenfunction of partial differential operator
常微分方程运动稳定性理论 stability theory of motion in ordinary differential equation
多元微积分学 differential and integral calculus for functions of several variables
常微分方程边值问题数值解法 numerical methods for boundary value problem of ordinary differential equations
常微分方程初值问题数值解法 numerical method for initial value problem of ordinary differential equations
含有超过一个变量的函数的微分方程。 a differential equation involving a functions of more than one variable.
偏微分方程边值问题差分方法 finite difference method for boundary value problem of partial differential equation
偏微分方程初值问题差分方法 finite difference method of initial value problem of partial differential equation
描述谐波传过介质的微分方程。 a differential equation that describes the passage of harmonic waves through a medium.
(数学)解一组微分方程的规定条件。 (math) a condition specified for the solution to a set of differential equations.
常的为微分方程设计的,该方程的变量不超过两个且一个对另一个进行求导 Designating a differential equation containing no more than two variables and derivatives of one with respect to the other.
微积分学中有关积分与它在微分方程和测定面积,体积等的应用的部分。 the part of calculus that deals with integration and its application in the solution of differential equations and in determining areas or volumes etc..
她从没吸取教训,不晓得分清善恶。 She never learned to differentiate between good and evil.
离异,分离变异一些微生物变异或经历突变的过程 The process by which some microbes differentiate or mutate.
在这个主题上,我们怎样才能把乡村音乐同其他音乐区分开来呢? How can we differentiate country music from other kinds of music on this theme?