  • 从屋顶平台上可以看到美好的景
    The terrace afforded a fine view.
  • 站在阳台上,乡村四周美丽的景一览无遗。
    Stand on the terrace, you have a marvelous view over the surrounding countryside.
  • 我住的是战前建的排屋,我的大门刚刚刷上大红
    The front door of my pre-war terrace house has just been painted red!
  • 我住的是战前建的排屋,我的大门刚刚刷上大红
    The front door of my pre-war terrace house has just been painted a bright International Orange that shouts red!
  • 热带美洲陆生兰花的一个属,花大,紫或粉
    genus of tropical American terrestrial orchids with large purple or pink flowers.
  • 古老的苏格兰品种,通常是有直立的尾巴和耳朵的黑猎犬。
    old Scottish breed of small long-haired usually black terrier with erect tail and ears.
  • 英国品种的短腿小猎犬,毛发直立,呈金属般红或灰或黑棕,耳直立。
    English breed of small short-legged terrier with a straight wiry red or gray or black-and-tan coat and erect ears.
  • 活泼的黑白小猎犬,以前曾用于捕猎狐狸3。
    small lively black-and-white terriers formerly used to dig out foxes.
  • 景色美极了。
    The view was terrific.
  • 我刚才说的是,景美极了。
    What I said was, it's a terrific view.
  • 我刚才说的是,景美极了。
    What I said was, it's terrific view.
  • 我刚才说的是,景美极了。
    What I say be, it's a terrific view.
  • 我刚才说的是,景美极了。
    What I said is, it 's a terrific view.
  • 这是一种非常鲜艳的黄,但您穿在身上看起来真帅。
    It's very bright yellow, but it looks terrific on you.
  • 战俘们吓得脸变紫。
    The prisoners went blue with terror.
  • 因此,香港教育学院将肩负起新的使命,於高等教育方面担当更重要的角
    The Hong Kong Institute of Education will therefore have a new mission to accomplish and a more important role to play in tertiary education.
  • 现时各高等教育院校应巩固基础,致力提高质素。政府鼓励各院校把最出的学科,发展成为国际公认的"卓越学科领域"。
    Tertiary institutions must now consolidate and strive for enhanced quality and they are encouraged to develop their academic strengths into internationally recognised 'areas of excellence'.
  • 你看到过她的新衣服吗?紫红,上面有黄花-不过趣味是无法解释的。
    Have you seen her new dress? It's purple with yellow flowers on it – still, there's no accounting for tester.
  • 他的脸证明他是无辜的。
    His face was testimony that he was innocent.
  • 有形形的工作要做,又有各种各样的干扰,他真是束手无策了。
    With all the work yet to be done and with all the interruptions, he was at the end of his tether.
  • 、图案及质地的多样化足以使每一个人的需求和审美要求得到满足。
    The range of colour, pattern and texture is wide enough to suit every one's needs and taste.
  • 均质的在组织、彩或设计上一贯的
    Unvaried in texture, color, or design.
  • 古达干酪一种气味柔和的,质地紧密的,淡黄的干酪,由全部或部分脱脂乳制成
    A mild, close-textured, pale yellow cheese made from whole or partially skimmed milk.
  • 欧洲多年生茂盛高草,有大量羽状叶子和兰细花穗;有时入药。
    tall bushy European perennial grown for its masses of light-textured pinnate foliage and slender spikes of blue flowers; sometimes used medicinally.
  • 如果我们乘船旅行,我们可以欣赏泰晤士河沿岸的动人景
    If we take a boat trip, we can enjoy the magnificent sights along the thames.
  • 现在感恩节有鲜亮的菊花,圣诞节有粉的一品红,复活节有白的百合,生日时有天鹅绒般红的玫瑰。
    Now there were bright -- orange mums for thanksgiving and a huge pink poinsett ia at christmas, white lilies at Easter, and velvety red roses for birthdays.
  • 一种因事物反射而变的行为。
    an act that change the light that something reflects.
  • 主要特:一个特快冷冻和特快融化抽屉(它能够冷冻一瓶酒或融化一块冷冻的牛排,所用时间仅为正常时间的零头。
    The key feature: an Express Chill and Express Thaw drawer, which cools a bottle of wine or softens a frozen steak in a fraction of the normal time.
  • 这颜色好看。
    The colour is pleasant to the eye.
  • 这颜色好看。
    The colour is pleasant to the eye.
  • 他度假之后,气好多了。
    He's had a holiday and looks the better for it.
  • 他度假之后,气好多了。
    He's had a holiday and looks the better for it.