  • 事实上,中国今天昂迈进二十一世纪,过去一直从历史中吸取教训。
    Indeed, lessons of history are being learned as China marches proudly into the 21st century.
  • 一九九七年七月一日,香港在举世注目下,昂迈进一个新纪元,成为中华人民共和国的特别行政区。
    "On July 1, 1997, the world watched as we proudly entered a new era as a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
  • ,有时会有例外,但我指的是一般而不是个别的情况。
    Granted, there are some that have proven otherwise, but I speak of the masses, not the few.
  • 像一般所认为的乡下人一样愚蠢、无知;“这个男孩茫、无知的表情”。
    stupid and ignorant like proverbial rural inhabitants; 'the boy's empty yokel-like expression.
  • 总统先生,你是最近不厌烦地引用一句俄国谚语——“信任但须验证”。而,你认为验证会是百分这百的科学吗?相信总有几分无论如何也无法确定吧?
    Mr.President, you're made a career lately of –using an old Russian proverb-"trust but verify". But do you think that verification can ever be 100 percent science given that there are always a few percentage points where you just can't be sure?
  • 悲痛的寡妇;关于死亡和绝望的悲痛的故事;令人悲痛的消息;甚至在欢笑时,内心仍痛苦-《箴言》14:13。
    sorrowful widows; a sorrowful tale of death and despair; sorrowful news; even in laughter the heart is sorrowful- Proverbs 14:13.
  • 在我们的城市,许多社会服务仍是有志愿团体提供的。
    Many social services are still provided by voluntary societies in our city.
  • 死神突降临,父亲们什么也没有来得及为他们的女儿们准备就离开了人世。
    Sudden death came to the fathers, and no providence made for the daughters.
  • ,一个人底心若能以仁爱为动机,以天意为归宿,并且以真理为地轴而动转,那这人的生活可真是地上的天堂了。
    Certainly, it is heaven upon earth, to have a man's mind move in charity, rest in providence, and turn upon the poles of truth.
  • 那条红牛不是偶死掉的,而你的风湿病还不能算作天赐的惩罚!”
    The red cow didn't die by chance; and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations!'
  • 提供自瓦斯的装置和设备。
    plant and equipment for providing natural-gas service.
  • 要不就得行政高官们以身作则,率先让孩子报读一般的邻里小学,以破除家长非名校不可的迷思。
    They could allow the numerous schools a freer hand in proving their worth by putting their ideal of education into practice. Their success will help rid the public of a blind faith in elite schools.
  • 你应该先仔细研究合同的条款, 後再签订.
    You shouldn't enter into/make a contract until you have studied its provisions carefully.
  • 旧协定的条款仍有效。
    The provisions of the old agreement still hold up.
  • ,仅仅依靠这些规定,并不能自动地解决问题。
    Of course, these provisions alone cannot solve the problem;
  • 我已经同意做那件工作,条件是先付工资后做事。
    I've agreed to do the work, with the proviso that I'll be paid before I do it.
  • 你们的军舰现在正从冰岛以东通过,很快就将进入可以威胁我们通往欧洲的贸易航线的位置。这一形势至少是令人不安的,极而言之,则是一场严重的全无端的挑衅。
    This situation is at the least unsettling,and at the most a grave and wholly unwarranted provocation.
  • 他是位爱争论的人,无论休整都不愿想当
    He is a provocative man who takes nothing whatever for granted.
  • 此前连部门负责人或系主任都没当过,但她在一年之内就升任学校的第二把手──教务长的位置。
    Within a year,she was elevated to provost the No.2 job at Stanford although she never been a department head or dean.
  • 越是贫穷落后的国家,越是致力于发展强大的武装力量,尤其不能欠缺的是公违反国际公约的化学武器。
    The poorer and less developed a country is, the more it seeks to strengthen its military prowess, especially the acquisition of chemical weapons that openly defies international treaties.
  • 越是贫穷落后的国家,越是致力于发展强大的武装力量,尤其不能欠缺的是公违反国际公约的化学武器。
    The poorer and less developed a country is, the more it seeks to strengthen its military prowess, especially the acquisition of chemical weapons which openly defies international treaties.
  • 以数学天才约翰纳薛教授为例,他虽曾患精神分裂症,却能够在美国普林斯顿大学教学,并在1994年获颁诺贝尔经济学奖。
    Take the case of Professor John Nash, who, despite being stricken with severe schizophrenia, was allowed to teach at America's Princeton University because of his mathematical prowess and who eventually won a Nobel Price for economics in 1994.
  • 而中苏的地理接近,却是中国抗战的有利条件。
    Proximity to the Soviet Union, on the other hand, is a favourable condition for the War of Resistance.
  • 而,如其中任何国家由于特殊原因不能派出本国代表团时,可以授权上述国家中其他国家代表团以其名义投票,但每一代表团只能为一个国家代理投票。
    If, however, for exceptional reasons, any such country cannot send its own delegation, it may give to the delegation of another such country the power to vote in its name, provided that each delegation may vote by proxy for one country only.
  • 这一模块处理由第三方发出(通过html或wml表格)的个人和支付手段信息请求(通过代理),后将这些信息呈现给用户,由用户确定将哪些信息发回给请求的应用程序。
    It processes requests (via proxies) for personal and payment instrument information issued (through HTML or WML forms) by third-parties, and presents them to users, who decide explicitly what information gets sent back to the requesting application.
  • ,有一个声音在呼唤普律当丝。
    And indeed, a voice was calling Prudence.
  • 他虽如此年轻,却很慎重。
    Young as he was, he was prudent.
  • ,决定一项事情,领导上要慎重,要注意,那是另外一回事。
    Of course, the leadership must be careful and prudent in making decisions, but that is another matter.
  • 在目前的经济环境中,难免有更多人陷入经济困难,但政府仍须审慎理财,确保资源妥善运用,而且用得其所。
    Although the current economic conditions have left more people in financial difficulty, the Government must handle its finances prudently and ensure that scarce resources are used effectively and in a targeted manner.
  • 也有成千万元的项目,那就必须慎重一点了,但是成千万元的项目也有很快见效的,财政、银行应该支持,这样就活起来了。
    Of course, we must act prudently with projects that require investments of up to tens of millions of yuan.Some of these projects can bring us quick profits, therefore, the finance departments and banks should support them.In this way, the economy will thrive.
  • 读书补天之不足,经验又补读书之不足,盖天生才干犹如自花草,读书后知如何修剪移接;
    They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study;
  • 读书可以完善天性,而经验可以使读书人完善。因为天性就像自成长的树,需要由学问去剪修,而单靠书本指出的方向又太无边际,除非由经验加以范围和约束。
    They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience; for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they the bounded in by experience.