  • 工业愈进步,愈加匀称地扩展到世界各国,刚发生战争的可能性愈小。
    But the more that industry advances, and proportionately extends over the countries of the earth, the smaller will be the possibility of wars.
  • 报酬与工作量成比例, 而不是与花费的时间成比例.
    Payment will be in proportion to the work done, not to the time spent doing it.
  • 利润分配,风险亏损,成本和责任按双方投资比例摊派。
    That all profit, losses, costs and liabilities will be prorated according to the share-holding of each party.
  • 在会议结束时,他计算出这次会议占用的工时的总数,再根据每位职员的薪金按比例地它转换成美元。
    At the session's end he calculated the total price of the meeting in manhours and converted these into dollars by prorating each staffer's salary.
  • 我相信,伊拉克方面会类似的、参加其它被禁物品单方面销毁工作的人员名单提供给我们,特别是生物场所。
    I trust that the Iraqi side will put together a similar list of names of persons who participated in the unilateral destruction of other proscribed items, notably in the biological field.
  • 答案取决于各方代表头脑中所认定的任务种类,是1991年就禁止的大规模杀伤性武器及其相关研制计划的消除,解除武装,还是监视没有任何新的违禁活动出现。
    The answer depends upon which task one has in mind - the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and related items and programmes, which were prohibited in 1991 - the disarmament task - or the monitoring that no new proscribed activities occur.
  • 美国人对近亲婚姻的排斥源自19世纪,原因是早期的拓荒者试图自己同"原始的"印第安人区分开。《违禁姻亲--美国近亲结婚之谜》一书的作者马丁说:"真实的情况是欧洲人当时在近亲通婚,而印第安人却没有。
    The American proscription against cousin marriages grew in the 19th century as wilderness settlers tried to distinguish themselves from the "savage" Indians, says Martin, author of the book Forbidden Relatives: The American Myth of Cousin Marriage. "The truth is that Europeans were marrying their cousins and Native Americans were not."
  • 这些国家同意根据其法律起诉被控犯有此种罪行的本国公民,或其交由国际刑事法院审判。
    Those countries agree to prosecute their citizens accused of such crimes under their own laws or surrender them to the Court for trial.
  • 困此你认为你会被人告发野蛮行车,那就糟糕了。
    So you think you are going to be prosecuted for careless driving; that's a fine kettle of fish.
  • 战争罪受到追究,战犯受到惩罚,到那时,"我只是服从命令"不能成为借口或免受惩罚的理由。
    War crimes will be prosecuted, war criminals will be punished and it will be no defense to say, "I was just following orders."
  • 如前所述,税法的潜在违法者是如此之多,如果把每一例违反税法的案件都诉诸法院,法院系统难以承受。
    As previously stated, the universe of possible tax violators is so great that the court system could be overwhelmed if every criminal violation of the tax code was prosecuted.
  • 希望将来独居
    the prospect of having to live alone
  • 在他们谈话期间,她始终他当作未来的女婿来衡量。
    During their conversation she was taking his measure as a prospective husband for her daughter.
  • 合资格的准公屋租户,包括轮候册申请人,不久可以选择购买而非租住公屋单位。
    Eligible prospective tenants, including Waiting List applicants, will soon be offered an option to buy their housing units instead of renting them.
  • 当观看课程指南时,你要把握好两种课程之间的平衡。选修的课程体系越有弹性,你越有余地依据你的能力搭配课程。
    When looking at the prospectus look at the balance between the two,the more flexibility with the option structure,the more you will be able to tailor the course to suit your abilities.
  • 未来为我们展现出光明的前景。
    The future will open out bright prospects for us.
  • 问:在这种形势下,中国的前途如何?
    Question: In these circumstances, what are the prospects for China?
  • 外国电信设备制造商预计也得益于世贸组织。
    Foreign makers of telecom equipment are also expected to prosper from WTO.
  • 促使某项行业在过去蓬勃发展的因素或情况,会随着时间而改变。
    The factors or conditions that helped an industry to prosper in the past will change over time.
  • 严重威胁国家的繁荣。
    It will seriously threaten the prosperity of the country.
  • 我们预料会有兴旺的一年。
    We are looking ahead to a prosperous year.
  • 我们生活在和平、繁荣的时代,可是我们还可以其变得更加美好。
    We live in a peaceful, prosperous time, but we can make it better.
  • 使我们可以估计“感觉”修复术的可行性,以此让瘫痪病人体验诸如触摸这样的感觉,因而通过适当的大脑一机器装置来更好地控制假肢。”
    This would enable us to evaluate the feasibility of a 'sensory' prosthesis, which could enable paralysed patients to experience sensations such as touch and so be able to better control an artificial limb through a suitable brain-machine interface," he said.
  • 1949年11月北京市第二届人民代表会议率先作出禁娼决定,当即关闭所有妓院,妓女集中起来进行学习和教育,帮助她们改造思想、医治性病、学习劳动技能,引导和帮助她们建立正常生活,成为自食其力的劳动者。
    In November 1949, the second people's conference of Beijing took the lead in prohibiting prostitution.The city promptly closed all brothels, and provided education and medical treatment for prostitutes, enabling them to live off their own labor.
  • 这个智囊团的顾问乔治·福斯特博士说:"在选择伴侣的时候,我们会在潜意识里衡量对方来是否会是称职的母亲或者父亲,是否会是合格的一家之主。"
    "In choosing a partner we are subconsciously assessing their evolutionary fitness to be a mother of children or father provider and protector," said Dr George Forster, adviser to the think tank.
  • 1988年6月,达赖提出了所谓解决西藏问题的“斯特拉斯堡建议”,这个建议以所谓西藏历来是独立国家为前提,一国内部的民族区域自治问题变成所谓的宗主国与附庸国、保护国与被保护国的关系,否认中国对西藏的主权,变相搞西藏独立。
    In June 1988, the Dalai Lama raised a so-called "Strasbourg proposal" for the solution of the Tibet issue. On the premise that Tibet "had always been" an independent state, the proposal interpreted the issue of a regional national autonomy within a country as a relationship between a suzerain and a vassal state, and between a protector and a protected state, thus denying China's sovereignty over Tibet and advocating the independence of Tibet in a disguised way.
  • 协议(procotol)是用来内容传送到设备。
    ? Protocols are used to deliver the content to devices.
  • 这种灵活性让设备厂商在开创和部署新的网络技术和协议方面更有进取心。
    This flexibility allows equipment vendors to be much more aggressive in creating and deploying new network technologies and protocols.
  • 一个在美国麻省剑桥工作的日本三菱电子实验室研究小组已经成功制造出了第一个这样的智能酒杯,不过要这项发明卖给英国人却没有那么容易。
    A team from the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories working in Cambridge, Massachusetts has made the first prototypes, but may find it hard to sell the idea to Britons.
  • 他们访期延长几星期。
    They protracted their visit for some week.
  • (三五)中日战争既然是持久战,最后胜利又是属于中国的,那末,就可以合理地设想,这种持久战,具体地表现于三个阶段之中。
    35. Since the Sino-Japanese war is a protracted one and final victory will belong to China, it can reasonably be assumed that this protracted war will pass through three stages.
  • 但其在中国的特点,是其特殊的长期性和广大性,这是突破历史纪录的东西。
    But what distinguishes this war in China is its especially protracted and extensive character, which will set a record in history.