  • 歌剧虽然比过去通俗些,但仍是阳春白雪,曲高和寡。
    Though more popular than it used to be, this opera is still caviar to the general.
  • “这些饼干上放的是什么?”“是从罐头盒里弄来的东西-一种水货鱼子酱。”
    "What's on these biscuits?" "It's something out of a tin-a sort of poor man's caviare."
  • 连他都挑不什么毛病来。
    Even he could find nothing to cavil about.
  • 连他都挑不什么毛病来。
    Even he could find nothing to cavil about.
  • 第400号出版物
    I.C.C. Publication No. 400
  • "他拿一个小盒子放在cd上。
    He set a small box on top of the CD.
  • 当1年期的存单到期时,取钱,用它来购买5年期的存单。
    When the one-year comes due, take that money and buy a 5-year CD.
  • 数月后,即1998年2月17日,该曲又现在她们的首张以乐队名字冠名的cd中。
    A few months later,the composition appeared on Destiny's Child's self? titled debut CD,which was released February 17,1998.
  • 然而,正如其名字(只读存储器)所指的那样,cd盘不能写,也不能用任何方式改变其内容。
    However, as the name(read-only memory)implies, CD disks cannot be written on or changed in any way.
  • 草图连同未撤回的反对个案和就反对书作的修订,会呈交行政长官会同行政会议核准。
    Draft plans, together with objections not withdrawn and amendments made to meet objections, will be submitted to the Chief Executive in Council (CE in C) for approval.
  • 使空,腾,搬使不再拥有或占有;放弃
    To cease to occupy or hold; give up.
  • 显扬,显赫使名,使光辉灿烂;庆贺
    To endow with fame or splendor; celebrate.
  • 把漂亮衣服穿上——我们要去参加庆祝活动哩。
    Get yourself togged up--we are going out to celebrate.
  • 在宴会上,那位著名的作家及其夫人未席,引起了人们的注意。
    In the party the celebrated writer and his wife were conspicuous by their absence.
  • 杭州以风景出名。
    Hangzhou is famous for its scenery.
  • 走出去庆祝胜利
    Went out and celebrated after the victory.
  • 他们庆祝孩子的生。
    they celebrated the birth of their first child.
  • 这电影明星酗酒名。
    This film star was celebrated for drinking too much.
  • 在公元17世纪,英国现了一个叫做“妈妈的星期天”的节日。
    During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday".
  • 好几位国际知名人士席了这位政治家的追悼仪式。
    Several international celebrity is present at the statesman's memorial service.
  • 他已证明了自己经受风雨人头地的能力,这是成为名流的关键。
    He has proven his ability to weather a storm and come out on top,important for any celebrity.
  • 他们还可能克隆他们自己,或者克隆他们孩子中的某一个,或者克隆一位他们敬慕的名人,甚至可能在我们死后把我们克隆来。
    They could clone themselves,or one of their kids,or a celebrity they admire,or maybe even us after we've died.
  • 芹菜的叶子上现斑点。
    a fungous leaf spot disease of the celery plant.
  • 科学家算了每1立方厘米氧中原子的数量。
    The scientist calculated the number of atoms in a cubic centimeter of oxygen.
  • 当局作这项安排,是为了避免财政储备因投资于外币资产而须承受汇兑风险,同时亦可集中管理政府的金融资产。
    This arrangement was introduced to avoid fiscal reserves having to bear exchange risks arising from investments in foreign currency assets and to centralise the management of the Government's financial assets.
  • 我们党的组织原则是高度的民主和高度的集中相结合,把列宁提的民主集中制原则精神发挥了。
    Our Party's organizational principles combine a high degree of democracy with a high degree of centralism, developing the principles of democratic centralism advanced by Lenin.
  • 这次会议提,要加强民主集中制,发扬民主,加强集中统一,反对分散主义。这是很必要很适时的。
    Therefore, it is essential and timely at this conference to stress the need to reinforce democratic centralism, expand democracy, strengthen centralism and unity, and oppose decentralism.
  • 这次会议提了加强党的领导,提了加强民主集中制,加强集中统一。
    At this conference we have stressed the need of strengthening Party leadership, democratic centralism, and centralization and unification.
  • 必须着重地指,党是一个战斗的组织,没有集中统一的指挥,是不可能取得任何战斗胜利的,一切发展党内民主的措施都不是为了削弱党的必需的集中,而是为了给它以强大的生气勃勃的基础,这是我们大家都充分明了的。
    It must be emphasized that the Party is a militant organization. Without centralized, unified command it would be impossible to win any battles. The measures taken for the development of inner-Party democracy are not meant to weaken necessary centralization in the Party, but to supply it with a powerful and vigorous base. This is perfectly clear to every one of us.
  • widower(鳏夫)一词是十四世纪造来的。
    Widower is a 14th century coinage.
  • 一陶器和墙壁装饰由擦掉表面层露地板得到。
    a ceramic or mural decoration made by scratching off a surface layer to reveal the ground.
  • 但日本国家材料科学研究所的b·n·金和他的同事们研究一种在到达破碎极限之前可以不断被拉长的新型陶瓷,可能会解决这一问题。
    But B. N. Kim and his colleagues at Japan's Nation-al Institute for Materials Science may have solved this problem with a ceramic that stretches-and stretches-before it breaks.