Chinese English Sentence:
  • 在爱尔兰这个地方,由于几乎无妥协可言,年青姑娘不得不从永久偶像与不断怀孕之选择其一。
    In Ireland there is so little sense of compromise that a girl has to choose between perpetual adoration and perpetual pregnancy.
  • 离散时周期序列的离散傅里叶级数表示
    discrete Fourier series representation of discrete-time periodic sequences
  • 潜伏期心理分析学中人的大约五岁到青春期这一发展阶段,在这期儿童压抑其性欲并倾向于与同性别成员相处
    The psychoanalytic stage of development, from about five years to puberty, during which a child represses sexual urges and prefers to associate with members of the same sex.
  • 不应害怕也不应压制各个社会内部和社会之的差异,而应将其作为人类宝贵资产来加以爱护。
    Differences within and between societies should be neither feared nor repressed, but cherished as a precious asset of humanity.
  • 劳改机关要求监管工作人员深入了解罪犯的各项日常活动,组织罪犯劳动、学习,开展个别教育和谈心活动,重要节、假日还与罪犯共同进餐,参加罪犯的文娱、体育活动,使罪犯与监管工作人员之形成彼此的情感联系和心理感应,尽可能消除罪犯与监管工作人员之可能存在的排斥和消极对抗心理。
    Reform-through-labour institutions require the prison staff to maintain close track of all the day-to-day activities of the prisoners. They must organize the prisoners to work and study ,and have personal education and heart-to-heart talks with prisoners. They also have meals with them on major holidays and participate in recreational and sports activities with them, to establish emotional and intellectual ties.This contact goes as far as possible to dispel any feelings of aversion and repressed antagonism which the prisoners may feel toward the prison staff.
  •  劳改机关要求监管工作人员深入了解罪犯的各项日常活动,组织罪犯劳动、学习,开展个别教育和谈心活动,重要节、假日还与罪犯共同进餐,参加罪犯的文娱、体育活动,使罪犯与监管工作人员之形成彼此的情感联系和心理感应,尽可能消除罪犯与监管工作人员之可能存在的排斥和消极对抗心理。
    Reform-through-labour institutions require the prison staff to maintain close track of all the day-to-day activities of the prisoners. They must organize work and study for, conduct classes for and have personal heart-to-heart talks with prisoners. They also have meals with them on major holidays and participate in recreational and sports activities with them, to establish emotional and intellectual ties. This contact goes as far as possible to dispel any feelings of aversion and repressed antagonism which the prisoners may feel toward the prison staff.
  • 我们暂且先放下不谈腾格拉尔如何怀着仇恨,竭力在船主莫雷尔的耳边讲他的同伴的坏话的。且说唐太斯横过了卡纳比埃尔街,顺着诺埃尹街转入梅兰巷,走进了靠左边的一家小房子里。他在黑暗的楼梯上一手扶着栏杆,一手按在他那狂跳的心上,急急地奔上了四层楼梯。他在一扇半开半掩的门前停了下来,那半开的门里是一个小房
    WE WILL LEAVE Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his comrade, and follow Dantès, who, after having traversed La Canebière, took the Rue de Noailles, and entering a small house, on the left of the Allées de Meillan, rapidly ascended four flights of a dark staircase, holding the baluster with one hand, while with the other he repressed the beatings of his heart, and paused before a half-open door, from which he could see the whole of a small room.
  • 人或事物之内在的固有的类同之处。
    inherent resemblance between persons or things.
  • 类同具有相同起源的物种之在结构上的关系或相似之处
    A relationship or resemblance in structure between species that suggests a common origin.
  • 虽然诸如互用性的基础设施问题对采用对象中件很关键,但阻碍用户使用的是服务器服务和更好的开发工具。
    Although infrastructure questions such as interoperability are critical to object-middleware adoption, what's holding users back is server services and better development tools.
  • 工人们与管理者之的协议;两个故事之的某种相似之处
    An agreement between workers and management; a certain resemblance between the two stories.
  • (生物)由于相似机体的关系。
    (biology) state of relationship between organisms or groups of organisms resulting in resemblance in structure or structural parts.
  • 陶瓷和制作它所用的花岗石粉之,混有海藻的砂子和玻璃之也极少相似之处。
    There is less resemblance between porcelain and the decomposing granite it is made, or between sand mixed with sea-weed, and glass.
  • 地球上的一块矿物和一张犁、一把斧、一把锯之相似之处很少;
    There is little resemblance between a piece of a mineral substance found in the earth, and a plough, an axe, or a saw.
  • 你有预订房间吗?
    Do you have a reservation?
  • 预订票、房间、卧
    Reserve tickets, rooms, couchettes
  • 事先打电话预定一个房
    Call ahead to reserve a room.
  • 我想预定一间房间。
    I want to reserve a room.
  • 说明你已预定了房
    State that you reserved room.
  • 说明你已预定了房间
    State that you have reserved a room
  • 医院里专门为作急救手术而准备的房
    an operating room reserved for emergency operations.
  • 这个分隔里的座位都已预定了。
    All the seats in the compartment are reserved.
  • 他抽出每天晚上的时给儿子读书。
    He reserves his evenings for reading to his son.
  • 加强夜进城的大型货车的管理,控制其行驶路段和速度,四环路内禁止机动车鸣笛。城市建成区敏感地段禁止列车鸣笛,铁路沿线和轨道交通两侧必要路段实行居民搬迁、修建隔声屏障。
    Moreover, the large lorries that enter the city during night will be under strict control in the driving routes and speed. No blow from any kind of automobiles will be permitted within the Forth Ring Road and no whistle from the train will be allowed in the sensitive area of the city. Residents along certain sections of the railway shall be resettled as necessary, noise insulation wall shall be built along the railway and the urban rails.
  •  ——服刑期保留职工身份的,刑满释放后由原单位予以安置。
    For a prisoner who has retained employee status during the term of imprisonment, resettlement is the responsibility of the former work unit.
  • 青春期是个难堪的中年龄;在中的位置;一条线上的中点。
    adolescence is an awkward in-between age; in a mediate position; the middle point on a line.
  • 幼年至青春期之的状态。
    the state of a child between infancy and adolescence.
  • 青春期是一个尴尬的夹在中的年龄段
    Adolescence is an awkward, in-between age.
  • 斯坦利是我们中的填纵横字谜的游戏迷。
    Stanley is our resident crossword fanatic.
  • 斜坡上房屋的街巷位于斜坡上或斜坡顶部的一条两边为居住区的街道
    A residential street on top of or climbing a slope.
  • 住宅物业市场方面,二零零一年大部分时市场气氛普遍淡薄。
    In the residential property market, sentiment was generally weak during most of 2001.
  • 在溶液和不能溶解的固体交换离子的过程。
    a process in which ions are exchanged between a solution and an insoluble (usually resinous) solid; widely used in industrial processing.