  • 多巴一种胺基,c9h11no4,由酪胺在肝脏中生成并在大脑中变为多巴胺
    An amino acid, C9H11NO4, formed in the liver from tyrosine and converted to dopamine in the brain.
  • 人类赖以生存的地球已是岌岌可危,生态环境在不断的破坏下已产生了显著的变化,四季气温异常、北极冰岩急速溶化、海水水温高涨、臭氧层的破洞继续扩张、大自然“还赠”给人们的雨、陆地下陷海平面上升,这种种的自然界反应到底给了我们什么启示?
    The earth, upon which mankind depends for survival, is in danger. The natural environment, under mankind's incessant destruction, is changing drastically. The abnormalities in the seasons and the weather, the rapid melting of the polar ice cap, the rising temperature of the oceans, the continuous expansion of the hole in the ozone layer, the acid rain "given back" to us by Mother Earth, sinking land masses and rising sea levels - what do all these reactions of the natural environment tell us?
  • 人类赖以生存的地球已是岌岌可危,生态环境在不断的破坏下已产生了显著的变化,四季气温异常、北极冰岩急速溶化、海水水温高涨、臭氧层的破洞继续扩张、大自然“还赠”给人们的雨、陆地下陷海平面上升,这种种的自然界反应到底给了我们什么启示?
    The earth, upon which mankind depends for survival, is in danger. The natural environment, under mankind's incessant destruction, is changing drastically. The abnormalities in the seasons and the weather, the rapid melting of the polar ice cap, the rising temperature of the oceans, the continuous expansion of the hole in the ozone layer, the acid rain "given back" to us by the nature, sinking land masses and rising sea levels - what do all these reactions of the natural environment tell us?
  • 我累极了。我工作得连手上的骨头都疼了。
    I am dreadfully tired; I've worked my fingers to the bone.
  • 他穿着寒酸。
    He is meanly dressed.
  • 我要法式酸辣油。
    A French dressing for me, please.
  • 他那尖刻薄的话显然很伤人。
    His wounding remarks clearly drew blood.
  • 一种炸药,其中硝化甘油被木质纸浆和钠或钾的硝盐构成的主剂吸收。
    a type of dynamite in which the nitroglycerin is absorbed in a base of wood pulp and sodium or potassium nitrate.
  • 粘土,泥土一种磨细的、坚固的土质材料,潮湿时是可塑的而加热时变硬,主要由含氢铝硅盐组成,广泛用于砖、瓦和瓷器的制造中
    A fine-grained, firm earthy material that is plastic when wet and hardens when heated, consisting primarily of hydrated silicates of aluminum and widely used in making bricks, tiles, and pottery.
  • 东亚地区的的黄的象浆果的水果。
    East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit.
  • 给我烤土豆加酸酱。
    Give me a baked potato?
  • 给我烤土豆加酸酱。
    Give me a baked potato with sour cream.
  • 肾脏位于脊椎腹腔背部区的一个或一对器官,作用是保持水和电解质平衡,调整碱浓度,过滤代谢产物中的血液,然后以尿的形式排出
    Either one of a pair of organs in the dorsal region of the vertebrate abdominal cavity, functioning to maintain proper water and electrolyte balance, regulate acid-base concentration, and filter the blood of metabolic wastes, which are then excreted as urine.
  • 一分子和一分子酒精反应并除去水后形成。
    formed by reaction between an acid and an alcohol with elimination of water.
  • 赤霉素一种植物荷尔蒙,如赤霉,用来促进植物茎部生长
    Any of several plant hormones, such as gibberellic acid, used to promote stem elongation.
  • 雨中混杂着工业排放的气体与水混合时所形成的
    rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere when industrial gas emissions combine with water.
  • 引起雨的二氧化硫气体排放的减少,增加了温室气体的影响。
    A reduction in emissions of sulphur dioxide,which causes acid rain,has increased the impact of greenhouse gases.
  • 我含着眼泪来回忆以上的历史事实,就是要告诉总统阁下,邦加这个美丽、迷人的原始小海岛,那里有着我祖先的辛泪、血汗史,埋葬着我祖先的骸骨和忠魂,更有我祖先开天辟地所创立的丰碑。
    The tearful account above serves to tell Your Excellency that the beautiful and enchanting island of Bangka was nourished by the blood and tears of my ancestor. His bones lie beneath the soil just as his spirit hovers over it. There lies the monument to my ancestor's pioneering efforts.
  • 土壤里施了硝盐肥料。
    The soil is enriched with nitrates.
  • 在细胞的新陈代谢中一种由二磷腺苷合成三磷腺苷的酶促过程。
    an enzymatic process in cell metabolism that synthesizes ATP from ADP.
  • 化酶一种催化从糖原和无机磷盐中产生葡萄糖磷盐的酶
    An enzyme that catalyzes the production of glucose phosphate from glycogen and inorganic phosphate.
  • 在肉类和鱼中所含有的人体必需的氨基、赖氨,是蛋白质中酶的运输所必需的。
    The essential amino acid lysine, in meat and fish, is needed for the transportation of enzymes found in protein.
  • 嗜伊红细胞容易被曙红或其它性染料染色的微生物、细胞或组织成分
    A microorganism, cell, or histological element easily stained by eosin or other acid dyes.
  • 酪氨一种白色晶体状氨基,c9h11no3,从酪蛋白等蛋白质的水解中产生,是肾上腺素、甲状腺素、黑色素的母体
    A white crystalline amino acid, C9H11NO3, that is derived from the hydrolysis of proteins such as casein and is a precursor of epinephrine, thyroxine, and melanin.
  • 酸腐蚀金属。
    Acid erodes metal.
  • 他走路像是特别小心照顾他那只痛的脚似的。
    He walked along as if favoring his sore foot.
  • 核苷酸发酵微生物
    microorganisms of nucleotide fermentation
  • 一种无色的,在新陈代谢和发酵中作为重要的中间物形成。
    a colorless acid formed as an important intermediate in metabolism or fermentation.
  • 规模生产从氨基发酵中分馏蒸馏乙醇的装置。
    an apparatus for the fractional distillation of ethanol from fermentation on an industrial scale.
  • 一种类似油灰的胶泥,由氧化铁和煮沸的亚麻油混合而成,具有抗性。
    a cement resembling putty; made by mixing ferric oxide and boiled linseed oil; is acid resistant.
  • 任何粪肥或硝盐混合物,用后使土壤更加肥沃。
    any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile.
  • 骨粉和硝盐是普通的肥料。
    Bone-meal and nitrates are common fertilizers.