  • 不论是提出的,那是个好主意。
    The idea is a good one irrespective of who may have submitted it.
  • 那个岛屿是发现的?
    By whom was that island discovered?
  • 是急不可待地想试试。
    He must be itching to have a go at it.
  • "如果你继续这样急促不清地说下去,也听不懂了。"
    Nobody can understand you if you keep jabbering away like that.
  • 能把这一法律术语用简单易懂的英语给我说一遍?
    Can someone translate this legal jargon into plain English for me?
  • 想想看,有穿牛仔裤参加正式的舞会,那就太不像话!
    Imagine anyone coming to a formal dance in jeans. Of all the nerve!
  • 他把这机器看得像宝贝,也不让碰。
    He treasured the machine like a jewel. He would not allow anyone to touch it.
  • 约翰逊的搭档是谁?
    Who's team up with johnson?
  • 约翰逊的搭档是谁?
    Who 's team up with Johnson?
  • 我想知道开玩笑替我报名参加比赛的!
    I'd like to know what joker entered me for the competition!
  • 谁将审理下个案子?
    Who will judge the next case?
  • 这就变得有趣了:昨晚我看见和你在一起的不是朱迪,那会是呢?
    The plot thickens: if it wasn't Judy I saw you with last night, who was it?
  • 家里人也没拿出东西来捐助这次义卖活动, 只有我妹妹慷慨相助.
    Nobody else in the family gave anything for the jumble sale, but my sister came up trumps.
  • 家里人也没拿出东西来捐助这次义卖活动,只有我妹妹慷慨相助。
    Nobody else in the family give anything for the jumble sale, but my sister come up trump.
  • 看谁能跳得最远。
    See who could jump the farthest.
  • 我再也不替彼得干活了,要是他再让我干活,我就叫他爱找就找去,别找我。
    I never want to work for Peter again. If he offers me a job I'll tell him to stuff it up his jumper.
  • 谁是店主?
    Who 's a shop - keeper?
  • 这钥匙是谁的?
    Whose key is this?
  • 谁保管钥匙?
    Who keeps the keys?
  • 谁说要杀唐太斯?
    who talks of killing Dantès?
  • 是你的健在的最近的亲属?
    Who is your next of kin?
  • 谁扮演李尔王?
    Who portrayed king Lear?
  • 谁被选为国王。
    Who was chosen king?
  • 谁和他计较亲疏的?
    Who's debating with you about degrees of kinship.
  • 把我乾净的厨房弄得这麽脏?
    Who messed up my clean kitchen?
  • 要给汤姆做个风筝?
    Who is going to make tom a kite?
  • 汤姆要给做个风筝?
    Who is tom go to make a kite for?
  • 汤姆要给谁做个风筝?
    Who is Tom going to make a kite for?
  • 谁有小刀?
    Who have a pen-knife?
  • 谁有小刀?
    Who has a pen - knife?
  • 谁在敲门?
    Who is knocking at the door?
  • 去看看谁在敲门
    Please see who's knocking.