  • 兹小姐当实习医生的最后一周,她和当地另一位1946年就开始行医的,85岁的内科医生查利·罗博士,住在一起。
    For the last week of her internship, Ms. Reynolds lived with another local physician, Dr. Charlie Rowe, 85, who has practiced since 1946.
  • 灵知对于宗教真理的直觉认识,尤指古代斯替派所说的只有信仰才得到的知识
    Intuitive apprehension of spiritual truths, an esoteric form of knowledge sought by the Gnostics.
  • 孩子们在安全部队攻击他们布宜斯艾利斯的家时随著父母"失踪"了。
    The children"disappeared" with their parents when security force invade their home in buenos air.
  • 孩子们在安全部队攻击他们布宜斯艾利斯的家时随著父母"失踪"了。
    The children " disappeared " with their parents when security force invade their home in buenos air.
  • 蒙哥马利元帅在曼第入侵中指挥地面部队。
    Marshal montgomery command the grind force in the invasion of normandy.
  • 蒙坎停战协定的性质,和过去张高峰停战协定是一样的,就是说,在日本屈膝之下,日本军阀承认了苏蒙边疆的不可侵犯。
    The nature of the Nomonhan truce agreement is the same as that of the previous Changkufeng truce agreement; that is to say, the Japanese militarists, being compelled to admit defeat, have had to recognize the inviolability of the Soviet and Mongolian frontiers.
  • 西藏自治区政府承到2000年与全国同步实现消除碘缺乏病。
    The government of the Tibet Autonomous Region is determined to keep in step with the other areas of China and stamp out diseases caused by iodine deficiency by the year 2000.
  • 借据还债的许,特别是指一张签了名的纸,上面写清了具体的钱数并常有iou这几个字母
    A promise to pay a debt, especially a signed paper stating the specific amount owed and often bearing the letters IOU.
  • 福克斯美洲土著居民,以前居住在密执安州南部、威斯康星州南部、伊利斯州北部和洛瓦河东部的各个地区,目前人口多集中在洛瓦河中部,索克人居住在俄克拉何马州
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting various parts of southern Michigan, southern Wisconsin, northern Illinois, and eastern Iowa, with present-day populations in central Iowa and with the Sauk in Oklahoma.
  • 杜布克美国衣阿华州东部城市,位于密西西比河畔,对岸是伊利斯-威斯康星边境,1833年成为永久殖民地,是该州最古老的城市。人口57,546
    A city of eastern Iowa on the Mississippi River opposite the Illinois-Wisconsin border. It was first settled permanently in1833 and is the oldest city in the state. Population,57, 546.
  • 他在那些大胆而残忍的妇女把所有她们的男子杀死之后,曾经在雷姆岛旁边经过。
    He later journeyed through the isle of Lemnos whose bold and heartless females, earlier, had slaughtered every male upon the island;
  • 阿斯顿,弗朗西斯·威廉1877-1945英国化学家及物理学家。他因在非放射性元素的同位素的发现过程中取得重大进展而获1922年贝尔奖
    British chemist and physicist. He won a1922 Nobel Prize for developments that led to the discovery of isotopes in nonradioactive elements.
  • 当舒尔兹在伦敦初次告诉[约旦]国王将以一个国际会议做达成巴勒斯坦和平的出发点,并邀请约旦扮演主要角色时,他承一定要赢得以色列总理沙米尔的支持。他告诉候赛因说,如果必须,他会扭着沙米尔的臂膀,即使扭下来也要他参加。
    When Shultz first informed the king in London about an international conference as the launch pad for Palestinian peace, with Jordan a major player, her promised to win Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir's support. If necessary, he told Hussein, he would "twist Shamir's arm fight out of its socket" to get him on board.
  • 债券的面值是发行债券的机构承偿还的金额。
    The face a-mount or par valueis the amount that the bond issuer has agreed to repay.
  • 债券的面值是发行债券的机构承偿还的金额。
    The face amount or par value is the amount that the bond issuer has agreed to repay.
  • 举例说,新加坡政府的4.5%03/00债券,发行机构是新加坡政府,年利率是4.5%,持有人每半年所拥有的1000元债券将获得22.40元的利息,发行机构承在2000年3月偿还本金。
    One example of a fixed rate bond is the Singapore Government Bond 4.5% 03/00, the issuer is the Government of Singapore, the interest payable is 4.5%. The SGB's coupon is payable on a semi-annual basis, i.e. the Singapore Government will pay the investor 2.25% of S$1,000 or $22.40 every six months. The government promises to repay the principal in March 2000 to the investor.
  • 去年11月初中国总理朱镕基访问雅加达,总统美加华蒂以“中华”(tionghua)代替“支那”,恢复她的已故父亲、印尼国父苏卡时代对华人的称呼,获得好评。
    Last November, when Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji visited Jakarta, President Megawati replaced the word "Cina" with "Tionghua" - the way Chinese were addressed when her late father Sukarno ruled Indonesia. The move won her praises from Chinese Indonesians.
  • 卡利斯忒是另一个引得朱妒火中烧的少女,朱把她变作一头熊。
    Callisto was another maiden who excited the jealousy of Juno, and the goddess changed her into a bear.
  • 2002年可持续发展问题世界首脑会议(南非约翰内斯堡)为查明哪些领域需要进一步的努力和面向行动的决定,以及激励人们重新作出政治承,提供了机会。
    The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa) provided an opportunity to identify areas where further efforts and action-oriented decisions were needed and to generate renewed political commitment.
  • 埃斯比萨·梅德拉,j.de
    Juan de Espinosa Medrano (1632~1688)
  • 朽木不可雕,最贤良,最肯牺牲的妻子也不可能把一个奥斯华德变成一个阿德·贝内特。这个道理朱莉娅懂得太晚了。
    Too late Julia realized that the best and the most-sacrificing of wives cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, an Arnold Bennett out of an Oswald.
  • 享誉国际的指挥家尼威尔.马连那爵士、圣马田乐团、小提琴家尼祖.肯尼迪、大提琴家朱利安.莱.韦伯、敲击乐家伊芙莲.格妮、钢琴家彼得.多浩和多位来自内地、本港、台湾的杰出音乐家,在约为期一周的音乐节内参与了20场公开演奏,26场大师班及43场演奏训练,为学院的音乐系学生及本港的学生提供前所未有的学习机会。
    Internationally renowned conductor Sir Neville Marriner, the Academy of St.Martin in the Fields, violinist Nigel Kennedy, cellist Julian Lloyd Webber, percussionist Evelyn Glennie, pianist Peter Donohoe and many distinguished musicians from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan participated in 20 public concerts, 26 master classes and 43 coaching sessions.
  • 马尔斯(阿瑞斯)是朱庇特和朱的儿子。
    Mars(Ares) was the son of Jupiter and Juno.
  • 请求朱庇特把牛送给她做礼物,众神和人类之王有什么办法可想呢?
    Juno begged it as a gift. What could the king of gods and men do?
  • 但是朱报复之心不死。
    But the vengeance of Juno was not yet satiated.
  • 朱庇特统治诸神主宰一切的主神,古罗马的保护神,朱的弟弟和丈夫
    The supreme god, patron of the Roman state and brother and husband of Juno.
  • 这时候朱庇特出面替她求情,答应和她从此一刀两断。朱这才同意恢复伊俄的原来面目。
    Then Jupiter interceded for her; and upon his engaging not to pay her any further attention, Juno consented to restore her to her form.
  • 二战高峰时期,盟军在曼底海岸发动了雄心勃勃的"霸王计划",目标所对准的法国海岸的代号分别是奥玛哈、犹他、朱、宝剑和黄金。
    At the height of World War II,the Allies launched ambitious Operation Overlord along the Norman coast,targeting French beaches that were code named Omaha,Utah,Juno,Sword and Gold.
  • 轻轻咳了一下,叫唤那恶狗朱。临到第二次会面,它总算赏脸,摇起尾巴尖,表示认我是熟人了。
    and hemmed, and called the villain Juno, who deigned, at this second interview, to move the extreme tip of her tail, in token of owning my acquaintance.
  • 见到自己的情敌如此尊荣,大为恼火,急忙去找海洋神老特堤斯和俄刻阿斯。
    Juno was in a rage to see her rival so set in honor, and hastened to ancient Tethys and Oceanus, the powers of ocean, and in answer to their inquiries, thus told the cause of her coming.
  • 在克洛斯反对朱庇特的斗争中,普罗米修斯站到了奥林波斯山诸神的一边。
    In the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities.
  • 我们看过朱庇特怎样化成一头公牛驮走了腓尼基国王阿革耳的女儿欧罗巴。
    We have seen how Jupiter, under the disguise of a bull, had carried away Europa, the daughter of Agenor, King of Phoenicia.