  • 从前你一先令可买到一杯啤酒。
    In the old days you could get a pint of beer for a shilling.
  • 莱佛士女子中学的例子只是昙一现,还是预示一个充满爱心的社会将要到来?在一个具有爱心的社会里,除了追求物质生活和学术成就,人们所表现的善心也同样会得到珍惜。
    Is the shinning example shown by RGS a mere flash in the pan, or is it the harbinger of a more caring society, in which human kindness is valued no less than material success or scholastic achievement?
  • 一种广泛分布在南非东部的小而半常绿的树,猩红色,种子小,呈珊瑚红色,;木质轻软,用作篱笆木或盖屋板。
    small semi-evergreen broad-spreading tree of eastern South Africa with orange-scarlet flowers and small coral-red seeds; yields a light soft wood used for fence posts or shingles.
  • 有一个长满鲜艳荷的池塘。
    There was a pond covered with shining water lilies.
  • 北美西部的一种小形的早毛茛,黄色、有光泽。
    small early-flowering buttercup with shiny yellow flowers of western North America.
  • 中国常青缠绕植物,长有有光泽的深绿色叶子和很香的白
    evergreen Chinese woody climber with shiny dark green leaves and intensely fragrant white flowers.
  • 美国东部多刺的木质藤蔓植物,茎干坚硬,开绿色小,结不可食用的黑色果实。
    a very prickly woody vine of the eastern United States growing in tangled masses having tough round stems with shiny leathery leaves and small greenish flowers followed by clusters of inedible shiny black berries.
  • 脱离因脱落区的形成而引起的叶子、朵或果实的自然脱落
    The shedding of leaves, flowers, or fruits following the formation of the abscission zone.
  • 瓶在运送途中被打碎了。
    The vase was fragmented in shipment.
  • 颜色哨的夏威夷衬衫。
    A jazzy Hawaiian shirt.
  • 拟人,人格化给无生命的东西或者抽象的东西赋予人的个性或绘以人的形象,如在句子饥饿站在路上颤抖或儿在草地上翩翩起舞
    A figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form, as in Hunger sat shivering on the road or Flowers danced about the lawn.
  • 边的鞋一种沉重的镶边的走步鞋
    A heavy, laced walking shoe.
  • 满是朵的园;充满了思想;充满了犯罪的贫民窟;空中满是雪
    garden abounding with flowers; rich in ideas; slums rife with crime; the air was thick with snow.
  • 光是鞋就了100英镑。
    The shoes alone cost 100.
  • 布满朵的布满朵或覆盖着朵的
    Abounding in or covered with flowers.
  • 嘘跑那些鸟,它们在园里吃种子呢!
    Shoo those birds away, they're eating my garden seeds!
  • 她以嘘嘘声把那些小孩子从屋子赶到园。
    She shooed the children out of the house into the garden.
  • 他掐掉天竺葵侧边上的
    He nipped off the side shoots from his geraniums.
  • 园丁正在把菊的边芽掐掉。
    The gardener was nipping off the side shoots from his chrysanthemums.
  • 桃花蓓蕾枯萎了。
    The peach buds aborted.
  • 为看完所有的数据,你需要挖掘工具,而这些工具以扫描数据、找出模式(如食品店中同时购买生酱和果冻的人)的算法为基矗
    To get through all the data, you need mining tools based on algorithms that scan through the data looking for patterns (such as grocery shoppers buying peanut butter and jelly together).
  • 碎浪,浪形成浪峰或溅成泡沫的浪,尤指拍击在海滩上的
    A wave that crests or breaks into foam, especially against a shoreline.
  • 万维网最出名的缺点是将信息从服务器移到用户的桌面系统时(人们永远喜欢这么做),不管服务器是在地球的另一半、还是就在同一条街上,都要时间。
    The well-known shortcoming of the World Wide Web is the fact that it takes time to move information from a server to a user's desktop -- people always like to do so, no matter if that server is on the other side of the globe or down the street.
  • 更短的时间到达那儿。
    It takes much shorter time to get there.
  • 和香兰相似,但较小、茎和距较短。
    similar to Gymnadenia conopsea but with smaller flowers on shorter stems and having much shorter spurs.
  • 棉屑沉着病一种因长期吸入棉丝、亚麻丝或大麻尘埃而致的职业病。主要症状是呼吸时气短、咳嗽以及哮喘
    An occupational respiratory disease caused by the long-term inhalation of cotton, flax, or hemp dust and characterized by shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing.
  • 吊带饰皮裤皮制短裤,常带有吊带,适于男子或男孩穿用,尤盛行于巴伐利亚地区
    Leather shorts, often with suspenders, worn by men and boys, especially in Bavaria.
  • 美国人度假时会尽可能地变得比平时更美国化,穿上色奇异的短裤、白色的旅游鞋和写有叛逆性口号的t恤衫。
    When they go on holiday Americans become even more American than usual, if that's possible, wearing crazy-patterned shorts, white running shoes, and T-shirts with offensive slogans.
  • 你不肯钱修理自己的房子,眼光是非常短浅的。
    It's very shortsighted not to spend money on repairing your house.
  • 河北省组织妇女开展“三八银赛”,400万参赛妇女承担了一半以上的棉田生产任务,扭转了该省连年棉生产滑坡局面。
    Women in Hebei Province have been organized to participate in "March 8th Cotton Competition." The 4 million women partaking the competition have shouldered more than half of the management in the cotton fields, ending the decline situation of cotton production in the province.
  • 请你用铲子把这些生埋在沙土里。
    Please dig the peanuts in the sand with your shovel.
  • 他们没有很多时间就在雪地里铲出一条路来。
    It do not take them long to shovel a path through the snow.