Chinese English Sentence:
  • --可持续发展力不断增强,生态环境得到改善,资源利用效率显著提高,促进人与自然的和谐,推动整个社会走上生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。
    -- The capability of sustainable development will be steadily enhanced. The ecological environment will be improved. The efficiency of using resources will be increased significantly. We will enhance harmony between man and nature to push the whole society onto a path to civilized development featuring the growth of production, an affluent life and a sound ecosystem.
  • 气候、生态系统和社会在经历恶劣条件的重压后够得以恢复,但是必须在没有长期置于挑战和一个又一个破坏的情况下。
    Climate, ecological systems and society can all recoup after stress, but only if they are not exposed to prolonged challenge or to one disruption after another.
  • 我们总是希望我们的投资尽早,安全地收回来。
    We hope our investment can be recouped safely and quickly.
  • 某些社会学家对此不表赞同,因为他们认为任何一种社会改良方案都不解决贫富阶级之间的根本矛盾问题;
    Some sociologists don't see eye to eye with it because they believe that a social reform program of any kind could not at all solve the basic problems which arise between affluent and poor classes.
  • 我们可有必要提请仲裁。
    It may be necessary for us to have recourse to arbitration.
  • 我们可有必要提请仲裁。
    It may is necessary for us to have recourse to arbitration.
  • 人人皆知以多胜少是最好的办法,然而很多人不做,相反地每每分散兵力,原因就在于指导者缺乏战略头脑,为复杂的环境所迷惑,因而被环境所支配,失掉自主力,采取了应付主义。
    Everybody knows that the best way is to use a large force to defeat a small one, and yet many people fail to do so and on the contrary often divide their forces up. The reason is that such military leaders have no head for strategy and are confused by complicated circumstances; hence, they are at the mercy of these circumstances, lose their initiative and have recourse to passive response.
  • 弹性从受阻状态下很快恢复的力,弹力
    Ability to recover quickly from setbacks; resilience.
  • 他得需要多长时间才恢复?
    How long will he need to recover?
  • 康复现在还难说。
    It is doubtful whether he will recover.
  • 我们希望股票复原到原来的2.90美元。
    We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90.
  • 他病得非常厉害,不大可恢复健康了。
    He is very ill and unlikely to recover.
  • 索回的定金、挽回的损失、收回的资产
    Recoverable deposits, losses, assets
  • 法院裁定该损害太间接,原告不获得。
    The court decide that the damage is too remote to is recoverable by the plaintiff.
  • 法院裁定该损害太间接,原告不获得。
    The court decided that the damage was too remote to be recoverable by the plaintiff.
  • 条例又规定由无牌放债人贷出的款项,不经法庭追讨。
    It also provides that any loan made by an unlicensed money lender shall not be recoverable by court action.
  • 固体废物能源
    energy recovery from solid wastes
  • 市场萧条越来越严重,买方空空,不可有早日复苏迹象。
    Dullness deepen totally buyer's early recovery impossible.
  • 我看不出他有痊愈的可性。
    I see no prospect of his recovery.
  • 预后从病中痊愈的可
    The likelihood of recovery from a disease.
  • 尽管他可是富裕的,但他一点不知道该付多少小费给看门人和清理卧室的女服务员。
    Affluent he may be, But he is by no means sure what to tip the doorman or the chambermaid.
  • 我像一个钢琴师,首先一个乐句一个乐句地、已领神会乐曲的佳妙,接着操练一番,尽可想把作曲家要表达的思想感情挖掘出来,并且惟妙惟肖地使它重新再现。
    I was like a pianist studying a piece of music, phrase by phrase, rehearsing it, trying to discover and recreate exactly what the composer was trying to convey.
  • 如果你一直随时保存,你可会丢失半页或一页;如果不随时保存,你会将29页都丢掉。从记忆中恢复丢失的半页、一页要比恢复29页容易得多。
    If you've been saving all along,you've lost half a page,maybe a page,both of which are a lot easier to recreate from memory than the 29 pages you would have lost if you hadn't been saving at all.
  • 目前,我国的经济发展已上了轨道,人民的生活比起从前更为富裕,在这种情况下,自然希望够进一步提高生活素质,而体育在这方面,绝对够作出贡献。
    With the economy on track and Singaporeans enjoying more affluence, the desire to have a better quality of life is understandable. Sports no doubt will have a role to play in this aspect.
  • 在一开始时,就应该确定团员可得到多少的报酬,如此一来,必将大大地减少日后发生争执的可性。
    Determine at the outset what rewards you are offering in return for the work of others,and there will be little room for later recriminations.
  • 如果你曾经气馁挫败过,如果你曾竭尽心力熬过图厄,如果你曾很努力却失败了,如果你因病痛导致行动不便,本书可正是你遍寻不看的荒漠甘泉。
    And, too, if you have ever been discouraged, if you have had difficulties to surmount which took the very soul out of you, if you have tried and failed, if you were ever handicapped by illness or physical affliction, this story of my son's discovery and use of the Carnegie formula may prove to be the oasis in the Desert of Lost Hope, for which you have been searching.
  • 他们从某种意义上看可是疯子,但那是全世界的父母共同的苦恼,不仅仅是日本。
    Parents may be nuts by definition, but that's a universal affliction -- not just Japan's.
  • 被雇来寻找和征募有才的人(特别是世界上的娱乐界或体育界)。
    someone employed to discover and recruit talented persons (especially in the worlds of entertainment or sports).
  • 为新聘的消防员而设的初级训练,课程包括基本的灭火技巧、操作消防车辆和设备、使用呼吸器、救护工作及体训练。
    For recruit firemen, this covers basic fire-fighting techniques, appliances and equipment, breathing apparatus, ambulance aid and physical training.
  • 例如,如果他们想找一位服务员,“电子面试考官”可就会问你如何对付一位难缠的顾客。
    For example, if interviewing for a customer service job, the tele? recruiter might ask how you handled a difficult customer.
  • 指任何经受得住痛苦而不绝望的长期忍耐的人。
    any long-suffering person who withstands affliction without despairing.
  • 例如,电子生意产生了一类新的基于网络的中间商,他们正在替代长久以来就有的中间环节,如传统的分销商和提供全套服务的中介商。比如,monster.com利用web双向交互的力,把求职者与人事招聘联系起来。
    For example, electronic business is creating a new class of Web-based middlemen that are displacing some longtime intermediaries like traditional distributors and full-service, for example, is taking advantage of the Web's capabilities for two-way interaction by linking job seekers with human resources recruiters.