  • 那次爆炸将饭店的整个前半部掀掉了。
    The explosion ripped off the whole front of the restaurant.
  • 食物加入调料来做。
    the act of adding a seasoning to food.
  • 非生产性的未可交换价值增加任何东西的
    Adding nothing to exchangeable value.
  • 外行的,未经传授的没有予秘传知识或被宗教仪式接纳的;无经验的
    Not admitted into a body of secret knowledge or ritual; uninitiated.
  • 他选了各种各样洁净的鸟兽作为供品,放在祭坛上奉献天主。
    He took ritually clean beastsand birds of every kind, and offered whole-offerings on the altar.
  • 而且,沉湎于时尚服装的人们不得不花费更多时间逛商店,更加注意自己别人的印象。
    Furthermore, people who addict to fashion clothes have to spend more time going shopping and pay more attention to the impression they make on others.
  •  明朝第三个皇帝明成祖(1403—1424年在位),以西藏佛教和政治合为一体,大小派别各踞一方,为有利于治理,西藏各地宗教领袖封以“法王”、“王”、“灌顶国师”等名号。
    The third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chengzu (reigned 1403-1424) saw the advantage of combined Buddhist religious and political power in Tibet and rivalry between sects occupying different areas. So he conferred honorific titles on religious leaders in various parts of Tibet such as the "prince of Dharma," "prince" and "national master in Tantrism."
  • 明朝第三个皇帝明成祖(1403—1424年在位),以西藏佛教和政治合为一体,大小派别各踞一方,为有利于治理,西藏各地宗教领袖封以“法王”、“王”、“灌顶国师”等名号。
    The third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chengzu (reigned 1403-1424) saw the advantage of combined Buddhist religious and political power in Tibet and rivalry between sects occupying different areas. So he conferred honorific titles on religious leaders in various parts of Tibet such as the "prince of Dharma," "prince" and "national master in Tantrism", etc.
  • 河流补给
    feeding of a river
  • 予更多力量或支持。
    given added strength or support.
  • 我们在河边迎接四季的到来,在春季,最年轻的姑娘带上花冠;在施洗约翰节前夕,举行夏日之节;
    We welcome the seasons by the riverside, crowning the youngest girl with flowers in the spring, holding a summer festival on Midsummere Eve:
  • 汽车加了2加仑油。
    He added 2 gallons of fuel to his car.
  • (一个组合证券)注入保证金
    To add margin to(a stock portfolio).
  • 给…增加,补充
    To add an augment to.
  • 给…添加肥料
    To add fertilizer to.
  • 路边的卡车司机提供备办食物的场所(饭店)。
    a roadside service station (and restaurant) that caters to truck drivers.
  • 里程碑,里程标路边所设立的石制标志,以英里指示从定的一点到该路标的距离
    A stone marker set up on a roadside to indicate the distance in miles from a given point.
  • 释义齐国发生了大饥荒,黔敖在路上放了食物,等待饥民来,他们吃。
    Once,State Qi met with a serious starvation.A rich man named Qian Ao prepared some food for the famine victims by the roadside waiting them to come and eat.
  • 尼克的父亲买了一部敞篷车他,他非常高兴。
    Nick was delighted when his father bought him a roadster.
  • 然后用户会访问某个web服务——无线服务或者接受通过oracle9iaswireless适配器(作为绑定变量)传递它的用户标识,或者要求用户再次使用用户名和密码进行重新认证。
    ? The user then accesses a web service - the wireless service either accepts the user’s identity passed to it through the Oracle9iAS Wireless adapter as a bind variable or can ask the user to reauthenticate them again using a username and password.
  • 比如,服务交换系统能把服务器必须要处理的包的数量减到最小,只要可能还能把主机处理功能下放服务器交换机或适配器。
    A server switching system, for example, minimizes the number of packets servers have to process and off-loads host-processing functions to the server switch or adapter whenever possible.
  • 请给我来盘烤牛肉。
    I'll have the roast beef, please.
  • 厨子切一片烤火鸡递我。
    The cook hacked off a slice of the roasted turkey and handed it to me.
  • 烤鸭的做法由一位明朝皇帝做饭的厨师首创。
    The recipe of roasting ducks was first developed by a chef who prepared food for a Ming emperor.
  • 法律适应化工作实际上巩固了香港的习惯法制度,「国家」一词下清晰的定义,以及在国家之下可列为附属机关须符合的准则。
    The adaptation of laws exercised actually reinforced the common law system in Hong Kong by providing clear definitions of the word 'State' and the criteria under which the subordinate organs will qualify.
  • 这个剧本是原创的;不是改编的;他保留下了原本而只了她一个复印件;翻译失去了许多原创时法语的精微之处。
    the play is original; not an adaptation; he kept the original copy and gave her only a xerox; the translation misses much of the subtlety of the original French.
  • 德国的社会主义者自己的那几条干瘪的“永恒真理”披上一件用思辨的蛛丝织成的、绣满华丽辞藻的花朵和浸透甜情蜜意的甘露的外衣,这件光彩夺目的外衣只是使他们的货物在这些顾客中间增加销路罢了。
    The robe of speculative cobwebs, embroidered with flowers of rhetoric, steeped in the dew of sickly sentiment, this transcendental robe in which the German Socialists wrapped their sorry "eternal truths," all skin and bone, served to wonderfully increase the sale of their goods amongst such a public.
  • 他们他起名为罗伯特。
    They named him Robert.
  • 谢谢你把我介绍罗宾先生。
    Thank you for introducing me to Mr. Robin.
  • 全班她寄去了一封合写的信件。
    The class sent a round robin letter to her.
  • 此系统提供操作员一种逐句对应、可以马上进行更改的译文。
    The system presents an operator with sentence-by-sentence adaptation that can be changed immediately.
  • 全班同学正在住院的比尔寄去了一封大家合写的信,以表慰问。
    The class sent a round-robin letter to Bill in the hospital.