  • 懒散的她堵在门口;凌乱的发;不修边幅的外表。
    filled the door with her frowzy bulk; frowzy white hair; slovenly appearance.
  • 好东西,失去了才明
    We know not what is good until we have lost it.
  • 看了看贫民窟使他明了贫苦意味着什么。
    A visit to the slums brought home to him what poverty really meant.
  • 嘴唇苍白地微笑
    Smiled with bloodless lips.
  • 似大理石的在光滑、洁或坚硬等方面似大理石的
    Resembling marble, as in smoothness, whiteness, or hardness.
  • 如果我们偷偷地把这瓶兰地酒拿出去,我们将冒被抓住并罚款的危险。
    If we smuggle this brandy we take the risk of being caught and fined.
  • 多佛尔与法国加莱市隔岸相对的英格兰东南部自治市,临多佛尔海峡。罗马灯塔遗址,自中世纪以来就是战略要地,该市垩崖多岩洞和涵洞原为走私者所用。人口33,700
    A municipal borough of southeast England on the Strait of Dover opposite Calais, France. Site of a Roman lighthouse, it has been a strategic port since medieval times. The chalk cliffs rising above the city have caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers. Population,33, 700.
  • 士兵戴维说:"天的时候都是做些杂七杂八的琐碎活,心情糟透了。只有到了晚上,得知自己收到了邮件,脸上才会呈现出灿烂的笑容。"他边说边打开自己的包裹,里面装着一堆零食和妻子女儿的一盘录音磁带。
    "You are down all during the day doing details, doing what you got to do and then at the end of the day when you get mail call you just get a big smile on your face," said David Vaugn as he unloaded a package filled with snacks and an audiotape from his wife and daughter.
  • 别那么凶狠地抢他。
    Do not snap him up so fiercely.
  • 约翰的老板抢了他一顿。
    John's employer snapped him up short.
  • 产于加拿大西北部和阿拉斯加的大型色野绵羊。
    large white wild sheep of northwestern Canada and Alaska.
  • 阿拉斯加的一种桦树,色至浅棕色树皮。
    Alaskan birch with white to pale brown bark.
  • 令在返航途中去世,而他的船员们则告知沙皇,他们在阿拉斯加海边看到许多可爱的毛茸茸的小海豹。
    Bering died on the voyage home,but his crewmen told the czar how many sweet little fuzzy seals they had seen on Alaskan shores.
  • 长袍一种传教士所穿的长袍,穿在长袍或法衣外面
    A long ecclesiastical vestment worn over an alb or surplice.
  • 礼拜用僧衣披肩教士做礼拜时围在颈部和肩部,部分套在僧袍下面的长方形布领,通常用麻布制成
    A liturgical vestment consisting of an oblong piece of white linen worn around the neck and shoulders and partly under the alb.
  • 短法衣天主教副助祭穿在袍外的无袖短法衣,长及膝盖,也指主教中红衣主教穿在法衣下面的紧身祭服
    A sleeved outer vestment reaching to the knees, worn over the alb by a subdeacon or sometimes under the dalmatic by a bishop or cardinal.
  • 绣线菊属植物两种产于北美洲的灌木(绣叶菊属花柳叶绣线菊或绣叶菊属宽叶绣线菊),具有色花朵的伞状花束
    Either of two North American shrubs(Spiraea alba or S. latifolia) having umbel-shaped clusters of white flowers.
  • 金枪鱼各种金枪鱼属及相关科属的鲭亚鱼目大观赏鱼和食用鱼中的任意一种,这种鱼大多数,包括金枪鱼和瞳鲔,是罐头装的鱼的重要来源,具商业价值
    Any of various often large scombroid marine food and game fishes of the genus Thunnus and related genera, many of which, including T. thynnus and the albacore, are commercially important sources of canned fish.
  • 竖立叶柄的草本植物,松散花序,芳香型、粉红、红或紫花;原产希腊西南和阿尔巴尼亚南部的沙地和海洋峭壁。
    erect branching herb cultivated for its loose racemes of fragrant white or pink or red or lilac flowers; native to sands and sea cliffs of southwestern Greece and southern Albania.
  • 三个世纪的漫漫岁月在哈瓦·雷克萨苍的皮肤上刻满了皱纹。这期间她经历了奥斯曼帝国统治、阿尔巴尼亚君主制,还有意大利统治。
    The wrinkles in Hava Rexha's pale skin were carved by a life spanning three centuries, under Ottoman Turkish rule, Albanian monarchy, Italian occupation.
  • 非常大的信天翁;主体为色羽毛,翅膀黑色。
    very large albatross; white with wide black wings.
  • 数年前,我曾在洛克林兹术科学研究院,举办一种小说著述的课程,我们希望当时名作家诺里斯、赫司德、塔勃尔、许士等来我们班上,讲述他们写作的经验。
    Years ago I conducted a course in fiction writing at the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, and we wanted such distinguished and busy authors as Kathleen Norris,Fannie Hurst, Ida Tarbell, Albert Payson Terhune and Rupert Hughes to come to Brooklyn and give us the benefit of their experiences.
  • 霉菌性口炎常发生在婴儿和儿童身上的一种由假丝酵母真菌引起的传染性疾病,特征是口腔、咽候和舌头形成色的小疹块且常伴有发烧、疝痛和腹泻
    A contagious disease caused by a fungus, Candida albicans, that occurs most often in infants and children, characterized by small whitish eruptions on the mouth, throat, and tongue, and usually accompanied by fever, colic, and diarrhea.
  • 化病的、与之相关的或受其影响的。
    of or pertaining to or affected by albinism.
  • 化病的人;色的头发、粉红色的眼睛和乳色的皮肤。
    a person with albinism: white hair and pink eyes and milky skin.
  • 化病现象患化病的人或化体状态
    The condition of being an albino.
  • 鼬,雪貂一种象鼬的通常为化体的与艾鼬有关的哺乳动物(鼬属雪貂),经常被驯养来猎取鼠和野兔
    A weasellike, usually albino mammal(Mustela putorius furo) related to the polecat and often trained to hunt rats or rabbits.
  • 参与这张金专辑制作的所有人员都对它的成功惊叹不已。
    Everyone associated with the platinum album expressed awe about its success.
  • 这张专辑卖出了1400万张,并在25个国家获金唱片和金唱片奖?quot;
    The album sold 14 million copies and went gold and platinum in 25 countries.
  • 他看上去让人很难联想到仅凭借一首歌曲四次荣登金唱片榜的人。他的这张专辑销量甚至超过了乐坛天后马莉亚·凯莉和天王迈克·杰克逊的最新专辑。
    But he doesn't act like a man who has a song on an album that's gone platinum four times over - an album that has outsold the latest CDs from Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson.
  • 槲寄生一种欧亚寄生灌木,(槲寄生属果槲寄生),有草质、绿色茎叶和蜡色桨果
    A Eurasian parasitic shrub(Viscum album) having leathery evergreen leaves and waxy white berries.
  • 蛋的黄色球状部分,被蛋所包围。
    the yellow spherical part of an egg that is surrounded by the albumen.