  • 抗寄生物的消或抑制人体及动物体内寄生虫生长繁衍的
    Destroying or inhibiting the growth and reproduction of human or animal parasites.
  • 能够消致病微生物或者抑制其生长。
    capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.
  • 这只受伤的狗要予以人道毁.
    The injured dog had to be destroyed.
  • 各种微小的昆虫,其幼虫寄生在其它昆虫的卵和幼体中;许多小蜂对消有害的昆虫有用。
    any of various tiny insects whose larvae are parasites on eggs and larvae of other insects; many are beneficial in destroying injurious insects.
  • 到打了一年之久的时候,虽已不利于出浙江,但还可以向另一方向改取战略进攻,即以主力向湖南前进,不是经湖南向贵州,而是向湖南中部前进,调动江西敌人至湖南而消之。
    Even after a year's fighting, though it had become inopportune for us to advance on Chekiang, we could still have turned to the strategic offensive in another direction by moving our main forces towards Hunan, that is, by driving into central Hunan instead of going through Hunan to Kweichow, and in this way we could have manoeuvred the enemy from Kiangsi into Hunan and destroyed him there.
  • 这情形剂可消害虫。
    The insecticide will kill off the insect pests.
  • 磷胺,大虫一种无色杀虫剂,c10h19clno5p,用来控制蛆、甲壳虫、蚜虫和其它植物害虫
    A colorless insecticide, C10H19ClNO5P, used to control mites, beetles, aphids, and other plant pests.
  • 我再一次认识到——自从做了母亲后我已多次意识到——做母亲的“该做些什么”这样的想法有多危险,而社会坚持如何做好母亲的惟一标准又有多大的毁性。
    Once again, as I had so often realized since I had become a mother, I understood how dangerous are the “ shoulds” of motherhood, how destructive is society's insistence on one right way to be a good mother.
  • 史:另一件事是关于保险赔款支付问题,万一货物失或破损,我推断,我可以在当地城市取得赔款。
    Well, in case of loss or damage, the insured party can receive payment locally in our city, presume.
  • 使堕落,变坏破坏或毁…的诚实或正直
    To destroy or subvert the honesty or integrity of.
  • 总而言之,你们责备我们,是说我们要消你们的那种所有制。
    In one word, you reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so;
  • 可见,你们责备我们,是说我们要消那种以社会上的绝大多数人没有财产为必要条件的所有制。
    You reproach us, therefore, with intending to do away with a form of property, the necessary condition for whose existence is the non-existence of any property for the immense majority of society.
  • 突然发光迅速或间歇地熄或点燃灯火
    To give off light or be lighted in sudden or intermittent bursts.
  • 军队处于戒备状态,准备消一切敢于入侵之敌。
    The soldiers were put on the alert to wipe out any enemy that dared to intrude.
  • 我们必须随时准备消一切敢于入侵之敌。
    We must be ready at all times to wipe out any enemy that dares to invade China.
  • 不管侵略者什麽时候来,都必被消
    No matter when the invader comes, they will be wiped out clean.
  • 不管侵略者什麽时候来,都必被消
    No matter when the invader come, they will is wipe out clean.
  • 为保卫我们的国家,我们随时准备歼敌人。
    We are always ready to defend our country from enemy invasion.
  • 我们决心消一切敢于来犯之敌。
    We are determined to wipe out any enemy who dares invasion.
  • 这将意味着他们自取亡。
    That would mean they were inviting their own destruction.
  • 如果这样的话,人们就是在自我毁
    If that were true, people would be inviting self-destruction.
  • 于是我回来了,结果发现在战时和狱中支撑着我的那种伙伴关系无可挽回地破了,而我,就像一个时代的落伍者,漫步走进了一个陌生的新世界。9年来,无人作伴、无人交谈的经历把我与这个分离开来。
    I came back then to find the association which had sustained me in war and prison irrevocably dissolved and I wandered, like a kind of Rip van winkle, into a strange new world with nine years of unshared and incommunicable experience separating me from it.
  • 12月6日,数十名华裔领袖聚集雅加达,要骂人议员现身说法,但有关人士消声迹,不敢露面。
    Dozens of enraged Chinese community leaders gathered in Jakarta, wanting the MP to speak out against the unpleasant experience. But the MP chose to disappear from the public eye.
  • 被嫉妒毁灭
    Was devoured by jealousy.
  • 纳粹党消了好多犹太小孩的生命。
    The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children.
  • 耶利哥巴勒斯坦古城,临近死海西北海岸。是扼守约旦河下游河谷的要塞,据《圣经・旧约》所述,它被约书亚征服并毁
    An ancient city of Palestine near the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. A stronghold commanding the valley of the lower Jordan River, it was, according to the Old Testament, captured and destroyed by Joshua.
  • 在如此的亡国种的紧急关头,国民党如果还因循上述的政策不愿迅速改变,将使抗日战争蒙受绝大的不利。
    If, at this critical juncture of life or death for our nation, the Kuomintang continues in the same old groove and does not quickly change its policy, it will bring disaster to the War of Resistance.
  • 他背朝着我。正当他准备转身时,灯了,这时,他的叫喊声你就是在堪萨斯州也可能听得见。
    His back was to me and he was just beginning to turn around when the light went out. You could have heard him yell in Kansas.
  • 绝的灵长类动物的一个属,有强健的咀嚼肌,臼齿大,门牙小;肯尼亚发现的一种化石。
    extinct primate having powerful chewing muscles along with large molars and small incisors; fossils found in Kenya.
  • 高昌与喀喇汗王朝都是公元840年漠北回鹘汗国覆后,由西迁西域的回鹘人汇同其他操突厥语诸族建立的地方政权,前者以吐鲁番地区为中心,后者控制包括天山南部、中亚河中等广大地区。
    The Gaochang and Karahan were local regimes established by the Uighurs, who had moved west to the Western Regions together with other Turki-speaking tribes after the Mobei Uighur Khanate collapsed in 840. The Gaochang had the Turpan area as its center while the Karahan controlled the vast areas south of the Tianshan Mountains and Hezhong (Samarkand) in Central Asia.
  • 蚊子在产卵时易于消
    Mosquitoes kill easily when incubating.
  • 一种用于杀昆虫的化学药品。
    a chemical used to kill insects.