  • 政府、机场营运人、航空公司和其他有关方面制定的航空保安计划,是本港有效行航空保安措施的基础所在。
    Aviation security programmes developed by the Government, airport operators, airlines and other concerned parties form the basis for implementing effective aviation security measures in Hong Kong.
  • 不管是否科学家,人们经常因理不当而陷入可以避免的错误。
    Whether scientists or not, people frequently fall into avoidable errors because of a failure to reason correctly.
  • 正是在纽约上东区挨户按响门铃销过程中,她开始意识到雅芳的广阔前景。
    " It was by ringing doorbells on New York's Upper East Side that she really began to understand Avon's larger business.
  • 人的思想不仅能够想、测和理解,也能够觉醒、遂愿、启迪和激励。
    The mind will not only deduce, speculate, and comprehend, but it will also awaken, will, enlighten and inspire.
  • 文艺就把这种日常的现象集中起来,把其中的矛盾和斗争典型化,造成文学作品或艺术作品,就能使人民群众惊醒起来,感奋起来,动人民群众走向团结和斗争,实行改造自己的环境。
    Writers and artists concentrate such everyday phenomena, typify the contradictions and struggles within them and produce works which awaken the masses, fire them with enthusiasm and impel them to unite and struggle to transform their environment.
  • 尤其令我振奋的,是看见新加坡青年站在动文化觉醒的前列。
    I am especially encouraged that the younger Singaporeans are in the forefront of this cultural awakening.
  • 认识力思想过程或认识才能,包括如意识、知觉、理和判断等方面
    The mental process or faculty of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.
  • 以及广自然保育教育,以增进市民对这方面的认识。
    and promoting conservation education and public awareness of nature conservation.
  • 她挤过了人群。他被到了一个责任艰巨的职位上
    She thrust herself through the crowd. He was thrust into a position of awesome responsibility.
  • 把大针刺进小腿或叫丫头醒他,对他都没有一点好处。
    No amount of sticking an awl in his calf or of shaking him up by a maid will do him any good.
  • 于是他回忆起曾见过类似的仕女名媛穿着类似的衣服进入伦敦的戏院,而他却站在那儿张望,被警察到雨篷以外的蒙蒙细雨中去。
    Then he remembered seeing similar grand ladies and gowns entering the London theatres while he stood and watched and the policemen shoved him back into the drizzle beyond the awning.
  • (逻辑术语)如果在一个逻辑系统中,引入任何不是从系统的公理中导出来的命题,将会产生矛盾,这样的逻辑系统具有的属性成为完备性。
    (logic) an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that a contradiction arises if any proposition is introduced that cannot be derived from the axioms of the system.
  • 我非常乐意向你们荐巴达放小姐。
    It affords me great pleasure to recommend Miss Ba Dafang to you.
  • 沃克,亨利·克莱1832-1884美国歌曲作家,以其在美国内战中的创作的联邦军歌曲而著名,包括《巴比伦被翻》(1863年)
    American songwriter noted for his Union compositions during the Civil War, including"Babylon Is Fallen"(1863).
  • 热爱巴赫,特别是他的变奏曲;特别荐了一本书;特地研究了普韦布洛群体的人口发展的主要情况。
    loves Bach, particularly his partitas; recommended one book in particular; trace major population movements for the Pueblo groups in particular.
  • 你看,有男子团体赛,女子团体赛,男子单打,女子单打,男子双打,女子双打,男女混合双打;有攻击型选手,防守型选手;他们横握拍,直握拍;削球,搓球,挡,抽球,远台长抽,近台快攻,长抽短吊,对抽;正手打,反手打……噢,真是太精彩了。
    You see, there is men's team evern, women's team event, Men's singles, women's singles, and men's doubles, women's doubles, mixed doubles; we have attacking player, defensive player; they get a shake hand grip, penhold grip; and cut, chop, push shot, smash; take a long drive off the table, fast attacks over the table, combine long drives with drop shots, exchange drives stroke forehead and backhand ... Oh, very much excellent!
  • 土机一种可用来挖掘或动泥土机器,如土机或挖土机
    A machine, such as a bulldozer or backhoe, that is used for digging or pushing earth.
  • 1999年5月,五个来自美国佛罗里达州的青年--即“后街男孩”乐队--出的最新专辑《千禧情》在第1周售出1133505张,成为soundscan公司开始记录销售额以来一周内销量最多的专辑。
    May l999, five young men from Florida, the Backstreet Boys, sold l, l33, 505 copies of their latest album Millennium in its first week in release, making it the most albums sold in a week--ever--since Sound-Scan began recording sales figures.
  • 枪开火时所产生的向后的力。
    the backward jerk of a gun when it is fired.
  • 因为有一次庞拜为他的一位朋友争执政官之职,与苏拉所举之人竞选,竟而获胜。在苏拉对此表示不满而开始争吵的时候,庞拜简直反唇相向,叫他不要多言。
    For when he had carried the consulship for a friend of his, against the pursuit of Sylla, and that Sylla did a little resent thereat, and began to speak great, Pompey turned upon him again, and in effect bade him be quiet.
  • 在接下来的一年中,bryanadams出了金曲合集sofar,sogood其中收录了一首新歌"pleaseforgiveme"这首歌谣成为了又一个topten金曲。
    The following year,Bryan Adams released a greatest-hits collection,So Far,So Good,which featured a new track,"Please Forgive Me."The ballad became another Top Ten success,as did the similar-sounding "All for Love"--a collaboration with Rod Stewart and Sting taken from The Three Musketeers --which reached number one.
  • 进而这种改进“可能被中国用在未来公路机动发射型洲际导弹的系统上”的论又如何得出?
    Further more, how could the inference that such an improvement was "capable of being adapted for use as the guidance system for future PRC road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles'' be made?
  • 《限制反弹道导弹条约》(简称《反导条约》)对于维护全球战略平衡与稳定、动核裁军、促进国际安全具有重要作用。
    The Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (hereafter referred to as the ABM Treaty) plays a very important role in maintaining the global strategic balance and stability, promoting nuclear disarmament and enhancing international security.
  • 广告商用气球作销用的材料。
    The admen is using balloon as promotional material.
  • 中国的选举不受金钱的左右,由选民自由地讨论、协商,举出他们信任的候选人,然后进行无记名投票,实行差额选举。
    Elections in China are not controlled by money, and candidates trusted by the people are elected after free consultation and discussion and by secret ballot. Multicandidate elections are practised in China.
  • 而且面对精明的销员、让人迷惑的专业术语,你更需要在去商店选购相机前了解一些数码相机的主要特性。
    Canny salespeople may try to bamboozle you with jargon, so it's worth getting to grips with a few key features before you hit the shops.
  • 行在公共场所禁止吸烟的规则
    Introduce a ban on smoking in public places
  • 旅游协会又与旅游同业,例如各酒店及航空公司,定期在海外合办多项广活动,包括在曼谷、新加坡、吉隆坡、雅加达及马尼拉等城市举行东南亚巡回访问团,以及组织旅游业考察团到台湾、韩国和印度访问,以及在日本36个城市举行城市巡回宣传。
    Regular joint promotions with travel industry partners such as hotels and airlines were also conducted overseas. These included a South-East Asia Road show to Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Manila; travel trade missions to Taiwan, Korea and India; and a City Blitz of 36cities in Japan.
  • 二零零一年六月二十日,中国银行(香港)有限公司和渣打银行出新的千元钞票,加入新的防伪特征(这些新防伪特征已经用于香港上海?丰银行有限公司于二零零零年出的新千元钞票)。
    On June 20, 2001, the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and Standard Chartered Bank put into circulation their enhanced $1,000 banknotes, bearing the additional security features which had already been applied to the $1,000 banknote of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited in 2000.
  • 出新千元钞票后,年内发现的千元伪钞数目大幅减少。
    After the launch of the enhanced $1,000 banknotes, there was a significant decrease in 2001 in the number of counterfeit $1,000 banknotes detected.
  • 他想在决定出伯氏烧烤馅饼之前作一番广泛的市场调查。
    He wants to do extensive market research before making the decision to go ahead with the Burt's Barbecue Burger.
  • 杰克的老板迈克·博罗瓦斯基建议出伯氏烧烤馅饼,这是普通伯氏汉堡包的“改良”产品。
    Jack's boss, Mike Borowski, has suggested the introduction of the Burt's Barbecue Burger, an "improved" version of standard Burt's hamburger.