  • 根据全国首次统一草地资源调查,西藏有草地种类居全国各省、自治区之首,在全国18个草地类中,西藏就占有17个草地类。
    According to the first national survey of grassland resources, the variety of grassland in Tibet ranks first among all provinces and autonomous regions. Of the 18 types of grassland in the country, Tibet has 17.
  • 他们过去在黄河两岸曾有大片草场。
    They had once held broad stretches of grassland on the banks of the Yellow River.
  • 全国有城市公共绿地面积163208公顷,比上年增加20093公顷,城市人均有公共绿地4.6平方米,比上年增加0.9平方米。
    In the whole country, the public urban greening land area is 163208 hectares, with 20093 hectares over the previous year. The per capita urban public greening land area is 4.6 m2, 0.9 m2 over the previous year.
  • 他以一个深情的抱来迎接她。
    He greeted her with a loving hug.
  • 我再也不必在穷途末路上堕落了。我已能在挤的人行道上昂首阔步了。
    I no longer wallow in the grime and gutters, but I walk along crowded sidewalks with my head held high.
  • 1987年,联合国教科文组织郑重把敦煌莫高窟列入世界遗产名录。这座"沙漠上的美术馆"不再只是中国的国宝,它已经成为全人类共同有的珍贵财富。
    In 1987, UNESCO had Mogao Grotto of Dunhuang solemnly listed as one of the world's legacies, making the "Art Gallery in the Desert" not only a national treasure of China but also an invaluable trove of the mankind.
  • 那位农民在山坡上有一片桔子园。
    The farmer has an orange grove on the hillside.
  • 心怀仇恨地羡慕别人并且希望得到别人所有的东西。
    a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something possessed by another.
  • 他们打着护毛泽东同志的旗帜,搞“两个凡是”,实际上是换个面貌来坚持林彪、“四人帮”那一套。
    On the pretext of supporting Comrade Mao Zedong, they are following the principle of the "two whatevers".In fact, they are merely peddling the old stock in trade of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four in new guise.
  • 他们欢呼戴他为国王。
    They hailed him as King.
  • 梅里马克美国新罕布什尔州南部一城镇,位于梅里马克河沿岸,曼彻斯特南部。它有多种轻工业。人口22,156
    A town of southern New Hampshire on the Merrimack River south of Manchester. It has varied light industries. Population, 22,156.
  • 为了不让业务发展受到限制,我们得确保公司同时有足够的当地人才,在管理层和特殊项目小组里担任要职。
    To ensure this does not handicap the company's business aspirations, Shell ensures that it has a good complement of competent local staff for many of the senior positions within the management/project team.
  • 他把公司中的他有的股票全部卖掉后出国了。
    He sold out his hare of the business and went abroad.
  • 克林顿是个幽默风趣的谈话高手,从他在哈勒姆第125街的办公室朝南可以看到中央公园。克林顿对他的老朋友弗农·乔丹说:“30年前我们相遇时,谁能想到你最终会在市中心有一间办公室,而我会在黑人区哈勒姆办公?"
    There's a wistful and amused lilt to his conversation. Peering south toward Central Park from his office on 125th Street, Clinton told his old friend Vernon Jordan:" Who would have guessed when we met 30 years ago that you'd end up with an office in midtown and I'd have one in Harlem?
  • 底比斯城如今只能勾起卡德摩斯和哈耳摩尼亚的无限伤感。他们弃城出走,投奔了安奇里亚人。那里的人们热情地接待了他们,并戴卡德摩斯为王。
    Cadmus and Harmonia quitted Thebes, now grown odious to them, and emigrated to the country of the Enchelians, who received them with honor and made Cadmus their king.
  • 巴西的一位总统候选人在竞选期间认为有必要访问一下卡斯特罗和哈瓦那,而不是华盛顿,因为他想得到在巴西的卡斯特罗的护者的选票。
    When a candidate for the Presidency of Brazil feels it's necessary to call, not on Washington during the campaign, but on Castro and Havana, in order to pick up the support of the Castro supporters in Brazil?
  • 由于是在“开放系统互连”模型的网络层上起作用的,始发站上的包加密装置对整个包加密,包括ip报头,都提供一个有新报头的包。
    Functioning at the network layer of the Open Systems Interconnection model, the packet-encryption device at the originating site encrypts the entire packet, including the IP header, and provides it with a new header.
  • 谁搞和平,我们就护;谁搞战争和霸权,我们就反对。
    We support those who help maintain peace and oppose those who make war and who seek hegemony.
  • 女继承人女性继承人,尤指对大笔财产有继承权者
    A woman who is an heir, especially to great wealth.
  • 螺旋形的,螺旋(线)的(有)螺旋形或螺旋线的;螺旋的
    Of or having the shape of a helix; spiral.
  • 这些佃户将顺利地有并享有让渡的房产,他们按时缴纳了包租的租金和履行自己应该履行的几项契约。
    the tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing the several covenants herein on his part contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premises.
  • san让有异种存储平台的用户使用所有的存储资源。
    SANs let users with heterogeneous storage platforms utilize all of its storage resources.
  • 有土地的权利;古代等级制度中保有土地的一部分。
    the right to hold property; part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands.
  • 他在山上有一栋巨宅。
    He possesses a huge house on the hillside.
  • 她紧紧地抱他,吻他。
    She held him tight and kissed him.
  • 追随和护印度教的人。
    a person who adheres to Hinduism.
  • 不过,他有的货币和制成品并不全都是资本,因为他不是把它们全部用在这些方面。他用一部分货币和出售制成品所得的货款来满足他个人和他家庭的消费,雇用马夫和听差,供养猎人和猎犬,教育子女,交纳税款或捐给慈善机构。
    His money and finished goods, however, are not wholly capital, for he does not wholly devote them to these purposes: he employs a part of the one, and of the proceeds of the other, in supplying his personal consumption and that of his family, or in hiring grooms and valets, or maintaining hunters and hounds, or in educating his children, orin paying taxes, or in charity.
  • 全球网络是史无前例的高速公路系统,它无视民族和边界,把通向王国、财富和数字身份的钥匙平等地交给每一个有计算机的人。
    The Global Network is a historically unprecedented high-way system that defies nationalism and borders.It places the keys to the kingdom,to our wealth and our digital identity,within equal reach of everyone with a computer.
  • 在一个挤的房间里它还可以帮助你传达对异性的好感,如果你一再挤眉弄眼和打手势招呼其过来均不奏效的话。
    It could also help you signal romantic interest across a crowded room, if winks and come-hither gestures don't work.
  • 大片农田的有者;油田的有者
    The holder of extensive farmland; the holder of oil fields.
  • 有英国皇室资助的教授职位的人。
    holder of a British professorship created by a royal patron.
  • 那个嫌疑犯有非法物品
    The suspect was holding.