  • 脑力劳动和体力劳动之间本质别的消失
    elimination of the essential differences between mental and manual labour
  • 中性服装消除或没有两性别,尤指衣着上
    Elimination or absence of sexual distinctions, especially in dress.
  • 另一种是:精英与其他人之间的距越来越大。
    the other is the expanding gulf between that elite and everybody else.
  • [谚]一寸和一尺一样;小错大错都是错。
    An inch is as good as an ell.
  • 关于妇女们的容貌,他形容得淋漓尽致;他还描述了宴会的用具,以及听们穿戴和身材。
    He described the persons of the ladies with great eloquence; the service of the table; the size and costume of the servants….
  • 他的整个态度发生了微妙的变化;微妙的别;人心难测。
    his whole attitude had undergone a subtle change; a subtle difference; that elusive thing the soul.
  • 艾丽丝,我沏茶的功夫不比任何人
    I can make the tea with the best of' em, Alice.
  • 这大概就是就是文化的异,不同的思维方法导致不同的结果。
    This must be the cultural difference. Differ-em ways of thinking lead to different results.
  • 交接器原基胚胎中无别的性组织,它会成长为阴茎或阴蒂
    The sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris.
  • "她很易动感情,她丈夫到另一个城市出时她竟然放声大哭。"
    She was very emotional; she cried even when her husband left for another city on bysiness.
  • 被雇来供遣的男孩。
    a boy who is employed to run errands.
  • 我受不了这个差事。
    I could not bear the employment.
  • 文化别之所以能起作用,是因为数据集市增长之背后真正的动力是赋予最终用户能力之需要。
    Cultural differences come into play because the true driver behind the growth of data marts is the need to empower end users.
  • 他们物质富足,但生活空虚,这一别是容易察觉的。
    It is easy to perceive the contrast between their material prosperity and the emptiness of their lives.
  • 我想,即使我的假设正确,我们也只能靠运气发现它:研究生物系统中我们不太理解的边缘领域,接着让机器人或人工智能系统迸行生物仿真,看看我们的理解在哪些地方出了错。
    I think we can only hit upon it, if my hypothesis is right, by looking at the edges of where we don't quite understand things in biological systems, and then getting robots or Al systems to emulate what biology does and see where our understanding breaks down.
  • 香港与英国之间所建立的并不止於历史和文化上的关系,在社会、学术、艺术、运动和商务上不多每一个范畴均建立了合作关系。
    Our relationship is one of history, of culture and of partnership in almost every field of social, academic, artistic, sporting and business endeavour.
  • 如果麦克唐纳设计不出偏的话,他的设计将被英航采用。"
    If MacDonald does his job properly then this will be enforced."
  • 享受一块夹肉面包和享受周遭的景色(后者就是我们所谓诗歌),其异是否可以很容易地分别出来呢?
    Is it so easy to draw a distinction between the enjoyment of a sandwich and the enjoyment of the surrounding landscape, which we call poetry?
  • 男女童入学异由1.3个百分点降到0.14个百分点。
    The difference in enrollment rate between boy and girl child decreased from 1.3 points of percentage to 0.14.
  • 农村与城市儿童入学率之,1990年为2.5个百分点,1994年降至0.9个百分点;
    the difference in the enrollment rate between rural children and city children dropped from 2.5 percentage points in 1990 to 0.9 percentage point in 1994.
  • 据统计,1995年全国小学适龄女童入学率为98.2%,男女性别仅为0.7个百分点,女在校生比例占47.3%。
    According to statistics, in 1995 the enrollment ratio of school-age girls in primary schools was 98.2 percent, only 0.7 percentage point lower than that of boys; girl students accounted for 47.3 percent of total primary school enrollment.
  • 据统计,1995年全国小学适龄女童入学率为98.2%,男女性别仅为0.7个百分点.
    According to statistics, in 1995 the enrollment ratio of school-age girls in primary schools was 98.2 percent, only 0.7 percentage point lower than that of boys;
  • 据国家教委统计,全国女童与男童入学率之,1991年为2.9个百分点,1994年降至1.3个百分点;
    According to the statistics of the State Education Commission, the difference in the enrollment rate between girls and boys dropped from 2.9 percentage points in 1991 to 1.3 percentage points in 1994;
  • "每年我也报名参加花园大赛,但我总是得全镇最花园的小奖!"
    "Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!"
  • 我是专程来办一件事的.
    I've come on a special errand.
  • 出去干一些愚蠢的
    Off on some fool errand or other.
  • 你的事是去寄这封信
    Your errand was to mail the letter.
  • 他催女佣赶快去办事。
    He bustled the maid off on an errand.
  • 我现在得去听他的遣。
    I have to go an errand for him now.
  • 如果有什么事要跑跑腿的话,他总是第一个自告奋勇者。
    If an errand had to be run, she was always the first volunteer.
  • 这位大企业家从14岁时起就在一家商行里当听
    The businessment started out as an errand boy at the age of 14 in a firm.
  • 原因并不是为着高粱舅来,他们可以得到奉委沽酒的事,为的是高粱舅能把春天带到我们的家里来,使一片广大的沙漠,遍发了茸茸的细草。
    It was not that they looked forward to the wine buying errand during Uncle Gao-liang's visit. It was because Uncle Gao-liang brought with him the freshness of Spring into our home. His arrival transformed a vast expanse of desert into a carpet of fine soft grass.