  • 这项年度调查根据各个城市的生活质量对215个城市进行了排名,其中瑞士的城市在"最适宜住的城市"排名榜上占据了大多数席位。悉尼和日内瓦并列第四,波恩排在第十位。
    Swiss cities dominated the list of 215 centres ranked according to quality of life, with Geneva tying Sydney for fourth place and Bern finishing 10th, in the annual survey by human resources consultancy William M.Mercer.
  • 山羊撒野了;它们撞倒栅栏,现在正乱啃隔壁邻晾晒的衣服!
    The goats have gone berserk; they broke down the fence and now they are eating all the washing on the line in the garden next door!
  • 房租问题由于不断困扰剑桥的各种冲突而使人积怨囤恨,它已不仅仅是个大学城的民与师生之间对抗的问题,而是像一张利益冲突的关系网,拉紧得足以……。
    The rent issue has gathered venom from the conflicts which beset Cambridge. No simple matter of town versus gown, but so tight a web of interest drawn against interest that…
  • 民被迫逃离这座被围困的城市。
    Citizens were forced to flee the besieged city.
  • 不丹人不丹人民或
    A native or inhabitant of Bhutan.
  • 我们的邻看来似乎无所事事,但事实上他在等待时机。
    Our neighbour seems to be doing nothing, but in fact he's just biding his time.
  • 自由泳的单细胞或群双鞭毛藻。
    unicellular or colonial biflagellate free-swimming flagellates.
  • 当最后的记录完成时,她的首张专辑在billboard排行榜上高首位。
    After the final tallies were in,her debut had landed at the No.1spot on the Billboard charts.
  • 玛丽亚的最新专辑"白日梦情"进入公告牌200张专辑排行榜榜首,其中产生了连续位榜首的3首单曲:“奇想”、“甜美的一天”(与"从男孩到成人"乐队合唱)以及“永远是我爱”。
    Mariah's last album, Daydream, reached #1 on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart; generated three consecutive #l singles-- Fantasy, One Sweet Day (her duet with Boyz II Men), and Always Be My Baby.
  • 里,埃弗・丹尼斯生于1904法国钢琴家、作家和编辑,以一本描述她的母亲玛丽・里的传记小说里夫人(1937年)而闻名
    French pianist, writer, and editor best known for Madame Curie(1937), a biography of her mother, Marie Curie.
  • 如果天上有可爱的白云,那么,让他们读白云而忘掉书本吧,或同时读书本和白云吧。在休憩的时候,吸一筒烟或喝一杯好茶则更妙不过。或许在一个雪夜,坐在炉前,炉上的水壶铿铿作响,身边放一盒淡巴菰,一个人拿了十数本哲学,经济学,诗歌,传记的书,堆在长椅上,然后闲逸地拿起几本来翻一翻,找到一本爱读的书时,便轻轻点起烟来吸着。金圣叹认为雪夜闭户读禁书,是人生最大的乐趣。陈继儒(眉公)描写读书的情调,最为美妙:“古人称书画为丛笺软卷,故读书开卷以闲适为尚。”在这种心境中,一个人对什么东西都能够容忍了。此位作家又曰:“真学士不以鲁鱼亥豕为意,好旅客登山不以路恶难行为意,看雪景者不以桥不固为意,卜乡间者不以俗人为意,爱看花者不以酒劣为意。”
    If there are good clouds over one's head, let them read the clouds and forget the books, or read (he books and the clouds at the same time. Between times, a good pipe or a good cup of tea makes it still more perfect. Or perhaps on a snowy night, when one is sitting before the fireside, and there is a kettle singing on the hearth and a good pouch of tobacco at the side, one gathers ten or a dozen books on philosophy, economics, poetry, biography and piles them up on the couch, and then leisurely turns over a few of them and gently lights on the one which strikes his fancy at the moment. Chin Shengt'an regards reading a banned book behind closed doors on a snowy night as one of the greatest pleasures of life. The mood for reading is perfectly described by Ch'en Chiju (Meikung): "The ancient people called books and paintings 'limp volumes' and ' soft volumes'; therefore the best style of reading a book or opening an album is the leisurely style. " In this mood, one develops patience for everything. As the same author says, "The real master tolerates misprints when reading history, as a good traveller tolerates bad roads when climbing a mountain, one going to watch a snow scene tolerates a flimsy bridge, one choosing to live in the country tolerates vulgar people, and one bent on looking at flowers tolerates bad wine."
  • 同时这种生物探测仪天然性能稳定:与传统意义上b细胞在机体内的所相比,使工作环境大打折扣的疲劳、灰尘和其他污染物不会使这些b细胞发生失误。
    The biosensor, too, is naturally robust: exhaust, dirt and other contaminants that make the working environment considerably less than hospitable, compared with a B cell's traditional home inside the body, don't trick the cells into misfiring.
  • 蛤,蛤蜊一种双壳纲通常穴的海洋及淡水双瓣软体动物,包括帘蛤属和海螂属的成员,其中许多可食用
    Any of various usually burrowing marine and freshwater bivalve mollusks of the class Pelecypoda, including members of the genera Venus and Mya, many of which are edible.
  • 方圆几英里之内,就他一个铁匠,又因为他活儿做得好,他的铺子里常常聚集着邻、老朋友和村里其他店铺的老板。
    He was the only blacksmith for miles around and since he did very good work, his shop was frequently crowded with neighbors and old friends and other shopkeepers from the village.
  • 城市民还责怪民工造成了城市犯罪率大幅度上升。
    City residents also blame migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.
  • 对其许多民来说,伯明翰是一个典型的被规划者损毁了面貌的城市。
    To many of its inhabitants Birmingham is a classic example of a city disfigured by planner's blight.
  • 使我们惊讶的是校长对他们学校学生们的坏行为然熟视无睹。
    To our surprise, the headmaster turned a blind eye to the bad behaviour of his pupils.
  • 在无知即是福气的地方,去跟邻借报纸看(从而使自己摆脱无知)是愚蠢的。
    Where ignorance is bliss, it's foolish to borrow your neighbour's newspaper.
  • 在猛烈空袭期间,住在伦敦的人们必定经历了困难时期。
    The people who lived in London during the blitz certainly experienced hard times.
  • reckless也出版于1984年底并获得了巨大的成功。连续两周高美国专辑排行榜首,并又超过500万张的销量。
    Reckless,also released in late 1984,became a blockbuster success,spending two weeks at the top of the U.S.album charts and selling over five million copies.
  • 旋毛线虫,毛线虫一种小型细长的寄生线虫(旋毛线虫毛线虫属),寄生在各种哺乳动物的肠内,幼虫在血液中运动,定在肌肉中间
    A small, slender parasitic nematode worm(Trichinella spiralis) that infests the intestines of various mammals and whose larvae move through the bloodstream, becoming encysted in muscles.
  • 很奇怪他然设法招摇撞骗闯过所有难关。
    It's queer that he managed to bluff his way through all the difficulties.
  • 吻部钝圆并长很多牙齿的几种小型群的鲸类哺乳动物。
    any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth.
  • 多数身上有毛的昆虫,包括群和独的种类。
    any of numerous hairy-bodied insects including social and solitary species.
  • 在其它腹足动物的弃壳中小型软体海生甲壳动物。
    small soft-bodied marine crustaceans living in cast-off shells of gastropods.
  • 有关脱水生活现象著名的例子是,掩埋在中国东北据说已有两千年历史的泥炭沼泽中的莲子籽然能发芽。
    A classic example of this phenomenon of anhydrobiosis is that the germination of lotus seeds found buried in a peat bog in the north-eastern China, where they reputedly had survived for more than 2000 years.
  • 我的邻穿著晨衣去上班. 真不可思议!
    My neighbour wears his dressing-gown to work. The mind boggles!
  • 波希米亚人波希米亚本地人或
    A native or inhabitant of Bohemia.
  • 然腆着脸要更多钱。
    He had the boldness to ask for more money.
  • 然有脸跟我要钱。
    He have the boldness to ask me for money.
  • 玻利维亚的本地人或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Bolivia.
  • 住在巴拉圭和波利维亚的北美印第安人。
    a member of the South American people living in Paraguay and Bolivia.