Chinese English Sentence:
  • 这些新政使抗日力量无限地提高,巩固政府的基矗
    They will add immeasurably to our strength for resisting Japan and consolidate the government's foundations.
  • 第二十九军的全体爱国士团结起来,反对妥协退让,实行坚决抗战!
    Patriotic officers and men of the 29th Army, unite! Oppose compromise and concessions and conduct resolute armed resistance!
  • 一旦国家遭受侵略,中国依照宪法和法律,坚决进行抵抗。
    In the event of aggressions, China will resolutely resist in accordance with the Constitution and laws.
  • 在这些管辖区域,被告会很难排除dna证据,虽然对它可采性的艰难挑战仍旧会不容怀疑的继续着,至少在不远的来如此。
    Defendants in these jurisdictions will have a harder time suppressing DNA evidence, although stiff challenges to its admissibility will undoubtedly continue, at least for the near future.
  • 我今天发言的第二个目的是向大家展示更多的证据,我们把我们已经得知的伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器的消息,以及伊拉克与恐怖分子之间的关系公布于众,这同样是1441号决议的和其它更早的决议的内容之一。
    My second purpose today is to provide you with additional information, to share with you what the United States knows about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction as well as Iraq's involvement in terrorism, which is also the subject of Resolution 1441 and other earlier resolutions.
  • 咱们此决议提请会议表决吧.
    Let's put the resolution to the meeting.
  • 他们把这个议案交大会决定。
    They'll put the resolution to the meeting.
  • 法庭对该证据的可被接受性进行裁决。
    The court will decide on the admissibility of the evidence.
  • 如果其他手段均失败,我们就诉诸武力。
    If other means fail , we shall resort to force.
  • 他的名字万古流芳。
    His name will resound through ages.
  • 他的名字被整个时代称颂。
    His name will resound through the ages.
  • 我们很快又小册子出了个自由版,红、白、蓝三色装饰得漂漂亮亮,并以一句响亮的“主救吾王”作为结束语。
    We speedily produced a liberal edition of the pamphlet, tricked out prettily in red, white and blue, and ending with a resounding "God Save the King".
  • 人力资源部说有四个雇员要被解雇。
    the Human Resource Department says that four employees will be laid off.
  • 他在大半个世纪中,指挥了无数次战役战斗,九处负伤,屡建战功,以足智多谋的“独目军”闻名于世。
    Later he commanded countless campaigns and engagements and was wounded at least nine more times. He performed outstanding military exploits and became famous as the resourceful one-eyed general.
  • 教育部长张志贤准不久前于华文教师总会成立45周年纪念晚宴兼新会所开幕仪式上,言简意赅地阐明了华文教师不啻是知识传授者,亦兼负文化传承者的重任的真知灼见,可谓一针见血,笔者深有同感。
    Chinese language teachers should not be just concerned with imparting knowledge. They should also assume the important responsibility of passing on the values of Chinese culture to their students. I understand and share the sentiments of Education Minister Rear-Admiral Teo Chee Hean, when he spelt out the Chinese language teachers' roles at the dinner for the 45th anniversary of the Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union and the opening of the new office recently.
  • 教育部长张志贤准不久前于华文教师总会成立45周年纪念晚宴兼新会所开幕仪式上,言简意赅地阐明了华文教师不啻是知识传授者,亦兼负文化传承者的重任的真知灼见,可谓一针见血,笔者深有同感。
    Chinese language teachers should not be just concerned with imparting knowledge. They should also assume the important responsibility of passing on the values of Chineseculture to their students.I understand and share the sentiments of Education Minister Rear-Admiral Teo Chee Hean, when he spelt out the Chinese language teachers' roles at the 45th anniversary dinner cum official opening of the office of the Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union recently.
  • 1795年,年轻的波拿巴军接连不断地向巴黎民众开炮,我们可敬的上层阶级把这种炮击叫做“一小阵葡萄弹雨”。
    The young general Bonaparte's pounding of the Paris mob to pieces in 1795 called in playful approval by our respectable classes "the whiff of grapeshot".
  • 文件上说,中央情报局局长凯西、司法部长米斯、白宫幕僚长里甘,以及海军官波因戴克斯特本人“都不折不扣地参与了这一危险的行动。”
    It (the document) says William.J.Casey, the Director of Central Intelligence; Attorney General Edwin Meese 3d; Donald T.Regan, the Chief of Staff, and Admiral Poindexter himself "are all fully on board this risky operation."
  • 另一件给我留下深刻印象的事是中国海军领郑和在世纪就远洋航行,那时我的国家还未被欧洲人发现。
    Well,the other thing that is always striking me about China is the Chinese admiral Zhenhe who sailed in the 1400s before my country was discovered by the Europeans.
  • 此即张志贤准讲的华文教师在这方面扮演的角色是任重而道远的意思。
    That's what Rear-Admiral Teo meant when he said that Chinese language teachers had a heavy responsibility and a long-term mission to fulfill.
  • 三月份,大卫和他的小帆船闲逛者号代表美国参加了在英国举行的著名的夏季海军上杯帆船竞赛。
    In March, David and his sloop, Idler, qualified to represent the United States at this summer's prestigious Admiral's Cup in Britain.
  • 皮尔斯·布罗斯南的第一部007电影《黄金眼》脚本即因美国军方反对一名叛变的美国海军上这一角色而被迫修改,也许是认为法国人不会介意,这位叛变者变成了法国海军的一名海军上,从而保证了美国军方的支持。
    The original script for Pierce Brosnan's first outing as 007, GoldenEye, had to be changed when military brass objected to the character of a treacherous US admiral. Perhaps sensing the enjoyment the French get out of being offended, the traitor became an admiral in the French Navy instead. US military support was assured.
  • 那位舰队司令说,该舰队在北大西洋公约组织的演习中同美国空军密切配合。
    The Admiral said that the fleet would be working hand in hand with the US Air Force on the NATO exercise.
  • 八月三十日,海军少夏悫爵士率领英国太平洋舰队抵港,成立临时军政府。
    On August 30, Rear Admiral Sir Cecil Harcourt arrived with units of the British Pacific Fleet to establish a temporary military government.
  • 上校美军海军或海岸警备队的经过委任授予的军衔,位居海军中校之上海军少之下
    A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above commander and below rear admiral.
  • 在西班牙-美国战争(1898)战争里的一次海军战斗;海军上杜威领导下的美国舰队战胜西班牙舰队。
    a naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898); the American fleet under Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish fleet.
  • (1754-1817)英国上;当1789年全体船员叛变的时候,他是英国船恩惠号上的船长。
    (1754-1817) British admiral; was captain of the H.M.S. Bounty when the crew mutinied in 1789.
  • 海军工升起信号旗,命令所有船只与敌人接火。
    The admiral ran up a signal ordering all ships to close with the enemy.
  • 这位海军上写了一本有关他海上阅历的书。
    The admiral have write a book about his experience on the sea.
  • 这位海军上写了一本有关他海上阅历的书
    The admiral has written a book about his experience on the sea
  • 对你所遇的人给予恭敬的微笑,你会吃惊地发现这使他们怎样地迷惑不解。
    Respectfully smile at everyone you see, you'll be surprised at how that will confuse those you meet.
  • 旗舰在舰上悬挂海军官旗帜的舰只;旗舰
    A ship carrying the flag of an admiral; a flagship.